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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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That design will not fit in nicely with the rest of the checkboxes check/uncheck in the advanced setup tree.


But I don't think they will spend time on re-designing now when they are working on a new GUI, and the advanced setup tree as it looks today might be replaced with something that looks different in the new GUI design where the settings for advanced users are located. We'll see.

Edited by SweX
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Description: Add an option to Internet Banking 

Detail: I would like to be added to the new version of ESET SS, additional protection in the hour that we perform banking transactions, which when entering these sites, we had an additional protection, such as the keyboard, a portfolio to add passwords, etc. .. 



Description: A new interface (urgent) 

Detail: I miss a modern interface for ESET, year in and out and the interface remains virtually the same, I'd love to see a new interface 



Description: Scanning Options 

Detail: I would really like scanning options were clearer: quick scan, full scan, custom scan, scan at boot options in my opinion this version are very incomplete and for people with less knowledge may hinder 



Description: Option to completely exit the ESET 

Detail: I have an option to exit the software, not just pause protection in 1 hour eg 


Description: Sandbox 

Detail: An option for virtualization programs 


Description: Option to detect the malware to exclude him. 

Detail: I believe that does not have this option yet, if you ignore, to detect some malicious item that has the potential to exclude direct, not send to Quarantine, it loses a lot of time and bother sometimes 


When it releases a new version with these new? 



I hope these tips can be added, I'm sorry miss them and some colleagues tambémque use ESET. Thank you

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It seems i always have to reply to this stuff because it drives me crazy.

IT would behoove future onlookers to take a look and read through these articles :


ESET already protects you during banking and the safe money and banking junk thrown in other programs are a false sense of protection:


Interface really has nothing to do with security, and ease of usage is the best kind of interface regardless of what changes are made and across what span of time.

However i agree every once in a while changing it up a little and adding a few nice images helps keep it interesting. :)

I don't understand what is so complicated about Smart scan(its smart because it skips files that have already been scanned before and have not changed since last scan) In-depth (it is exactly that a very detailed long and thorough scan)

I think the other programs that have quick and full are misleading and their quick scans could contain less files and less areas, which is not very helpful when you are hunting for malware. I'm sorry but you cant be quick about removing malware and expect to be clean. PERIOD.


I agree highly that a sandbox feature would be rather useful, however i use sandboxie already. :lol:


ESET already has exclusions options on detections. Just not web, its either disconnect or not. You get exclusions when its on a disk level and where its possible to exclude. Web exclusions can be in the form of domain or IP already in the advanced setup of ESET.


Thanks for reading, i hope i helped with understanding this stuff :rolleyes:

Edited by Arakasi
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Add an option to Internet Banking

If you want to an on-screen-keybord just enter "osk.exe" in the start menu (Windows 7) or in the box that appears if you press Windows key+R.

And there are many other programs for saving passwords in a password safe.


Option to completely exit the ESET

Why you should do something? Actually you can pause the protection until the next restart.



This was already suggested.


Option to detect the malware to exclude him.

You can already exclude files or folders in the options.

Edited by rugk
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Description: Scanning Options 

Detail: I would really like scanning options were clearer: quick scan, full scan, custom scan, scan at boot options in my opinion this version are very incomplete and for people with less knowledge may hinder.


It's already there - quick scan of all drives = Smart scan. Quick scan of the stuff loaded in memory = startup scan or selecting Operating memory as a target in the on-demand scanner setup. Boot scan = startup scan. Custom scan=custom scan.

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Eset Online Scanner was not upgraded from a long time, it is necessary to upgrade more often, to introduce new malware detection technologies and for be more powerful at threat detection.


Ehm, ESET Online Scanner is just a simple on-demand scanner. It won't use sandbox or whatever to protect you from malware in real-time or when browsing on the web. Its purpose is to scan the computer for known malware in the same way as the on-demand scanner integrated in ESET's products does.

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Description: Add an option to Internet Banking 
Detail: I would like to be added to the new version of ESET SS, additional protection in the hour that we perform banking transactions, which when entering these sites, we had an additional protection, such as the keyboard, a portfolio to add passwords, etc. .. 
Description: A new interface (urgent) 
Detail: I miss a modern interface for ESET, year in and out and the interface remains virtually the same, I'd love to see a new interface 
Description: Scanning Options 
Detail: I would really like scanning options were clearer: quick scan, full scan, custom scan, scan at boot options in my opinion this version are very incomplete and for people with less knowledge may hinder 
Description: Option to completely exit the ESET 
Detail: I have an option to exit the software, not just pause protection in 1 hour eg 
Description: Sandbox 
Detail: An option for virtualization programs 
Description: Option to detect the malware to exclude him. 
Detail: I believe that does not have this option yet, if you ignore, to detect some malicious item that has the potential to exclude direct, not send to Quarantine, it loses a lot of time and bother sometimes 
When it releases a new version with these new? 
I hope these tips can be added, I'm sorry miss them and some colleagues tambémque use ESET. Thank you


Good morning,





If your computer is clean for keyloggers, (and any other type of malware) and your browser is not hi-jacked in some way, and you connect to the bank via HTTPs the so called "banking mode" is redundant.


I agree even if I have no use for it a Sandbox can be useful.


A new GUI is already in the works.


Exiting=shutting down the whole program sounds too dangerous, people can easily forget to turn it on in time before something  tries to sneak in.


Regarding the different scanning "modes" its already quite clear what they do.


Exclusions can already be made very easily in the program.

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eset corp this ideas are for eset 8 the strongest and most powerful anti virus 





Enhanced Malware protection

Enhanced  anti stealh tecnology 

Enhanced super anti rootkit  protection and detection 

Enhanced  inteligent firewall anti bypass 

Enhanced  ultimate detection incriptions for extreme higt detection for any virus bot rootkit malwre  adware or program incripted and hide will be detected 

Enhanced memory protection 

Enhanced  hardrive protection

Enhanced  motherboard protection

Enhanced  hips full protection and detection for any manipulation 

Enhanced super anti spam protection and prevention and detection (in real time)

Enhanced  new powerfull intrution prevention detection =detect all ataks in real time 

Enhanced  secction to scan only rootkit or super rootkit 

Enhanced  super pro anti spyware  super detection

Enhanced  super self defense  block all hakers 

Enhanced  super  exploid bloker 

Enhanced  SSL 

Enhanced  anti keyloger 

Enhanced  anti all spy methos 

Enhanced  anti brute force network 

Enhanced  real time network detection 

low inpact memory and cpu 

new desing more profecional 

new foresic inpector  analise all programs and registry hidden running and instale 

Enhanced  file protection

Enhanced  document protection

Enhanced  web protection

Enhanced  super scan 





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eset corp this ideas are for eset 8 the strongest and most powerful anti virus 


Enhanced Malware protection

Enhanced  anti stealh tecnology 

Enhanced super anti rootkit  protection and detection 

Enhanced  inteligent firewall anti bypass 

Enhanced  ultimate detection incriptions for extreme higt detection for any virus bot rootkit malwre  adware or program incripted and hide will be detected 

Enhanced memory protection 

Enhanced  hardrive protection

Enhanced  motherboard protection

Enhanced  hips full protection and detection for any manipulation 

Enhanced super anti spam protection and prevention and detection (in real time)

Enhanced  new powerfull intrution prevention detection =detect all ataks in real time 

Enhanced  secction to scan only rootkit or super rootkit 

Enhanced  super pro anti spyware  super detection

Enhanced  super self defense  block all hakers 

Enhanced  super  exploid bloker 

Enhanced  SSL 

Enhanced  anti keyloger 

Enhanced  anti all spy methos 

Enhanced  anti brute force network 

Enhanced  real time network detection 

low inpact memory and cpu 

new desing more profecional 

new foresic inpector  analise all programs and registry hidden running and instale 

Enhanced  file protection

Enhanced  document protection

Enhanced  web protection

Enhanced  super scan 



Enhanced  hardrive protection

Enhanced  motherboard protection ??? Protection against dust or what? I understand we shouldn't take everything seriously and make fun from time to time but please be serious when posting suggestions as this is not the right place for fun.

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Haha oh lawdy.

I cant stop laughing, im so sorry.

Enhanced dust protection. Click submit in the advanced section. Cpu fan integration. 100% rpm.

Dust doesnt stand a chance.

Please dont kill me for that haha.

Respectfully these options are not warranted.

lol dust protection.

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What is super rootkit for 500 Bob.

Super detection with super spyware super protection for 1000 Bob

What is the technology for block all hakers ?

. :D

Edited by Arakasi
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You've said what you think needs to be improved or added several times already there is no need to repeat it every week. Thanks  ;)

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Description: Add to exclusions in Computer scan Action list.
Detail: Users may wish to keep some files that ESET Smart Security detects as PUAs or threats during Computer scan. There are only three options in Actions to choose from: Clean, Delete, No action. 

I suggest to add a fourth option: Set action to Add to exclusions




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1. ESET shows very low false-positive ratio however Real-time file system protection 'default setting' should not quarantine detected items automatically.
2. Maybe non-advanced user hard to find real-time file system protection detected item cleaning option. (It's under the ThreatSense engine parameter setup)
I hope that detected items cleaning option is moved to real-time file system protection setting menu.

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1. why not?  


Quarantining a file is not the same as deleting the file. One can't expect non experienced users to know how to handle a detection. Today the users will see a popup saying "Win32.Trojan....quarantined" there's no question like "allow, block, remove, clean, quarantine etc.." involved at all. And that is the safest way to do it having the user in mind. One should keep the "user dependent" popups to a minimum when it comes to threat detections for several reasons.


So incase of a FP users can restore quarantined items from the quarantine.


I know for a fact that my neighbour for example would call me every singel time asking for advice what he should do unless a threat is quarantined automatically.


But i'm curious to hear what you think is a better way, if threats should not be quarantined automatically...what is better and safer for the user? Asking the user is not a better or safer way IMO.


Edit: For example vendors having too much of the yellow (user dependent) detections in the AV-C RWPT are working to minimize that in their products making them more automatic resulting in a more user friendly and easier to use product: hxxp://chart.av-comparatives.org/chart1.php

Edited by SweX
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ESET ta think going by a very good way but lacking some things that could make it better if adicionassem the following options: 
Improve Firewall is very important to have a good firewall and I think that ESET is not yet at the level of the other antivirus much you can improve, such as adding IP blacklisting. what is this? Simple! When a malicious program is detected in your computer, although it is obfuscated if ESET detects 1xx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP, and that IP finds the black list is blocked and neutralized by ESET, basically the IP black listing serves to block malicious programs whose PIs present in the black list are hackers or invasadores and so will be easily blocked with ip blacklist 
Another point is the rapid analysis ESET does not have an option for quick analysis, intelligent takes almost 30 minutes or 1 hour, a quick scan only serves to verify the paths where the virus constumam normally install, a quick search was ideal also .. 
One thing I would think is very good at eset Camfeting(VERY GOOD and Important) what's this? is an option to prevent hackers or attackers to view your webcam, hackers, intruders, hackers always like to see who is behind the monitor, and that this option would do is tell the user that Program X in X folder you trying to view this your webcam, al the user decides whether to block or allow access to the same, may also create a blacklist of malicious programs try to access the webcam, and also could add a option and exclusions could come already configured to allow viewing the webcam on Skype , Hotmail, Facebook, ooVoo, and other well known programs .. the rest is left to the user to add exclusions. 
On the firewall I'm feeling a lack of resolve hostsnames and IP and Port .. Firewall lot that will be very useful, should also add the following categories to be able to view the firewall 
- Open Ports (sample open ports on your computer, and the programs that are using IP, port, the Directorate and if possible the parents where they come from) 
- Network Traffic (very useful to know which program is using too much bandwidth is much easier to detect malware that is connected to our PC, and you can add a black list to the right) 
- Blocked Computers (Sample the IP block can unlock or lock all or allowing for X minutes or hours) 
One thing that is lacking in ESET is segure payments via banks who uses Online like me, you always have extra security although it is useless, it's always good to have more security .. The Eset does not have a secure wallet or a safe keypad. 
There is a useful thing, that should also add that ESET is blocking changes in the mouse settings .. Yes. Many hackers try to change the right side of the mouse to the left side .. How so? example some hackers use programs to change the options on the right side to the left side of the options on the left go to the right, and the right pass options to the left .. many hackers use it to hinder the person handling the computer, as such ESET could block or warn X user that a program is trying to change the computer settings .. 
Pages of fright or broken, many hackers in malicious programs try to open scary exorcist type pages, or others .. ESET could have a black list .. also to block and prevent Hackers enjoy with our face .. 
I also feel the lack of a Network Monitor, showing basically the reports Firewall and internet connections could show how much was used in 6 months or 3 months .. and 1 week .. It is very useful. 
Many Hackers use crypters made ​​in visual basic 2006 (VB6) most crypters are made by amateurs is ai or novice is almost always done in this program that is most ideal crypters then was trying to find some way to block or find that was encrypted. 
It remains to add one thing that many antivirus ignore! Yes .. ADWARE Adware is in websites installers, these adware modify our home page and add extensions and create files in the Windows registry and modify the htdocs changing the home page of the browser and the search engine would be the ideal eset invent something which does not allow such a thing .. it is very annoying Adware is a plague is also considered an intruder and a persistent virus! Many antivirus does not bind to it .. Few care but the truth is that this is becoming more persistent and ended up finding on several websites for download. 
Summarizing the ESET needs to improve in the following sections (and maybe add more options or better
- Firewall (would be nice to add ESET flags of countries on the firewall, but detected programs or open should be sampled where the connection comes from parents that .. Basically ESET would make a Lookup IP and route of parents who come to connect .. (ex : China, HongKong or Holland)
- Search Engine Malware
- Network Monitor (connections, protocols, ports and the like) 
- Secure Payments (Online Banking, Insurance Payments) 
- Camfeting 
- Analyze Malware in Memory (improvement is not always removed the virus when it is persistent, although most cases are detected does not get to remove when it is persistent)
- Quick Review
Edited by JNCx8
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ESET ta think going by a very good way but lacking some things that could make it better if adicionassem the following options: 
Improve Firewall is very important to have a good firewall and I think that ESET is not yet at the level of the other antivirus much you can improve, such as adding IP blacklisting. what is this? Simple! When a malicious program is detected in your computer, although it is obfuscated if ESET detects 1xx.xxx.xxx.xxx IP, and that IP finds the black list is blocked and neutralized by ESET, basically the IP black listing serves to block malicious programs whose PIs present in the black list are hackers or invasadores and so will be easily blocked with ip blacklist 
Another point is the rapid analysis ESET does not have an option for quick analysis, intelligent takes almost 30 minutes or 1 hour, a quick scan only serves to verify the paths where the virus constumam normally install, a quick search was ideal also .. 
One thing I would think is very good at eset Camfeting(VERY GOOD and Important) what's this? is an option to prevent hackers or attackers to view your webcam, hackers, intruders, hackers always like to see who is behind the monitor, and that this option would do is tell the user that Program X in X folder you trying to view this your webcam, al the user decides whether to block or allow access to the same, may also create a blacklist of malicious programs try to access the webcam, and also could add a option and exclusions could come already configured to allow viewing the webcam on Skype , Hotmail, Facebook, ooVoo, and other well known programs .. the rest is left to the user to add exclusions. 
On the firewall I'm feeling a lack of resolve hostsnames and IP and Port .. Firewall lot that will be very useful, should also add the following categories to be able to view the firewall 
- Open Ports (sample open ports on your computer, and the programs that are using IP, port, the Directorate and if possible the parents where they come from) 


- Network Traffic (very useful to know which program is using too much bandwidth is much easier to detect malware that is connected to our PC, and you can add a black list to the right) 
- Blocked Computers (Sample the IP block can unlock or lock all or allowing for X minutes or hours) 
One thing that is lacking in ESET is segure payments via banks who uses Online like me, you always have extra security although it is useless, it's always good to have more security .. The Eset does not have a secure wallet or a safe keypad. 
There is a useful thing, that should also add that ESET is blocking changes in the mouse settings .. Yes. Many hackers try to change the right side of the mouse to the left side .. How so? example some hackers use programs to change the options on the right side to the left side of the options on the left go to the right, and the right pass options to the left .. many hackers use it to hinder the person handling the computer, as such ESET could block or warn X user that a program is trying to change the computer settings .. 
Pages of fright or broken, many hackers in malicious programs try to open scary exorcist type pages, or others .. ESET could have a black list .. also to block and prevent Hackers enjoy with our face .. 
I also feel the lack of a Network Monitor, showing basically the reports Firewall and internet connections could show how much was used in 6 months or 3 months .. and 1 week .. It is very useful. 
Many Hackers use crypters made ​​in visual basic 2006 (VB6) most crypters are made by amateurs is ai or novice is almost always done in this program that is most ideal crypters then was trying to find some way to block or find that was encrypted. 
It remains to add one thing that many antivirus ignore! Yes .. ADWARE Adware is in websites installers, these adware modify our home page and add extensions and create files in the Windows registry and modify the htdocs changing the home page of the browser and the search engine would be the ideal eset invent something which does not allow such a thing .. it is very annoying Adware is a plague is also considered an intruder and a persistent virus! Many antivirus does not bind to it .. Few care but the truth is that this is becoming more persistent and ended up finding on several websites for download. 
Summarizing the ESET needs to improve in the following sections (and maybe add more options or better
- Firewall (would be nice to add ESET flags of countries on the firewall, but detected programs or open should be sampled where the connection comes from parents that .. Basically ESET would make a Lookup IP and route of parents who come to connect .. (ex : China, HongKong or Holland)
- Search Engine Malware
- Network Monitor (connections, protocols, ports and the like) 
- Secure Payments (Online Banking, Insurance Payments) 
- Camfeting 
- Analyze Malware in Memory (improvement is not always removed the virus when it is persistent, although most cases are detected does not get to remove when it is persistent)
- Quick Review



Yes, there are good suggestions.



Also Eset Firewall does not fully protect protocol IPv 6.

Network Monitor can also detect if there are connected devices on home network, to prevent unauthorized connection to the home network.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) can be added for secure network connection.

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ESET does already use URL and IP blocking in the products. Works very well.


Adwares are detected, but what you describe in terms of homepage changes etc.. sounds more like a work done by our PUA friends so it can also be good to enable detections of Potentially Unwanted and Unsafe applications in the product.(user optional)


We already have AMS (Advanced Memory Scanner) that take care of the memory so it automatically scans everything you execute.


"Another point is the rapid analysis ESET does not have an option for quick analysis, intelligent takes almost 30 minutes or 1 hour, a quick scan only serves to verify the paths where the virus constumam normally install, a quick search was ideal also .." 


No not really, besides there is nothing called a quick scan in ESET products. But we have a Smart Scan...


Smart scan: This is the default scanning profile. The Smart scan profile uses Smart Optimization technology, which excludes files that were found to be clean in a previous scan and have not been modified since that scan. This allows for lower scan times with a minimal impact to system security. 

And Yes the very first scan usually takes longer to finish but the following scans will be quicker.


"camfeting" well malware is malware so whether the aim is to watch you through the webcam, or steal money from you it doesn't really matter. And people can easily take care of their webcams on their own.

I like Mikkos way of doing it...

Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, who recommends using a Band-Aid, since it won't gunk up the webcam lens.


If your computer is clean from keyloggers, (and any other type of malware) and your browser is not hi-jacked in some way, and you connect to the bank via HTTPs the so called "banking mode" "secure wallet" "shopping protection" and what else they are called is redundant.

Edited by SweX
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ESET does already use URL and IP blocking in the products. Works very well.


Adwares are detected, but what you describe in terms of homepage changes etc.. sounds more like a work done by our PUA friends so it can also be good to enable detections of Potentially Unwanted and Unsafe applications in the product.(user optional)


We already have AMS (Advanced Memory Scanner) that take care of the memory so it automatically scans everything you execute.


"Another point is the rapid analysis ESET does not have an option for quick analysis, intelligent takes almost 30 minutes or 1 hour, a quick scan only serves to verify the paths where the virus constumam normally install, a quick search was ideal also .." 


No not really, besides there is nothing called a quick scan in ESET products. But we have a Smart Scan...


Smart scan: This is the default scanning profile. The Smart scan profile uses Smart Optimization technology, which excludes files that were found to be clean in a previous scan and have not been modified since that scan. This allows for lower scan times with a minimal impact to system security. 

And Yes the very first scan usually takes longer to finish but the following scans will be quicker.


"camfeting" well malware is malware so whether the aim is to watch you through the webcam, or steal money from you it doesn't really matter. And people can easily take care of their webcams on their own.

I like Mikkos way of doing it...

Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, who recommends using a Band-Aid, since it won't gunk up the webcam lens.


If your computer is clean from keyloggers, (and any other type of malware) and your browser is not hi-jacked in some way, and you connect to the bank via HTTPs the so called "banking mode" "secure wallet" "shopping protection" and what else they are called is redundant.


Banking Mode or Secure Wallet is necessary for making payments more quickly and secure. It is not correct to say that Payments Security is  redundant..

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What should be more secure in this "banking mode"?

If you want more security use another browser without plug-ins and add-on.

And use the windows virtual keyboard.

This can be more secure, but such a banking mode would be useless.

And by the way: How should it get quicker in this mode?

Edited by rugk
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ESET does already use URL and IP blocking in the products. Works very well.


Adwares are detected, but what you describe in terms of homepage changes etc.. sounds more like a work done by our PUA friends so it can also be good to enable detections of Potentially Unwanted and Unsafe applications in the product.(user optional)


We already have AMS (Advanced Memory Scanner) that take care of the memory so it automatically scans everything you execute.


"Another point is the rapid analysis ESET does not have an option for quick analysis, intelligent takes almost 30 minutes or 1 hour, a quick scan only serves to verify the paths where the virus constumam normally install, a quick search was ideal also .." 


No not really, besides there is nothing called a quick scan in ESET products. But we have a Smart Scan...


Smart scan: This is the default scanning profile. The Smart scan profile uses Smart Optimization technology, which excludes files that were found to be clean in a previous scan and have not been modified since that scan. This allows for lower scan times with a minimal impact to system security. 

And Yes the very first scan usually takes longer to finish but the following scans will be quicker.


"camfeting" well malware is malware so whether the aim is to watch you through the webcam, or steal money from you it doesn't really matter. And people can easily take care of their webcams on their own.

I like Mikkos way of doing it...

Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer at F-Secure, who recommends using a Band-Aid, since it won't gunk up the webcam lens.


If your computer is clean from keyloggers, (and any other type of malware) and your browser is not hi-jacked in some way, and you connect to the bank via HTTPs the so called "banking mode" "secure wallet" "shopping protection" and what else they are called is redundant.


Banking Mode or Secure Wallet is necessary for making payments more quickly and secure. It is not correct to say that Payments Security is  redundant..


Banking mode, wallets, secure bank mode, whatever they want to call them, or all false sense of securities that only provide selling points for users.

ESET protects you while your banking and they dont have to come up with these "schemes" which are absolutely RETARDED !





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@all: By the way: Could you please stop quoting full posts. It makes the topic very unclear.

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eset corp i have more ideas for eset 8 



add a new engine  

  • Do Not Track
    Stops data collecting companies from tracking you online.


new protection agains cookies browser    some cookies bypass the webroser and steal data or spy the users 


new engine to scan afull  encriptep website to detect  it is fake or modifie  to steal data or have any vunabilities that can put your pc and any danger 

that may inclues https  the spam and more 


anti spy engine protection


anti keyloager 


fix the anti virus drivers crash some hakers atack the programs engine to crash it in order to acess to the pc or spy the user 


add real time protocol detection = this means if a haker is floodingor taking you  or clone your mac or is traking you  or is traking to acess anyware of the sistem the antivirus  will block the acess event if it use full brute force to enter 


new engine protection to protect windows host =Host Intrusion Prevention System



add this  Buffer overflow detection

This dynamically analyzes the behavior of programs running on the system in order to detect buffer overflow attacks.

Behavioral Genotype Protection

Monitors code on a computer, and blocks any that would behave maliciously before it is executed. Unlike other runtime HIPS, which monitor running code and intervene once they believe suspicious behavior has occurred, Behavioral Genotype Protection identifies and blocks malicious programs before execution

add Enhanced Browser Protection  mean all browsers 

add enhance cookie protection

add Privacy & Security ToolbarProvides Site Check, Do Not Track, Facebook Privacy Scan, private browsing and more. 

add new engine to block all the atacks from xbox live when you are playing online  incliding dos and more 


add ultimate rookit detection and scan  section to scan all 


thank you 


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I have a tip for you...

If you want "Behavioral Genotype Protection" take a look at Sophos I think they already have that ;)


We don't need a separate engine for each malware group, spyware and keyloggers are Already covered and detected by the current ThreatSense scan engine.


Cookies are harmless unlike malware, some may track but they are still harmless to your computer. And users who want to block off tracking cookies are most likely already aware of the different browser add-ons that everyone can install wich will do that job just fine. Detecting cookies is not really a job task for an AV.


I feel there's no need to comment on the rest of the ideas. Facebook and Privacy in the same sentence that's a first.

add enhance cookie protection add Privacy & Security ToolbarProvides Site Check, Do Not Track, Facebook Privacy Scan, private browsing and more.  add new engine to block all the atacks from xbox live when you are playing online  incliding dos and more    add ultimate rookit detection and scan  section to scan all 


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