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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Detection engine 16297 is the most current one. V16298 is going to be available momentarily; it hasn't been released yet.
  2. BPP will work with any browser but MS Edge. In that case, IE would open as a secure browser. Occasionally new browser versions may not be supported immediately which has happened recently with Chrome v61 when a newer version of the program was required. Normally we add support for newer versions of browsers via a module update.
  3. Basically the only change in was added support for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
  4. I've never had a problem starting gui on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update nor seen reports of such issues. If anybody else has come across such issue and is still experiencing it, let us know.
  5. I don't see any reason why exporting settings from v9/v10 and importing it into v11 wouldn't work if they exist in both versions.
  6. AMS is not a magic thing that will detect and after execution stop all malware that has slipped through other protection layers. Submit it to ESET so that a proper detection is added and that the file is detected and blocked before execution.
  7. No problems here exporting and importing a cfg xml with v11. Did you install v11 from scratch and exported and imported cfg immediately, or you've changed some settings before importing the cfg?
  8. Because we don't want to give users a false sense of security by providing a solution that can be relatively easily circumvented and cause issues for some users at the same time. We use several advanced smart techniques to prevent new borne malware from running in the first place.
  9. This forum does not serve as a channel for reporting undetected samples. Please submit it to ESET as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.
  10. What upgrade reminder do you mean? V11 is the very latest version, we don't offer any program upgrade once you have v11 installed. Please post a screen shot for clarification.
  11. To clarify the discrepancy, "File version" is an internal version of the codebase and does not tell anything about the actual product version. It can be completely different that "Product version" which is the number that actually tells you what version of the product it is.
  12. We already had even v9 compatible with Fall Creators Update before Microsoft released it. It's not that we've been lacking support until v11 is released.
  13. This is not possible. You can enable password protection to prevent unauthorized users from pausing, disabling or uninstalling ESET.
  14. This seems to be a simple feature that enables only allowed applications to make modifications to selected folders. The same can be accomplished with a HIPS rule. My understanding is that the feature would not protect folders from ransomware that injects into or is run by allowed applications, such as VB scripts.
  15. V11 hasn't been announced here since it's not available in most countries yet. Changelog: · NEW :UEFI Scanner · Updated : Connected Home Monitor · Updated : Accessibility improvements - Screen reader software support · NEW : License Manager (my.eset.com) · Updated : Installer and Activation changes · NEW : Product upgrade / Downgrade without re-install · Windows 10 RS3 compatible
  16. Does temporarily disabling real-time protection make a difference? If so, please create a Procmon log as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb6308/. When done, compress the log, upload it to a safe location and pm me the download link.
  17. V10.1.235 was released only as a program (uPCU) update. It has brought support for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
  18. I'd suggest contactig ESET, LLC. In Slovakia, we sell ESET Family Security pack for 4 devices so a mobile phone, Windows and Linux machine is counted as 1 device.
  19. What browser do you use and what bank website did you open? BPP works alright on my Windows 10 Fall Creators Update with v10.1.235 installed.
  20. If that happens and you start gui from the Start menu, does the splash screen appear or not?
  21. Did you contact ESET and provide necessary logs (presumably a Procmon log + cfg) ? It could be that you have an application logging into a large html file which would case it to re-scan every time the log is closed after writing a few bytes. We've already come across such cases and the solution was to exclude that log from scanning. Without investigating the issue and giving up immediately, we will never know what is causing it.
  22. Does the issue persist after a computer restart? Do you update from a mirror of from ESET's servers? If the latter, do you update directly or via a proxy? Does switching to pre-release updates make a difference? If not, does upgrading to the latest version of Endpoint 6.6 make a difference?
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