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Everything posted by rugk

  1. No you can't remove it manual in a normal way (except of uninstalling ESET completly of course). Well... I think this is true. You can see this in the Wikipedia article quite well.
  2. Yeah it works very great with default settings, but feel free to go through the settings and look what you can adjust. So you can explore all the possibilities of ESET NOD32. E.g. if you are an experienced computer user, you can change the HIPS mode (to interactive) that will let you control almost all activities on your system.* But if you don't like to get bothered by allow/block-messages, you'd better let it in automatic mode. * BTW on ESS you can do something similar with the firewall.
  3. This is maybe because you have a quite old VSD version. Additionally there was just released a big update that stressed the update servers a bit (read more in this topic) and for this reasons some users don't get updates at the last week. So I can only suggest you to try to update later and keep hitting the update button a few times. This may resolve your issue.
  4. I think we all know about the PUA (also called PUS or PUP) on Windows - these are e.g. "downloaders" that install toolbars or change your browser startpage and so on... If you don't know about it then read this before you read the rest of the post: ESET knowledgebase - What is a potentially unwanted application? Virusradar.com - Glossary > PUA More on WeLiveSecurity - Search for PUA A whitepaper - Download PDF But my questions is about mobile devices... What PUA is there on these devices (e.g. on Android devices)? What is the behaviour of these PUA? And no, I don't want deny that there is PUA (also on Google Play), because I already downloaded some apps and EMS detected them as PUA. But the description was the "normal" description that you can give every PUA (on desktop systems). Here is is a screenshot: Because there are many things that these mobile PUA surely won't do. E.g. installs a toolbar without the knowledge of the user - Nobody would get the crazy idea to display a toolbar on the relatively small display on a smartphone. (OK on a tablet it might be something different, but I still think that it would be quite difficult with the Androids sandbox system to infiltrate the toolbar into a browser) Additionally there can't be something like a download manager (with ads and so on) on Android or if it would exists then it would be very impractical, because you would have to install two apk files and then maybe also uninstalling the first apk file. So I can't think that this would be economic to the ones who provide such a PUA, because many users would not complete these circuitous steps. And on Android many (also many popular) apps contain ads, so you can't categorize them as PUA. So what kind of PUA is there on mobile devices? Can you give some examples? What are the differences of these mobile PUA to desktop PUA? Edit: Added screenshot of the description from EMS. Edit2: Changed text and topic title a bit.
  5. OK, so maybe it is an issue with BenQ Display Pilot. I would suggest you to contact BenQ if this issue still persists.
  6. @siljaline and all other experiencing this issue. Maybe this can help? Why do I keep seeing the "ESET requires your attention" notification in my system tray when no action is needed? I think this is the article about the (or a very similar) issue...
  7. The Gamer mode only affects the behaviour of ESS, so it's very strange that you have an issue with your monitor in this case. More information about the Gamer mode: What is Gamer mode in ESET Smart Security / ESET NOD32 Antivirus? Does this also happens when you manually switch to Gamer mode? And you say that the Gamer Mode is automatically activated on login? Do you have a full-screen-application starting automatically at login? You can try disabling automatic switch to Gamer mode and look if this resolves your issue. Yes, this is normal behaviour. (I don't like it neither...)
  8. No sorry this is exactly the same screenshot as I posted before. The rule you selected there is a predefined rule that cannot be created by any firewall mode.
  9. As I recall it was NPS something... If you'd tell me where to look, I'll get the exact rule name? There: And BTW normally there is a predefined rule for this:
  10. Yes very well said! And I can agree with you too...
  11. I think it is not connecting to LiveGrid at every scan - only when needed or maybe in a specific time period. So maybe it is working (and you just don't see it) and you don't have to worry.
  12. That's good, but the screenshot you posted shows only shows the overview over all scan logs. You can double-click the log to show the full information about the scan.
  13. Normally it also don't shows any splash screen. It works silent in the background. But anyway you can see it. If you e.g. run a full scan, at the end the small message "Communication to ESET LiveGrid" shows up, but it also disappears quickly.
  14. @eset So as I see it wouldn't be a bad idea to upgrade the Linux version.
  15. Now a small update, because there seems to be a new shop at the German distributor. (Although the link to the old shop I posted before is still working...) But you can still pay with PayPal, use a bank transfer or even use some other methods. Buy EMS for Android (German Shop) Please note that you can also download the app from Amazon, then you can buy it through Amazon.
  16. For more information see this topic: Smart Security Not Updating Virus Signatures
  17. Here a small feedback for the on-demand-scanning tool ESET SysRescue Live. Bugs: The notifications have a black background. I think this is a bug, but if this is really by design then I would suggest you to change this. (It looks quite silly...) I saw that the icons have a different quality: If you have a screen with an aspect radio 16:9 then it is all stretched, because the source aspect radio is 4:3. That is not such bad, but the real bad thing is that there is no setting to change the format. I wasn't able to find it anywhere! And sometimes there were many drives called "loopN" where N is a number. I also prepared some more screenshots. If a moderator wants to have a look at them then I will send him a PM. If ESET SysRescue Live is started from a USB drive, why not save the configuration? Currently you have to reconfigure it at every start. And why is there still a input for the license data (username & password) if ESET SysRescue Live doesn't need a license anyway? Very useful would be more languages and the possibility to switch the keyboard layout. (maybe let the user select this both at the start of ESET SysRescue) On the product page stand many Windows platform are supported and the kb article says that Windows Vista x64 and Windows 8/8.1 isn't supported yet. Because of this I want to ask whether host-Linux systems and MacOS are supported (for cleaning the threats). And I want to ask whether the new file system ReFS is supported? It is already supported from Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8, so if it isn't supported from ESET SysRescue Live then it may be useful to add this support.
  18. OK, good to know, but a few hours ago (about 12:00 AM UTC-00) I tried to update ESET SysRescue Live and it didn't work.
  19. I think they never use any AV. This would speed them down and also if it's only a bit it would be to much. But the other reasons are quite good and of course there is not only Gamer Mode "missing", but (and I think this is one of the largest arguments) also ESET LiveGrid isn't included in this old version. And about the GUI: I think the GUI of ESET SysRescue Live (which is Linux-based) is quite good (at least it is better than this old GUI from the Windows version of NOD32 3/4).
  20. Like already posted here is the reason: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=ALERT41 And please be patient, I'm sure this will be resolved in the next time.
  21. And again I changed my feedback a bit. At first I added a header I found at the site of an ESET partner and secondly I added a small bug [Edit (2014-09-21)] concerning a setting which can only set at the first start of the app, but afterwards you can't change it anymore.
  22. You can do the update over the top (= without uninstalling the previous version). ESET will remember your settings (inclusive all rules). ESS v 7.0.317 will not automatically push this version out as an update (here called program components update, more information in this post). If you want to update you have to download it manually and then run the installer. But if you aren't having problems you can also use the older version. (Of course if you use ESS < v 7 then I would recommend you to upgrade, but if you already have e.g. v 7.0.302 then you don't have to upgrade) Module updates are downloaded with the VSD updates, but they have nothing to do with the version of the program (e.g. 7.0.317).
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