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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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eset corp for eset 8 




you add 



new anti hacker evation 

new anti spy evation 

new anti malwere or adware spyware or rootkit evation

new anti program hidding evation 

(new anti trick copy program name evation = some virus use the same name of the original program to hide and be undetected  )

anti exploit evation detection

anti pid program evation 

better details in network= port ,atack ,name ,name of the atack ,date , trafic ect 

anti firewall evation atack or bypass or brute force 

anti evation web cirber atack and spam technology detection 

anit evation subdomain and domain web detection infection or atack 

anti evation hips technologie

anti evation botnet detection 

anti evation scanning tecnologie =some virus use trick tecnique to evate bean scaned and detected

anti evation intrution prevention


add prevent hakers crash eset drivers to gain access and make eset not work 

add any display atack or detection

anti keyloger evation and mouse 

add prevent hakers clone your pc mac adress or ip 

add vulneravility scan and what section on the windows are and be protected and show detail 

https anti evation vulneravility or brute force or hijack 


that all the ideas eset you can do better you know it lol 



thank you 



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I wrote it somewhere in this forum but I think I will say it again.When you do a scan and something is found,tell the user directly what it is,not first at the end of the scan.For example Eset found a PUP but detect it as kind of Malware in the scanner window.You don't know what it is before the scan ends.I would like to sort the kind of things more when Eset detect someting.Like categories: Virus/Malware,PUP,Adware,Spyware.


Emsisoft does that perfect imo.

Edited by Margos
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when ESS is  compatible with thunderbird?i uninstall for this!

That's very sad. But ESET still scans your Thunderbird mails for malware.


For more information see this topic: Thunderbird Ver.31 Disables Eset Addon

Edited by rugk
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I concur with a previous post the system tray icon definitely needs a "run update" added to its context menu!


In my suggestion you could customize the tray menu like you want and so also "update VSD database" could be added there by yourself.

See more at tray menu options poll

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hi eset corp i am here to give you a new ideas to state better secure 



for eset 8 


1. add in the section of the firewall firewall sharing or access  to aceess any game to host with hamachi or other program to play with steam with a friend hosting this firewall block that and there is no way to fix it 


2.add a rapid respond display notification = for example if a haker is tracing you or is scanning any port on your pc eset detect and say for example unknow port scanning secction web port 12 for example 

or if is a haker some is trying to break the section of remote port 75 for example  or is is any echo atacks or atacks or dos atack 


3.add a inteligent AI web detection =for all sections 


4 add a inteligent AI firewall defend = anti bypass and defend


5 windows firewall cant be change eset lock it  the windows 8.1 firewall there is not way to change any setting fix that 


6 eset 8 disable  windows smart screen  on windows 8.1 fix that 


7add a new feature to make a strong security vpn with eset only = is mean you will make a vpn with eset to be better protected  


8.add SSL AI web protection =SSL is vulnerable 


9.add Hips AI protection and fast detection


10.scan Ai detetion extreme focus and all methos and unknow methos to detect any hidden virus that  trick the anti virus to be hidden or not be discovered 


11. add a new feature in the network conection= this methos will be more secure 


11.add the disconect ports =for example if a unkow program is running and is connect this new feature will disconect it or you can add to prevent to conect to the port like disable conection to that program or port is connected = this methos can hel to prevent alots of things like any virus or unknow program so you cant deny access to that port or program complete it 


11.add to the network conection to show everithing like port , name of the program ,date host, pid ,name of the atack and atack ,how many tries to atack or access all ip ect 


12 Network AI Inteligent detection ,impection prevention, defend for  rapid detection block and display 



13 pop up block =this new feature will block any pop up not all the web page cant block all pop up 


14 just try a new desing 


15 add mac clone detection or ip clone or name pc detection =this methos will tell you if a hakers is using your mac clone to gain acess using the same clone or ip or name ect 


that all for the moment  you can do better lol 


thank you 

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eset corp you add this new tech   for eset 8 




1.Deep fast  network trafic and pakage impection detection


2.Deep firewall fast firewall impection= some firewall are slow and may slow the pc or network  and affects ping and latency 


3. new Deep AI Rootkit detection = nope rootkit will be escape or hide 


4.new Reinforces the mechanism to prevent  hakers  atacks and damage the drivers of the anti virus or made it not work well atacking the mechanis and made it 100 vulnerable and gain access to the pc  (some hakers use program like virus to erase the anti virus parts to gain access to network drivers 


5.deep web impection sorce codes subdomain domain and full code = this will reduce the risk of bean infected or trick by spam or is the web page full safe 


6 add a new Ai monitor windows screen protection = why this methos because my mom was hack with eset smart  7 and the haker was using the windows screen monitor i dont know how  and delete everithing    reinforce all section and the section of devices and printers 


7 Ai anti stealth protection and deep impection = this new mode will prevent all ways your data bean stolen or encrypted by any virus and stolen


8.add a new windows 9 compavility when is ready 


9 try to organise the feature 


10 try to add more feature in eset tools  log  like 



10 anti stealth tech ,rootkit ,botnet ,ids,  ENHANCED Exploit Blocker , Vulnerability Shield ,Anti-Phishing  or any other that are not listed so you can verifie what is really detecting or what exploit are blocking  ect 


11 try to fix always when you install eset for the first time corrups with nope reason  fix that lol 


that all for the moment lol



thank you  :)   try you best eset (just helping)


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Id like to see an easier way to enter "advanced setup" I think it could do with its own main icon on the main interface, so "home, computer scan, update, setup, advanced setup, tools, help and support"

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Id like to see an easier way to enter "advanced setup" I think it could do with its own main icon on the main interface, so "home, computer scan, update, setup, advanced setup, tools, help and support"


Just press F5 to enter the advanced setup.

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eset corp  for eset 8



new more ideas 



1 new anti bypass engine that protect that any virus or rootkit damage or disable or bypass the security to steal data or eraser the windows  or gain any control of any windows section 


2. new engine vulneravility modem and raouter protection = this mode will protect your modem or raouter from any exploit or bugs or any vulneravility that she have


3.add for the network tools to deny any program that is conected to provide better security  


3.fix network tool send and recive kbs is the program is bean deny that show that is not sending any internet kbs 


3 make sue that network tools display any hiden connection  =some program evade to be discover in network 


4.add to make a strong vpn with the anti virus to have strong security  not all vpn are secure 


4add to show 128bit 256bit 512bit or more highter for the vpn  if you put vpn rigth 


5.better deep impection of running process in tools section  that can analise if the program are 100% secure or is fake 


6.remaster the protection statistic make it more modern


7 add a new running process that you can see all running process and that you can deny or aprove to be running = for example if you dont whant a process running you disable 


8.new AI spy detection =this mode will automatic detect if any browser or anithing else that  is trying to spy or trying to invade privacy 


8.this include cookies webrosers ,pages ,javascrips , flash ,webcam, programs ,images ,plug ins,pop ups, location,all media and audio,framework , network and sharing center and home group ,files and store


that all thank you 



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Is it possible in the next ESS version to add "Remove Threat" or "Select Action" button to a last scan log of each scan type, even if a user did not select any action immediately after the scan was completed and instead rebooted the PC? In this scenario, if ESS removed a threat upon reboot, the Action button would no longer be visible against this threat in the log. If the treat file was later manually moved by a user to another folder, upon selecting an Action the user would get an Error "no file found". Also, a user should be able to select multiple threats from the log to choose a common action.


Now there's a problem with manual threat removal. I scanned my PC yesterday, and got a long list of "potentially unwanted application - action selection postponed until scan completion" records in the Eset Smart Scan Log done with default settings (i.e. Default Cleaning Level - no auto removal of unwanted apps). BUT... there was no way upon scan completion to choose an unwanted app from the log and select an Action!!!


In addition, probably due to ESS yesterday's module update, my PC went to sleep and failed to wake up properly, so I needed to reboot. Upon reboot I could access the last ESS log, BUT... there're again NO ways to select any action (like: Remove) in that Log window or any other window. Why then I did the 2-hour scan, if no ways to do any action after that?

Edited by zamar27
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  • 2 weeks later...

Application dependent Gamer-Mode


ESS and Nod32 already have a gamer-mode, but it is triggered by full-screen applications. Yet there are many full-screen applications which use so few resources that this would be the ideal time for ESET to perform background tasks. Hence I would like to suggest the addition of a application dependent gamer-mode, so we can disable full-screen gamer-mode and still have it activated when it counts.

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Application dependent Gamer-Mode


ESS and Nod32 already have a gamer-mode, but it is triggered by full-screen applications. Yet there are many full-screen applications which use so few resources that this would be the ideal time for ESET to perform background tasks. Hence I would like to suggest the addition of a application dependent gamer-mode, so we can disable full-screen gamer-mode and still have it activated when it counts.


Yes, it's a great idea. But it was already suggested by @TGW with some very nice mockups.

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 The biggest problem with eset is the HIPS the way it's setup by default it doesn't do anything and it does not provide any zero day protection this problem has been there with eset since versions 5,6,7,8 please fix this.



A lot of other security software testers would agree with me that this is something that needs to be fixed.



If you don't believe this is a problem go to youtube.com search for pcsecuritychannel and click on the smart security 8 beta video and smart security 7 video then you will see what am talking about.

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OK, here some points you should know about the statements from the guy from pcsecuritychannel who made this ESS Beta 8 video.

User interface
Yes the GUI hasn't changed so much, but is this a problem - no! Why should they change their GUI with every release - just to have a fancy GUI?
And he infers from the fact that the GUI hasn't changed that their aren't no new features! What's that?
"It doesn't look very different, so there are no new features!"
Only because the GUI doesn't change that doesn't mean that there wouldn't be new features. E.g. the botnet blocker - this is "nothing new"!?

"HIPS modules keep getting bigger and bigger"

[There are the HIPS "modules"] and this keeps getting bigger and bigger with every new release

No that's wrong. With V8 they don't introduced new HIPS features, but - what he seems to forget the whole time - they improved the Exploit Blocker.

"No HIPS rules!"
I'm very sure they have internal rules, but they don't display them in the settings.
And keep in mind that all the "modules" (at the top of the HIPS settings) belong to HIPS. They all work behaviour based!

So it's meaningless to say there wouldn't be behaviour based analysis components. They are there!

"Soo much RAM usage"

[ESET uses] 100 MB of RAM, but it's still fairly high

High? If it would use less RAM it maybe would speed down the system.

Here you can read more about this:

And BTW: In the last few version ESET always used about 100 MB, so the assumption that the final release of ESS v8 would use less RAM is very far-fetched.

Prevention test
Although ESS was quite successful in the test he seems to overlooked something:
from the ESET beta test website

And another thing:

[...] so the moment the URL is on clipboard ESET can block it.

That's cr.ap! Of course they don't block URLs in the clipboard. What sense would this make? To quickly delete the URL from clipboard? :D

Of course ESS doesn't check the clipboard. To understand what is going on you have to look carefully at the message:
from the video

There you can see that the URL that is blocked goes to Bing.com (marked yellow) and the malicious URL is inside the rest (marked orange).
And that's easy to explain: At the time he enters (or copies) the URL Internet Explorer is connecting to Bing to search for search suggestions.
And that is what ESS is blocking, because it saws the malicious URL transmitted to Bing.

This "review" is quite useless. He just ignored all new features in ESS v8, said wrong things, criticizes unimportant things (GUI) and does - although it is maybe disallowed - a malware test with a few samples.

And no - I'm not going to watch the ESS v7 "review" video.

Edited by rugk
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I use HIPS "Smart Mode" Plus some manually added basic Reg Protection rules set to "Ask". The issue is when I found a confirmed malicious activity coming from an infected process. And I am asked by HIPS to allow or block this activity, I can perfectly deny it. But it does not mean that the malicious process wil be terminated and move to quarantine, so it won't be able to start again.

In this picture the option if selected, would end and quarantine the pcoess "clt.exe".


Edited by Trauko
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The biggest problem with eset is the HIPS the way it's setup by default it doesn't do anything and it does not provide any zero day protection this problem has been there with eset since versions 5,6,7,8 please fix this.


Smart mode in HIPS is indeed what you're looking for. By default, internal self-defense HIPS rules have always blocked potentially dangerous operations. HIPS is not a magic thing that would block 100% of malicious operations and no legitimate operations.

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Feature Request:


I think it would be great if we could locate a device without having to mark it as lost or stolen. This would allow us to be able to look at the location of the device on a map without having to lock it.


Usage Example: Sometimes I have to drive good distances for work, and my wife would like to check on my progress coming home. It would be easier for her to be able to look at the location of the phone on-line without it being locked. 

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Feature Request:


I think it would be great if we could locate a device without having to mark it as lost or stolen. This would allow us to be able to look at the location of the device on a map without having to lock it.


Usage Example: Sometimes I have to drive good distances for work, and my wife would like to check on my progress coming home. It would be easier for her to be able to look at the location of the phone on-line without it being locked. 

Sorry, but this is not the sense of ESET Anti-Theft.

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Feature Request:


I think it would be great if we could locate a device without having to mark it as lost or stolen. This would allow us to be able to look at the location of the device on a map without having to lock it.


Usage Example: Sometimes I have to drive good distances for work, and my wife would like to check on my progress coming home. It would be easier for her to be able to look at the location of the phone on-line without it being locked. 

Sorry, but this is not the sense of ESET Anti-Theft.



Maybe, but many other "anti-theft" services from other AV vendors provide this functionality that I suggested ESET adopt. 

Locking the device would still be an option, and could work just as it does now. This would just add the option to locate the device. 

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Finally! eset you are catching up with zero day protecion by putting in smart mode in your HIPS for version 8 all you need to do now is improve it to make it more responsive and enable it by default.

Edited by mark.fox7768
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