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Everything posted by rugk

  1. Just my thoughts: I think it is intended that it isn't released as an PCU*, maybe they want to wait until the remaining language version were published. But I also think that they will publish it as a PCU*, because this of course isn't a small update that only provides bug fixes. If they wouldn't do then it can be that many users will stuck at the old version and this wouldn't be nice. * Yes I know that it is more than a program components update, but you know that I mean the publishing through the internal product updater. And just FYI, because I read you should download the offline installer: You can also use the online/live installer. I tested it and it has upgraded ESS v7 to ESS v8 without any problems.
  2. In other words: HIPS should be compatible to Windows 10 (Technical Preview).
  3. @GreyGhost It would be good to post a link to this topic in the emsisoft forum, so that they and future visitors of the forum will know that ESET is working on this.
  4. BTW: There are also multi-device packages available, which you can use with different ESET products and on different devices.
  5. @Arakasi No he can't use ekrn.exe. This won't work. Instead he have to use ecls.exe like I already posted: @WoodGlue And please don't open unnecessary topics and stay in one topic. If you want to edit a post you can do this at the bottom of it and if you want to move a topic please ask a moderator or write it into the topic and a moderator will surely do this for you.
  6. Yes, you also may change the settings of the search engines, so they filter these results. In case of Google you can change the SafeSearch settings and you can even lock it. Please refer to Google(s help) if you have questions about this. We are only an ESET forum so we maybe won't be able to help you about services that not concern ESET. If you still find inappropriate pictures, send these information to ESET and the search engine where you found it, so they can improve the detection.
  7. Yes the file you want to download is surely containing PUA (in the installer I assume). PUA stands for potentially unwanted applications (in German "evt. unerwünschte Anwendungen") and describes a quite harmless software, which isn't real malware, but which can be annoying or - like the name says - unwanted. More about PUA you can find here: ESET knowledgebase - What is a potentially unwanted application? Virusradar.com - Glossary > PUA In the settings of ESS you can activate or deactivate the detection of PUA.
  8. Just FYI this depends on the distributor in your country. Some distributors also offer the real business packages (with ERA) for less than 5 users. Yes, and because of this it won't prompt if you when you select "public network". And AFAIK ESS also remembers the networks that were already defined, so if you don't change your networks very often and they can be recognized as the same network you only have to configure it for every network one time.
  9. The TS still seems to haven't tried it out. If you have and it worked, @hweimer, then please test whether the slow-down gone away.
  10. However you can find the documentation for the command line switch from ESET in the documentation of ESS or online in the knowledgebase: ESET Command Line Scanner Parameters (ecls.exe)
  11. @TJP Please also create a memory dump from ekrn.exe, but 230 MB is not "so much too much", because about around 100 MB are normal. But if you feel that this is an issue you can send this to ESET.
  12. Yes that's why I asked this. There are more and more tablets or convertibles (mix of tablets and netbooks/laptops) and it would be a bummer if ESS don't uses it.
  13. I only heard that ESET Anti-Theft uses WLAN to find out where the device is. Because many laptops have GPS included and there are also tablets/convertibles with Windows 8.x which of course have a GPS receiver. So do you use it?
  14. So what exactly is the problem? The RAM usage and that the location is not exactly? 100 MB +/- 20 MB are normal. 180 MB seems to be a bit too much, but I don't know how many MB is uses when you mark your device as stolen in Anti-Theft, so maybe it is normal or maybe you're right and there is something wrong. Unfortunately I can't tell you something about the other problem. And about computersecurityassociates.com I can nothing say too. I can only assume that they are maybe not interested in improving their website.
  15. About "Antivirus is dead" now there appeared a WeLiveSecurity article. Unfortunately this article only appeared in the German version currently. This is the article: hxxp://www.welivesecurity.com/deutsch/2014/10/02/antivirus-ist-tot-tatsachlich/ And this is the translation by Google Translator: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.welivesecurity.com%2Fdeutsch%2F2014%2F10%2F02%2Fantivirus-ist-tot-tatsachlich%2F&edit-text= And this is the translation by Bing/Microsoft Translator: hxxp://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=de&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.welivesecurity.com%2Fdeutsch%2F2014%2F10%2F02%2Fantivirus-ist-tot-tatsachlich%2F
  16. Well if it sounds like this, ok then for him the first applies. But of course I also want to give an explanation for the people that find this topic from Google or so...
  17. Social platform - I would rather call it a messenger, but with the argument that the contacts also have to use it, you are of course fully right. It is about 1-2 years old, so it isn't such new, but as it is developed in Switzerland it is especially popular in German speaking countries. But they are trying to expand their usage worldwide and so I posted this. The simplest thing is to tell your contacts about Threema and ask them whether they would switch. Only if a few want to switch (or want to use it beside the other messenger temporarily) it is it worth to switch. More news articles: Threema working on a super secure messaging app for Windows Phone Secure mobile messaging with Threema
  18. Thanks @SweX, very good information you found. But could you add the source, so we know where you found it?
  19. Yes, I would do. But I think the ~100MB RAM usage of ESET are very good for an AV. And browsers are something different. They are not running compulsive in the background every time. For me I'm always making a difference of background and foreground processes when observing the RAM usage. But BTT: The only way to get an "average" on the products is to perform the same test several times. Visiting a few websites ONE time will not give them an average, if they do it five times then they can get an average. And same for the other tests. And... how did they do it?
  20. Okay, so you don't recommend it? And this is also the reason why it isn't activated by default. So it maybe only makes a bit sense if you have a fast internet connecting, use Outlook or another email-client and if you accept that it will need more time to download the updates.
  21. @Arakasi Yes nice to see you. @SweX Yes, you're right, but if a computer has not so much RAM and the AV is already using much of it can slow down the complete computer very much. However it is a mixed blessing. If you have less RAM usage you may not have all things in RAM and this can speed down thing, but if you have very much in RAM the RAM usage could be too much. @klv12gcn And based on this it makes more sense - although it is a very unfair sense - too use many RAM if a speed test with a testing tool or something, so that e.g. copying is more fast. However it may be difficult to detect this tools. You don't know how exactly they test it and so we can only speculate. In their test results only stands what they tested: Interesting - 5 samples - ... quite less, aren't they? So if we count: One time visiting a website One time downloading a software On time installing a software Running one program And copying one time (some) data Or how do they mean these 5 "samples"?
  22. OK that's good to hear. However a link would be good, so users visiting this topic know that it is fixed and don't get afraid.
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