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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello, No file should exist in such directory (actually, no such directory should be there). If there was one, it was not created by our product, but by something else, which sounds suspicious. I recommend to thoroughly scan your computer for any malicious software.
  2. Hello, If the SD card is physically removable, then yes, the data on it would be accessible. There is a system-wide integrated support for storage encryption in Android OS, so to make the data protected in this way, you can use it. As for the wipe feature, our FAQ article (hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2711/) says: "Using the ESET Remote Wipe feature will delete all contacts, messages, emails, installed applications including app cache, local calendars, user profile, browser history, Android browser bookmarks, your Google account and the SD card content from your phone."
  3. Hello, If you believe the website is being blocked mistakenly, you can follow the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb141/ Regards, T.
  4. Hello, If you believe the website and/or file is being blocked mistakenly, you can follow the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb141/ Regards, T.
  5. Hi Audrey, Sure, you can extend your license to a higher number of devices at any time. By extending it, the license will also be renewed, but you will of course pay only for the difference, not a whole price for regular renewal.
  6. Hello bbahes, No, RCSteve did not reach out to me.
  7. Hello, we'd like to have a look at what is going on in the background (what kinds of requests are being sent). Please send me a PM and I will send you further instructions. T.
  8. Hello, We have a beta build for the upcoming service release, so if you are willing to install it and see whether it resolves the issue for you, please PM me and I will make the build available to you. Regards, T.
  9. Hello, please go to the Advanced setup and in the Personal firewall section, set the Filtering mode to Learning mode. This mode "learns" communication you make with your programs (i.e. it creates allowing rules for them). After you successfully use the tool and establish the connection, return the firewall to Automatic mode. The rules created during the Learning mode will be remembered and you should be able to use the tool in the future without it being blocked. Regards, T.
  10. Hello, are you able to browse HTTPS websites? Also, which version of the Internet protection module do you have?
  11. Hello, if you look at the web portal at the time the app is not visible, can you see it listed there? We are in the process of fixing an issue with not all apps being populated to the server, so this may be related.
  12. Hello, please check whether you have set the database scan parameters for EWS public folder access correctly. hxxp://help.eset.com/emsx/6.4/en-US/idh_config_mailserver_ondemand.htm hxxp://help.eset.com/emsx/6.4/en-US/idh_xmon_ondemand_pwd.htm Also, check the certificate, its validity, hostname, correct date and time set on the machine, etc...
  13. Hello, Please create a dump of this process and send it to your local ESET support office, as this will have to be analyzed by our developers. Thank you.
  14. Hello, if you look at the web portal at the time the app is allowed, can you see it listed there? We are in the process of fixing an issue with not all apps being populated to the server, so this may be related.
  15. Hello, Based on previous issues like this, we'll need to have a look into it, so please contact your local ESET support office who will assist you with gathering the necessary logs. Thanks, T.
  16. Hello, It is not recommended to change the name of the server, as many things depend on it. Please rename the server back to the original name and see whether that solves the issue. T.
  17. Hello, The tool was merged into Sirefef trojan cleaner, you can download it from hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2895/ T.
  18. Hello, if the log doesn't contain data you would consider to be confidential (IP addresses, domain names, etc., you name it), you can paste it here.
  19. Hello, If you believe the website is being blocked mistakenly, you can follow the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb141/ Additionally, you posted as a response to an unrelated thread. Thus, I have moved your post to a separate thread. Regards, T.
  20. Hello, can you please check which version of the Internet protection module you have?
  21. Hello, If you are willing to perform an advanced, manual removal of the Agent, please PM me. T.
  22. Hello jigme, If you are an ESET dealer, you surely have signed a dealership contract, thus regarding this matter, please contact the company/person you signed it with. Also, I have moved this conversation to a separate thread, as you submitted your post as a response to an unrelated thread.
  23. Hello, could you PM me the account you use so that we can check it? Thanks EDIT: A different user with the same problem contacted me and based on that, we have found the issue and will fix it soon.
  24. Hello, what problem do you have with logging into your Facebook account?
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