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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. Since CentOS is based on RHEL , maybe going to RHEL straight is better option or switching to Ubuntu? since Rocky isn't supported and I doubt support will be added that fast. Rocky could work normal since it's also Linux kernel , but if one day you needed support , once you will say that it's RockyLinux , then support will be able to answer you that it's unsupported operating system therefore it's not possible to help.
  2. Most probably it's about their AntiCheat , It's kernel's level anticheat
  3. I don't know honestly how LiveGuard analyzes files to determine if it's seen first time or not , but there should be something like a signature or a HASH , no? , I don't know I am just asking and I also don't have an answer for your case , but I just gave my 2 cents.
  4. For me LiveGuard kicked normally and prevented me to run the software before I get an analysis result , but it didn't kick that much since I don't download that much , but it used to kick in when I downloaded CheatEngine's setup from Patreon link which is a setup file without the advertising bars prompt , which why LiveGuard didn't see it before. But it used to make me wait for analysis report unless I bypass the block manually which is normal I understand. But I didn't try to change the file name to see if it can bypass, but changing the file name won't give it a different HASH so still even with different name it should look the same to ESET isn't it? Also kicked and prevented me from running when I downloaded PlayStation 3 emulator, RPCS3 Every different version I had downloaded , ESET had to send it to LiveGuard for more checking.
  5. Firestick is based on FireOS which is Android based Maybe you could find ESET in Playstore if they have support for Android TV , but I doubt so , but you could give it a try.
  6. You should be able to find them separately in Add or Remove Programs Microsoft Teams Skype for Business Or at the time of installation you could choose which Apps to be installed or not. They should be listed like this.
  7. I guess what is making the high usage is probably because there are 2 antivirus in the system , Tencent one and ESET , they would conflict with eachother if both are running as real-time.
  8. If you click inside ESET GUI - Setup > Network > Troubleshooting Wizard Do you see the Printer name or company being blocked? , you can change the filter time if it didn't appear within 15 minutes
  9. ESET should work for Linux Mint , but it's not officially supported , but since its based on Ubuntu/Debian , it should work the same , but as Marcos said there is only business option.
  10. Did you do something specific for it to start crashing/making problems with uninstallation or even with normal usage? For example like Windows Update etc .. , I never had a trouble with ESET installing/updating/uninstalling for example.
  11. About Analytics , it would be the same thing for Edge , since even Windows 10 is so hungry for your information and data , Edge will be no different since it's made by the same people and the same vision. Chromium can be the best among them in terms of the same engine browsers since it's the original and open source Firefox also is good and won't stick it's nose everywhere you go.
  12. Also for alternative , you can run ESET Uninstaller like instructed here : https://support.eset.com/en/kb2289-uninstall-eset-manually-using-the-eset-uninstaller-tool After I bet , it would be possible to install normally ,after uninstalling using the this tool.
  13. Chrome and Edge would be similar to eachother since they share the same engine , but each company would add their unique features Firefox focuses on privacy , depending on your needs , but 3 of those should be considered safe. For me I go with Firefox for all usage , Chromium for things that doesn't work properly , but mainly Firefox. with uBlock origin and uMatrix ( uMatrix can cause websites to break so it's not recommended to all)
  14. It is a trojan horse , it is disguised as a normal PDF and contains a link to the malware/threat. https://www.eset.com/int/trojan-horse/ Anyway , A malicious PDF naming or a Trojan Horse , all roads lead to Rome , ESET has protected you from that threat.
  15. I doubt they have removed it , they just have updated it.
  16. Probably ESET flagged Denuvo DRM for some reason, I think the game is protected by it since it's Ubisoft game. It is a heavy DRM and not that much liked by the consumers even. That explains the detection , Packed.VMProtect You can read more here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo But indeed it is a false positive unless there is something wrong at Ubisoft. If you are sure about the executable and you trust what you got from Ubisoft , you can exclude the detection till ESET can fix it from their side, or you can wait for ESET to fix it with an update.
  17. Logs that are uploaded to the forum can only be accessed by ESET Staff , or you could send it to one of their staff through Private Message , if it wasn't possible to upload it to the forum due to the file size , you can upload it to some websites like Google Drive and share the link also with ESET staff
  18. As always , Microsoft is late to the party , I believe most users who are aware of it already have it disabled by default.
  19. I believe every big company in the size of ESET or another , will have a procedure to make in terms of reporting or support or whatever , they need to move step by step , unless it is urgent bug or vulnerability then they will act with a hot fix like any other company With ESET being so sensitive about False-Positives , they tend to request all these samples to be sent using tickets or using the official form so they can go to the right hands and get analyzed properly , in the Forum I believe not many ESET staff work here or look as much as there are for Support Tickets , for example once you send to a support ticket , if there was ESET Egypt , then you would be redirected to Egypt's support and not Slovakia/US etc.. that would balance the pressure on the support agents. Nevermind that is only my imagination , but I think still ESET appreciates that you help them with missing variants or detection not working properly , but I guess it's due to hundrends if not thousands of people send them missing detection or bugs or problems , it would be hard to re-act very fast to them and would require more time digging it and see what causes this. But I understand your point , that you report a problem and then you have to clarify it a lot to make the other side understand you , but I am sure everyone appreciate your efforts here.
  20. I am afraid I cannot answer that as I am not an ESET staff member , that question would go to some moderator/staff if they will notice this post.
  21. I believe Marcos asked you to contact support via a ticket so the problem can be tracked and not get lost in the forum and one of the support representative can actually help you with the problem or connect a developer for it if it was a serious one/bug , I think ESET appreciate your help here by sending missed examples.
  22. That is due to Kernel not being supported But none of these operating systems have kernel 5.16
  23. You could make the second router with a different subnet , then it won't have duplicate IPs , or the device that is trying to take the already taken IP Address , Manually give it a new address that isn't taken by another device in the network, but that won't prevent another device from trying and take it again.
  24. If I am not mistaken , there are 2 devices on your network that are trying to obtain the same IP Address , that is why you are getting detections of it.
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