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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Please enable advanced logging under Help and support -> Details for customer care and attempt to update. Then disable logging at the same place and gather all logs using ESET Log Collector. Upload the generated archive to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) and provide me with a download link. Prior to gathering logs, please quit any browsers and network-aware applications to minimize the amount of captured data.
  2. If Internet connection is established when you are getting the error, then something is blocking the communication with LiveGrid servers. If you have EIS 11.1.54 installed, in the main gui navigate to Help and support -> Details for customer care and click "Create advanced logs". Next reproduce the error and then stop logging. Gather logs with ESET Log Collector, upload the generated archive to a safe location and drop me a message with a download link.
  3. It doesn't matter if the OP has purchased the product or not. Probably he or she did and we don't have any reason to question it. The thing is v8 will have reached its EOL by the end of this year which means: Regular detection engine updates may continue but are not guaranteed. No technical support or patches are available for this version. Basic Support may continue but is not guaranteed. Generally we strongly recommend using the latest version for maximum protection. For instance, v8 lacks several important features, including advanced scanning of scripts, AMSI scanner, UEFI scanner, Ransomware shield, streaming updates and some other. For more information about ESET technology and protection features, please read https://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/.
  4. I'd suggest contacting customer care so that the case is tracked properly. In the mean time, you can try disabling automatic scan of removable media in the advanced setup:
  5. It's an obfuscated AutoHotkey script so it's hard to tell what the variant you encountered exactly did.
  6. We're going to report the issue to Microsoft since loading dlls using a standard API function is failing with ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES (Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service).
  7. Will those computers be completely isolated from the Internet? Will they have visibility to the machine running the ERA Server? Are all those computers in a domain?
  8. There is a problem with your license. Please provide me with logs gathered by ESET Log Collector.
  9. It appears you have ESET NOD32 Antivirus v8 or older installed. Since V8 will have reached its EOL by the end of this year and does not provide complete protection against emerging threats as new versions, we urge users to upgrade to a newer version, ideally to v11.1.54.
  10. Please contact customer care. This doesn't sound like something that could be solved on this forum.
  11. Banking and payment protection is a feature that is included only in consumer products ESET Internet Security and ESET Smart Security Premium. Not sure if it will be included in ESET Endpoint Security. I assume that the main reason for not including it is that Endpoint has SSL/TLS filtering disabled by default to prevent various issues with a variety of applications that communicate via HTTPS.
  12. We don't blame Microsoft because we don't have a 100% proof yet but so far the root cause doesn't appear to be on ESET's part.
  13. First of all, I'd suggest installing EIS v11.1.54. Then navigate to Help and support -> Details for Customer care, click Create advanced logs and run update. After a while stop logging, gather logs with ESET Log Collector and provide me with the generated archive.
  14. Please post a screen shot of the main gui with the error that you are getting. The issue being discussed in our forum recently has been reported only on Win10 x86. Are Ekrn.exe and egui.exe not running in the task manager?
  15. It's a question of time when it reoccurs. I'd suggest temporarily disabling protected service in the HIPS setup and rebooting the computer.
  16. You can do it in the advanced setup -> user interface -> application statuses. However, disabling LiveGrid completely will expose your computer at risk, cleaning capabilities will be deteriorated and Ransomware shield may not be able to protect you from new ransomware without updating modules.
  17. Does temporarily disabling protected service in the HIPS setup and rebooting the machine make a difference?
  18. Please try temporarily disabling protected service in the HIPS setup and reboot the computer. Let us know if that helped.
  19. It should be enough to temporarily disable protected service in the HIPS setup. By disabling HIPS completely, you also disable self-defense, Advanced Memory Scanner, Exploit Blocker and Ransomware shield.
  20. Are you able to boot in safe mode and get the memory dump generated during a crash for further analysis?
  21. Ok. Since you have ESSP 11.1.54 installed, you can generate a pcapng log by clicking "Create advanced logs" in the main gui -> Help and support -> Details for customer care. Then run update, disable logging and collect logs with ESET Log Collector. If the generated archive is too big to attach to a private message, upload it to Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. and supply me with a download link.
  22. One more thing to try - temporarily disable protected service in the HIPS setup and reboot the machine. Does that make a difference?
  23. Could you try installing KB4103721 on 1 pc and see if it resolves the issue? Please let us know about your findings.
  24. Support for Thunderbird was dropped years ago and older versions are not supported in current versions of security products. However, as long as you receive email through POP3(S) or IMAP(S), received email will be scanned for threats anyways.
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