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Eset found a PUA (Win32/Atlas VPN.A) in an .exe I wrote.

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Guest Craig B

Hi, just trying to figure this out.  I created a WPF/.Net Windows program last year in Visual Studio 2019 that simply helps me and my business partner determine the number of shares to get when trading multiple stocks.  It uses MvvmCross (https://github.com/MvvmCross/MvvmCross) and we're only running it as a portable install locally on our computers.

Today I got a warning from ESET saying "A potentially unwanted application (Win32/AtlasVPN.A) was found in a file on your computer."

The "file" is the executable for my little program which was last modified in October, 2021.  The PUA is apparently a free VPN service which I haven't been able to find any reference to myself (on disk, in the program files or within GitHub).  This VPN service is also not a program I have ever downloaded or installed.

When I get the time, I may try recompiling my program to see if the detection continues but, until that time, I thought I'd ask how this may have occurred.  I obviously don't want to have ESET clean my own program, but I also would like to understand the detection before I exclude the file from detection.



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  • ESET Moderators


As a complete guess, I would imagine that the program you created shares some similarities to how the potentially unwanted application behaves. 

The best suggestion I have is to report it to ESET's threat lab by following the instructions in https://support.eset.com/en/kb141-submit-a-virus-website-or-potential-false-positive-sample-to-the-eset-lab and they can examine it and take any needed steps.


Aryeh Goretsky

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Guest Craig B

Thank you both!  As an IT guy I did a lot of searching first (including here), but the link posted by Marcos didn't exist yet.

I do love how fast ESET was on this!  Yet another reason I've used them for as long as I have and why they are recommended to our clients. 🙂👍

Craig B.

P.S., I will add that the Captcha this forum uses is VERY annoying!  I've had to do it multiple times on both posts in this thread! 🙄

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1 hour ago, Guest Craig B said:

I will add that the Captcha this forum uses is VERY annoying!  I've had to do it multiple times on both posts in this thread! 🙄

This is because you logged on as Guest. Create a forum account and and post your queries in the appropriate forum section and you won't see the Captcha again.

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