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Everything posted by rugk

  1. Oh update. I think I found the really correct kb article. It was not so far away, but it's there: I receive the message that my ESET installation ended prematurely Oh, I really like the ESET knowledgebase. You just have to search correctly and you'll find your solution. But there it indicates that Sirefef could be on the computer, so I would suggest to run a full scan and folow the instructions with the sirefef cleaner.
  2. Okay. Yes the article is not about an installation issue. But about an issue with the driver you mentioned. And because of the fact that only ESS installation is not working (but NOD32 is fine) it stands to the reason that this have to do something with the firewall.
  3. Unfortunately this happen for me too. I was able to "reproduce" the problem. After a restart the tray icon was just gone. ESET Smart Security 8.0.301.0 Here is the proof: But egui.exe was running. When I opend egui with the start menu I saw the normal GUI, but the icon still wasn't there. I could even close the GUI and open it again from the start menu and it was there (but not in the system tray). Another interesting fact is that I was unable to close egui with Shift+Click on close - normally this forces egui.exe to close. (or I tried the wrong key: Ctrl+Click on close - I'm not remembering correctly...) However I created a log with the log collector where the icon wasn't displayed. This log with some additional screenshots I can send a mod when requested. And the good thing at the end: After a restart of the computer (respectively VM) the tray icon was there again.
  4. Great. So the issue is resolved. @pavilion_alex Then just try it again! And mark this topic as "solved".
  5. What happens if you load the XML with use the stand-alone version of SysInspector? You can download the standalone version from the website. Does SysInspector show a(n) (error) message?
  6. @Hekasoft Great. I can only agree to you. I'm quite sure you mean the interactive firewall mode in ESS. Some information about ESET you can find here and in the technology part. PS: Business versions you can find here. They are a bit different, but you can test them too.
  7. Maybe there are issues with your webcam and/or WLAN. It can't be such inexactly! Have you tested it with another laptop and in a bright environment? BTW What is this device? A laptop, tablet, convertible?
  8. But this device state is old. From last week e.g. So you only have to delete the kind of "logs" it displays there.
  9. Ok, from which website you download it? Really from the official website? Not - by change - from softonic?
  10. Ok, I hope you can fix it soon. Do you post it in this topic if it's fixed?
  11. OK, then let the user delete the activity from the incident he selected. Isn't this possible?
  12. It seems I forgot something. 1) If it's not possible it's quite sad, because I can agree to @Jim it would be useful - at least for privacy reasons. (It's maybe not so nice if the data will stay there all the time...) And you can even save storage space at your server! 2) I think I knew what it should mean and I haven't experienced any issues with it, so no need to put it in my feedback. 3) I have nothing against this message (it's not so often I do this test), but I have nothing against to this suggestion too. @Jim Nice feedback. And if you have other ideas or suggestion, you can still expand it.
  13. That's a good attitude in my view. As you see some of them even were sites containing PUA... And to distance yourself from these sites is IMO a good thing. So you're reputation can get better! Maybe I will have a look what software you offer there.
  14. In this forum (which uses HTTPS encrypted connection) there is often a mixed content warning. That means that there are still downloaded some pictures (or something else) through a HTTP connection. And the source for this issue is easy to find. This are the pictures from users that were downloaded e.g. from Twitter (twimg.com), that were downloaded through a HTTP connection. Can you fix this? Because Twitter e.g. is able to use a HTTPS connection for this pictures.
  15. @Hekasoft If you mean this ironic, I can tell you that you could also upload the pictures to your own server (if it's allowed). Or you use an asynchronous loading (if you're not actually doing this), so that at least the main parts of the website load faster.
  16. However if you now have an old version of ESS that's not such good. The newest version of ESS is version 8 actually. Normal the live installer should automatically detect the correct processor version.
  17. @estiven Have you solved your problem now with the offline installer? Do you have version 8 now? What exactly displays the about box? (screenshot recommend)
  18. @MaXimus Yes the files blocked aren't malicious. It is a PUA detection. (You can see this, because the message only shows a orange triangle [and not a red one] and you can test it by temporarily disabling PUA detection. @Hekasoft Yes it is not on your own site where these files are hosted, but it's your site that initiates the download. But you're are generally downloading many files which aren't from your own domain (BTW that is even not good for a fast loading of the web page): Just BTW: The topic title remembered me at this: Operation Windigo: “Good job, ESET!” says malware author
  19. Basically port 80 is the HTTP port. If you're not running a server or something of this then the incoming traffic might be strange. However - Can you reproduce the problem? Does this traffic comes when you do a special action? (I don't really know if this is possible there) But what does the message show to what application does it connect?
  20. @tkmuster2k Never heard of the driver before, but it seems to be a part of the firewall. Here is a kb article about it, maybe this can also resolve the problem: The 'ESET Personal firewall initialization failed' message is displayed, what should I do? But it's good that you were able to solve the problem. @WingsAhoy Generally I would suggest to uninstall ESET (again) with the ESET Uninstaller in save mode. Then try the installation again. Maybe also the kb article above or @tmuster2k's solution helps.
  21. Thanks for sharing. Here is the direct link: https://www.mrg-effitas.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/360-Q2-2014.pdf ESET passed the test, but wasn't certificated (so only "level 3 pass"). But as I see level 3 is still quite good, so nothing to worry. PS: You're post was pinned.
  22. I think not - this topic is in the part ESET Smart Security. However if you want to automatically install this in a company, I suggest you to use the business products of ESET. However he doesn't wants to run a scan (where you're answer would be correct) he wants to install the msi file of ESS. And more accurate he wants to do a silent install where PUA detection and ESET LiveGrid are activated automatically. So now to my answer. Basically you can type in msiexec /help in a cmd window e.g. and have a look at all the commando line parameters for the Windows installer. There is also a commando line list available online. You can e.g. run the install with a /passive switch, so it will only display it's status and the other things will run automatically. Now about the settings you want to configure. I haven't tested the installation in this passive or quiet mode, so I can't promise you that I'm right. About ESET LiveGrid: I think this is should be activated automatically, because in the normal install mode it is activated by default too. About PUA detection: This might be a difficult thing, because in the normal install mode the user will be asked whether he wants to activate this detection or not (nothing is pre-selected/default). So I don't know what option will be activated in the passive install. Maybe you can try to install the MSI with the /passive or /quite. And please provide us with a screenshot if an option "is greyed out" or you have to select something else. Also keep in mind that ESET will maybe just use the configuration/settings from the previous installation, so when ESET is uninstalled you might be delete the registry keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET" and "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ESET", so that all settings will be deleted. If you're running a 64-bit system don't forget the key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ESET"! Especially be careful when deleting something in the registry. I can't provide you any warranty that this all works fine. You do this at your own risk. Only do it when you know what you're doing.
  23. I strongly suggest to PM the log to some admins. Often log files contains sensitive information!
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