i checked and got the results
[19:29:30 PM] ESET Log Collector v3.0.4.2 (08-Jun-17) - 64 bit
[19:29:30 PM] Copyright (c) 1992-2017 ESET, spol. s r.o. All rights reserved.
[19:29:30 PM]
[19:34:52 PM] C:\Users\JAWWAD~1\AppData\Local\Temp\elc3D77.tmp
[19:34:52 PM] DONE packing files.
[19:34:52 PM]
[19:34:52 PM] Archive size: 46.56 kB
[19:34:52 PM]
[19:34:52 PM] Removing temp files...
[19:34:52 PM]
[19:34:52 PM] FINISHED
[19:34:52 PM] ==============================
[19:34:52 PM] All files have been collected and archived.