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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Please post a screen shot of that message so that we know the context in which it is displayed.
  2. Also disk / file system corruption can have the same effect.
  3. As far as I know, as of Fall Creators Update Microsoft dropped support for systems with "Clover Trail" Intel Atom processors.
  4. If you have Device Control integrated (it is not by default), then edevmon.sys must exist on the disk where it's installed during install, otherwise the computer won't boot even in safe mode if the driver was not properly unregistered from the registry. For instance, this could happen if one removes ESET in safe mode by deleting the files only. As for the linked driver, I have no clue what it's supposed to fix nor what version it was intended for. You should not replace drivers unless you are instructed by support to do so.
  5. It is expected behavior that CloudCar is detected. It means that communication with LiveGrid servers works alright. As for the high cpu utilization, please create a Procmon log as per https://support.eset.com/kb6308. Let it capture at least 2-3 minutes during which cpu is heavily utilized by ekrn.exe. When done, compress the pml log and upload it to a safe location. Then also collect logs with ELC and provide me with both files or download links to the files.
  6. Startup scans are run when the system starts and after a module update. Because of that, if you are experiencing perpetual disk utilization, it shouldn't be caused by startup scans. Please provide us with a Procmon log from time when the issue occurs for further investigation.
  7. Please post in English and provide as much details as possible. Unfortunately, your post is too vague and we don't know what you mean.
  8. Please provide a Procmon log generated as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb6308. Capture operations for about 2-3 minutes, then stop it and compress the generated pml log before providing it to us for perusal.
  9. Please provide us with the memory dump generated during a crash. I've searched for "IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE" in existing tickets to no avail except issues on older OS caused by a bug in Windows Filtering Platform that was addressed by this hotfix: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2664888/computer-stops-responding-when-you-run-an-application-that-uses-the-wi.
  10. Both http://help.eset.com and https://help.eset.com work, I've just tested it to make sure.
  11. I'd check if ekrn.exe is running and if there are no records of crashes in the system event log. Are you able to open the gui from the Start menu?
  12. The url is accessed by C:\Users\Ja........ain\AppData\Roaming\BitTorrent\BitTorrent.exe. If you don't want to block it, you can add the url to the list of allowed addresses.
  13. The website doesn't appear to be blocked. Please report the block to ESET as per the instructions in the FAQ section at the right-hand side of this forum. Since this forum does not serve as a channel for reporting url blocks, we'll draw this topic to a close.
  14. ESET CyberSecurity for Mac does not contain Banking and payment protection. I'm not sure if it would be even technically possible to have it on Mac.
  15. Regarding BlueBorne, we would probably need to check what version of Bthpan.sys is installed on Windows systems. Currently Endpoint does not include patch management. As for Androind, I'm not sure if it'd be technically possible to check if a device is vulnerable.
  16. Currently Webcam protection is only included in consumer products.
  17. Check the Filtered websites log to determine what application attempts to access the url.
  18. Please provide me with ELC logs and a Wireshark log from an attempt to update.
  19. No. To resolve a threat, select it in the ERA console (all or multiple ones can be selected at once) and click "Mark as resolved". This will be done automatically as of ERA v7. Basically the threats should be cleaned after running an in-depth scan with strict cleaning but on Windows it can happen that a threat may remain active in memory until the next computer restart.
  20. Please pm me your public license ID as well as the device name as shown in the ELA portal.
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