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About kaylor

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  1. Hi, Can you help me ? I added two policies to configure firewall of EES 6.6 1) Policy "Learning mode" for two weeks to allow communications of printers (EPSON, KONIKA... and others) 2) Policy "Know Networks" to allow RDP and ICMP on clients machines its correctly this configuration for firewall after deploy EES 6.6? best regards.
  2. Hi, I dont have a problem, just a doubt, if I can keep the connection interval (1 min) in ESET agents.I will get a problem of performance ? Regards
  3. Hi, thanks for anwering I dont have a problem, just a doubt, if I can keep the connection interval (1 min) in ESET agents. Regards
  4. Hi, Can you help me? it necessary apply policy " Connection - Connect every 20 minutes " to agent ? because wake-up call to client computers not worked for me. My network have 200 client computers Regards
  5. Hi can you help me please? exists some posibility to decrypt .osiris file ransomware virus
  6. 2016reportstateSR1.pdf.[amagnus@india.com].wallet
  7. Hi can you help me please? exists some posibility to decrypt .wallet file ransomware virus
  8. Hi Can you help me please, I need deploy the ERA Agent using Agent Live Installer from local shared folder without the ESET Repository Download Server. hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/63/en-US/agent_live_installer.htm i edit EraAgentOnlineInstaller.sh but in step 4, i cant find " ^& packageLocation ^& ". How i can edit EraAgentOnlineInstaller.sh for MAC OS X? EraAgentInstaller.rar
  9. Hi, I have the issue in task install software: "boost::filesystem::status: (0x5) Access is denied" From client, I can access share folder and run the installation package in shared folder. AGENT on windows is running under LocalSystem account -> please check this specific account has access to network share. Hi, I can access share folder and run the installation package in shared folder. But is a workgroup environment
  10. Hi, I have the issue in task install software: "boost::filesystem::status: (0x5) Access is denied" From client, I can access share folder and run the installation package in shared folder.
  11. Hi, I can access Apache HTTP proxy on client machine, "hxxp://server:3128/index.html"show me 'it works'. then I have another issue, when i install agent with 'live installer' agent not save in cache on server, when i see file C:ProgramData/apache HTTP proxy/cache the directory is empty. Please open EraAgentInstaller.bat file from live installer package in text editor and search for section like this: set http_proxy_hostname= set http_proxy_port= set http_proxy_username= set http_proxy_password= where respective parameters should point to your HTTP proxy. In case they are empty (as in example) or invalid / not accessible by client, modify them in SERVER's settings (Webconsole -> Admin -> Server Settings -> Advanced settings -> HTTP Proxy). Make sure you set HTTP proxy hostname so that is is accessible from client machines and also from SERVER machine. In case it is no possible, modify settings only temporarily until live installers are prepared. Once SERVER's configuration is saved, re-download live installer packages with proper parameters. EraAgentInstaller.bat rem ESET Remote Administrator (OnlineInstallerScript) rem Copyright © 1992-2015 ESET, spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved @echo off call :install_agent goto :eof rem __Function install_agent___ :install_agent setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set server_hostname=WIN-93VXDW4C33J set server_port=2222 set peer_cert_b64= ... set peer_cert_pwd= set ca_cert_b64= ... set product_uuid= set http_proxy_hostname= set http_proxy_port=3128 set http_proxy_username= set http_proxy_password=
  12. Hi, I can access Apache HTTP proxy on client machine, "hxxp://server:3128/index.html"show me 'it works'. then I have another issue, when i install agent with 'live installer' agent not save in cache on server, when i see file C:ProgramData/apache HTTP proxy/cache the directory is empty.
  13. Hi, I installed ERA 6 in virtual machine (virutalbox), with installer all-in-one, i use apache HTTP proxy (server settings > advance settings > HTTP proxy) , but when i try install ESET endpoint security, the task sample the error: "GetFile: Failed to process HTTP request (status: 20019)". how i can resolve that error, help me please.
  14. You can try change this configure in squiq.conf "cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid3 5000 16 256" to "cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3 5000 16 256"
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