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ESET Management Agent - Is there a way to install using Windows PowerShell?

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We have an RMM software which we use to run patch management and deploy software using various script methods. We'd like to deploy ESET Management Agent to all our company computers via Datto (our RMM system) without having to install the agent manually one by one.


Do ESET provide any PowerShell scripts in order to install the agent in the background without disrupting the end users? We already use ESET Endpoint Security so no need for the Antivirus itself.




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  • Administrators

Haven't tried it myself but something along this line might work:

powershell -command "& {(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://....../PROTECTAgentInstaller.bat', '%temp%\PROTECTAgentInstaller.bat');(Start-process '%temp%\PROTECTAgentInstaller.bat' -NoNewWindow)}"

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ESET Insiders

We use Datto ourselves, and have just created an AIO installer with agent only.

then we create a component in Datto and execute it with following command 

EsetAgent.exe --silent --accepteula

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Does --silent --accepteula work for you guys? I tried several different installers with or without security product, I also tried --silent --accepteula --avr-disable, but none of them seem to work even if I try to run it locally from admin command prompt. There are no error messages, just nothing happens. Are these command line switches supposed to work with live installer exported from ESET Protect Cloud?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately this specific scenarios are not documented, but there should be multiple ways how to deploy ESET Management Agent silently (i.e. preconfigured), and it mostly depends on mechanisms and capabilities of used solution. One can use:

  1. Create all-on-one package installer containing only ESET Management Agent - as an result, deployment of one executable (EXE) file is required in this case, witch specific commandline parameter to perform silent installation
  2. Create script-based live installer (BAT) in the console. Script does not require any parameters.
  3. Use so called GPO script mechanisms - in this case, MSI deployment is used, where parameters to the installer are provided as an external/separate configuration file which has to be copied to target machine side-by-side with standalone MSI installer of ESET Management Agent
  4. Use command-line based installation of ESET Management Agent using it's MSI installer. This requires to prepare command line parameters, which can be easily extracted from previously mentioned GPO installer configuration file.
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