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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. ESET protects against Backdoors or RATs , they are considered as Trojans https://www.virusradar.com/en/glossary/backdoor
  2. It's the distance between your location to the ESET's update server, and could be that the server you were downloading from was under high load or something like this.
  3. Here it's posted the 1.1 libraries of OpenSSL , which why it would make it work again after that , but as it seems that 22.04 got rid of it and now using OpenSSL 3.0
  4. Public ID cannot be used to activate the license , it's used for these cases like support and stuff. It differs from the license key you activate through it the product , it's normal to be posted here , nothing can be done with it if somebody took it for example.
  5. But it also could stop the EICAR test file as far as I recall.
  6. When it shows in red , click Setup , and then you would be able to see which modules are pending for restart , it will show you that they are not active.
  7. I would ignore their advice and keep ESET running , I would just allow it with NordVPN Shutting down security services is not an advice.
  8. Yes it should detect them as the updates in ESET package contains from all systems Try to download an eicar test file to your phone , ESET should detect it https://www.eicar.org/download-anti-malware-testfile/
  9. It would act same as scanner module in any of ESET's products if I am not mistaken , but for sure you are not having any kind of real-time protection or other protections that ESET provide This is only a scanner that will connect and download updates and scan your computer and that's it.
  10. See with your local ESET seller on upgrading to endpoint linux , it's much better product , the desktop version is based on v4 which is obsolete by the time of now.
  11. You can find changelogs here https://www.eset.com/int/business/download/file-security-windows/ And see what they differ from eachother , but most recommended for sure is to stay on latest version , unless it introduces problems for you then it's otherwise.
  12. I believe that is related to Microsoft , since they decided to hide most of the options with that new look
  13. 10 - An eset staff could have a better answer than me 11 - Better to block from network/firewall level , rather than let ESET work hard on CPU to keep blocking everything , anyway it's easier to be done from a NGFW 12 - You can password protect the settings, and prevent local admins from knowing that password , or through a policy rule it would prevent changing through GUI even if you are admin if I am not mistaken.
  14. I believe it's nothing to be mad at ESET for , Without analysis but it could be that this software has been used in some exploits several times which made ESET include it as unsafe application, but the safety of the program depends on it's developers , it happened to ASUS before that where malicious actors used their software to deploy their malware to people who had their software But having the detection after 5 years is a good indication that ESET will reanalyze or remake their decisions even on old software. I doubt you are compromised, but the detection just shows that this application can be misused and harm your device, uninstalling it is the better option , if you still don't trust ESET results , you could run another scanner like Kaspersky or Windows Defender which could scan without realtime so it won't conflict with ESET.
  15. You have posted into the wrong category , here belongs to Slovak/Czech languages But if you think there is a missing detection from ESET , you can send the sample https://support.eset.com/en/kb141-submit-a-virus-website-or-potential-false-positive-sample-to-the-eset-lab About the alerts , they should appear immediately
  16. I believe so it's the product name also , but still not updated here in the console , if it was another product like mail security , you would see mail security
  17. It is just the product name from ESET , it is made for Windows Server with the name of File Security But recently ESET has renamed the product into ESET Server Security I don't think it's being classified as a file server , it's just the naming of the product I believe.
  18. Control them all through ESET Protect and ditch the other AVs or you can keep one vendor as secondary scanner(not real-time) that would make your life easier I think. ESET and Kaspersky both of them have a great detection/protection rate and good reputation between AVs companies/users McAfee is just painful software.
  19. Defender is always targeted by good developed malware and it is disabled very fast Recently only Microsoft added the Anti-Tamper protection that would let Defender protect itself from modifications that would completely render it useless , but I don't know if the Anti-Tamper is still good enough Windows Defender can be completely shutdown by a registry entry, or from Group Policy , I don't know if that still works. But still ESET or any other popular vendor still perform better than Windows Defender , if you remove the cloud access to Defender it will weaken it so much, still have much more false positives and for sure other AVs have more protection modules than what Defender would offer.
  20. No actual page for RAV , neither a download link I can find , it's bundled inside a software and hard to uninstall or breaks things as @PassingBydescribed , I think it fits the description of a PUA if it's not a malicious software. I found this in their website , but still I cannot find a download link for it
  21. Lightshot will give you some kind of offer to a toolbar or something like this but not RAV , I know the installer and yes ESET detects it as PUA but not the application itself , just the installer. I believe it came from uTorrent if that's the two things you recently installed along with Qbittorrent , since Qbittorrent is open source they won't offer any kind of bloatware or toolbars in the same time uTorrent does I don't know what kind of antivirus they offer , but it's better to stay away from it , since qBittorent is much safer option than what uTorrent will throw at you. BiTorrent and uTorrent are owned by same company , and it's not like what it used to be before the program itself , Deluge or qBittorent is a better option since they are open-source. Update: Yes I am correct it is uTorrent , Bittorrent is removed by ESET as PUA upon download , Utorrent isn't , I didn't run it but
  22. Comments from Reddit shows that this program is old from 90s but it's abandoned and not developed anymore , some comments say that it's normal program , and some says that it's a virus/malware But mostly going for normal antivirus program that stopped being developed since 10 years. But it's impossible to get installed by itself , there should be something in your computer that triggered the download and the install.
  23. It's more better to upgrade them as Marcos said Previous versions can have bugs/vulnerabilities or not be capable enough to protect against new malware especially end of service products.
  24. Yes in AV-Test , you won't find ESET , You can find for Endpoint version - https://www.av-test.org/en/antivirus/business-windows-client/windows-10/february-2022/eset-endpoint-security-9.0-222112/ Here you will find it also consumer: https://www.av-comparatives.org/
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