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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. To my best knowledge, there are currently no plans to localize ESET SysRescue. It's an auxiliary tool intended for advanced users so the knowledge of English is assumed. Maybe this will change in the future with all-in-one language version of ESET Antivirus for Linux Desktop.
  2. With ESET installed on all machines with access to the NAS, protection should be ensured. If a NAS is equipped with an x86 compatible CPU and running Linux, it should be possible to install ESET File Security for Linux on it as well.
  3. The blocked address is likely related to CoinMiner. If you are still getting the notification about blocked access to the url, email samples[at]eset.com and enclose the archive generated by ELC (or a download link to it) as well as a description of the problem.
  4. Correct. Sometimes even > 40 AVs in VT report even perfectly benign files as malware. That is also the reason why VirustTotal has the following listed among best practices: The data generated by VirusTotal should not be used automatically as the unique means to blacklist/produce signatures for files. i.e. Antivirus vendors should not copy the signatures generated by other vendors without any other scrutinizing on their side. Almost all AVs detect the file with generic detection names so they are not detections based on manual analysis of the file by researchers and therefore are not accurate. By the way, here is how the game hack tool looks like when run:
  5. We are not going to detect a file as malware based on what a user says if it's not malicious. Detection is always added based on thorough analysis of the code. The OP was also referring to a dll which is benign and is included with many legitimate software.
  6. This is a very generic name for a detection and may cover virtually anything. By the way, SciLexer.dll is included with a lot of legitimate and benign software.
  7. Did you debug the file and analyze its code that you are saying it's a dangerous trojan? Based on what did you make the assumption that it's dangerous?
  8. Please report possible false positives as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.
  9. Not malware but a game tool. We'll add detection as a potentially unsafe application. The application doesn't pose any security risk.
  10. You can find the latest version of particular components on the download page:
  11. My understanding is that this should be possible with application control when integrated into products in the future.
  12. ESET Endpoint products (ie. for licenses with 5 and more seats) can update from an offline mirror and can also be activated using an offline license key generated via the ela.eset.com portal.
  13. You can exclude specific addresses from an IDS detection in the IDS exceptions setup (available in the policy editor too): Alternatively you can right-click the appropriate record in the firewall log and select "Do not block similar events in the future":
  14. No, EIS requires Internet connection both for activation and update of modules.
  15. It may have negligible effect on performance. Create advanced logs should always be clickable, at least I can't think of a scenario when it would be greyed out (at least as long as you have administrator permissions).
  16. After deploying Agent to endpoints (e.g. via GPO as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb3675/), Agent should start reporting to ERAS.
  17. As for email protection, with the Dynamic Threat Defense feature that is going to be introduced in Endpoint v7 suspicious files (e.g. attachments) will be analyzed in an off-premise cloud sandbox, leveraging machine learning and behavior-based detection to evaluate the dangerousness of the file which will remove the gap between a new malware appears and a detection is added or the file is blocked by LiveGrid.
  18. We'll also need the content of the c:\ProgramData\ESET\Updfiles and c:\program files\eset\eset security\modules folders from the time when the error occurs. When reproducing the issue, enable advanced logging in the main gui -> help and support -> details for customer care. After reproducing the issue, disable advanced logging, gather logs with ELC and also provide the content of the above mentioned folders.
  19. So what persuaded you to go for ESET rather than MSE ?
  20. No. If you scan them with PUA detection enabled, they won't be detected.
  21. Both 32 and 64-bit installers require entering a valid username and password since they don't activate afterwards. You can try downloading the installer from https://www.eset.com/int/business/endpoint-security/linux-antivirus/download/ if there's an issue with the German website.
  22. Please enable advanced logging under Help and support -> Details for customer care and attempt to update. Then disable logging at the same place and gather all logs using ESET Log Collector. Upload the generated archive to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) and provide me with a download link. Prior to gathering logs, please quit any browsers and network-aware applications to minimize the amount of captured data.
  23. If Internet connection is established when you are getting the error, then something is blocking the communication with LiveGrid servers. If you have EIS 11.1.54 installed, in the main gui navigate to Help and support -> Details for customer care and click "Create advanced logs". Next reproduce the error and then stop logging. Gather logs with ESET Log Collector, upload the generated archive to a safe location and drop me a message with a download link.
  24. It doesn't matter if the OP has purchased the product or not. Probably he or she did and we don't have any reason to question it. The thing is v8 will have reached its EOL by the end of this year which means: Regular detection engine updates may continue but are not guaranteed. No technical support or patches are available for this version. Basic Support may continue but is not guaranteed. Generally we strongly recommend using the latest version for maximum protection. For instance, v8 lacks several important features, including advanced scanning of scripts, AMSI scanner, UEFI scanner, Ransomware shield, streaming updates and some other. For more information about ESET technology and protection features, please read https://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/.
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