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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. That could be because notifications about certain application statuses are disabled under User interface -> Application statuses. These can be controlled separately for clients and ERA, ie. Endpoint may signalize that everything is ok despite some protection modules being disabled and ERA may report alerts. It all depends how this is configured in a policy or directly on clients. You can drop me a private message with an archive generated by ESET Log Collector on that machine or check the policies or Endpoint setup if protocol filtering, email or web protection or integration with email clients is disabled which is what could cause the blank alert in ERAS with current version of Endpoint 6.6.
  2. What is the name of the file? Such large files are usually generated by video streaming when the stream is not recognized.
  3. Please raise a ticket with your customer care since this is something that developers should look into.
  4. The website in question has been blocked as scam for a while. We don't consider websites with guidelines to fixing various errors trustworthy as long as they start with advice to download dodgy or PUA application.
  5. That doesn't mean that any inbound or outbound communication of the process wouldn't be blocked by the firewall. As long as the service is running, it will be in the listening state regardless of whether the firewall blocks the communication or not.
  6. @pps I've moved your issue report to a new topic https://forum.eset.com/topic/15856-blank-problem-field-in-alerts/ where it will be tackled further. Description : More detailed problem alerts Detail: No problem description on problem alerts, (see screenshot below), it's the second or the third time that the same thing happens.
  7. This was a bug in Endpoint when either protocol filtering or email plugin integration was disabled. Are you using the very latest version of Endpoint 6.6?
  8. We don't plan a complete overhaul of gui, there can be basically only minor improvements. With new versions we will bring new features, not a new interface that users would need to get familiar with.
  9. Problem bol vyrieseny vo verzii 4.0.88. Momentalne sa testuje verzia 4.0.90, ktora bude onedlho vydana.
  10. Please refer to https://forum.eset.com/topic/12434-how-to-remove-mobile-not-manage/ and https://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/client_tasks_stop_managing_uninstall.html. You'll need to send a "Stop managing" task from ERA to remove the virtual agent from MDM. Just uninstalling Endpoint on Android is not enough.
  11. It appears you have already found an answer to your question so I assume no further response is needed.
  12. Please report it to ESET as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141.
  13. Did you set a correct connection security and authentication type? Maybe Wireshark logs from the machine running the smtp server from time when email is sent successfully and when sending a test email fails could shed more light.
  14. Deploying agent via GPO should prevent many potential issues with push installation. Or use psexec : For more information about methods of deploying agent, please refer to https://help.eset.com/era_smb/65/en-US/deployment_tool.html.
  15. With EIS installed, enable AT: 2, Enter your username and password for my.eset.com portal or create a new account: 3, After a successful login, you will be asked to choose the name of the device: Subsequently you will see the new device in the Anti-Theft portal:
  16. If you delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3DD675F0-E4EB-4CCD-A57E-2C47B8C86675} manually, install Agent from scratch and then uninstall it, does this key remain in the registry?
  17. We indeed have ESET Insiders program where we offer users newer versions of consumer products for Windows before they are made available for the public. Then there may be closed groups for specific users who are provided with business products for internal testing. When beta versions of other products are available, they will offered for testing as well. The statement that ESET does not provide versions for public testing is not true. As far as I know, whoever wants to become a member of the Insider program can freely apply for membership.
  18. That's how it works in ESMC (ERA v7) which is currently in the phase of beta testing and will be released soon.
  19. If you have Endpoint installed on the machine, does uninstallation work after temporarily disabling self-defense and rebooting the machine? Is the ERA Agent still listed as running among running processes?
  20. LiveGrid is an online system so it won't work if computers have no Internet connection. If you used an http proxy with Internet access restricted to ESET's servers, it'd work. As for PCUs, we haven't released any for Endpoint and server products since they are prone to failures. In the future, we should As for creating a full repository, I wouldn't recommend doing that as all installers would be downloaded which is about 20 GB. Just download the installers you need and make them accessible via a simple http server for instance.
  21. For a list of addresses of ESET's servers and ports that need to be opened on a firewall, please refer to https://support.eset.com/kb332/ (may not be 100% accurate at all times). Here is a list of rules from httpd.conf used by ESET's HTTP Proxy:
  22. In my opinion, all that needs to be done is to update the expression verifier so that it prevents entering file names without paths to the process exclusion list or using wildcards in file paths in rules.
  23. Clicking "Sign in" will open a login web page with an option to reset the password ("Forgot password" link).
  24. There are 2 automatic startup scan tasks that would detect any malware in memory or autorun locations.
  25. @Pamq and @Rod_Grant, did a complete system restart as suggested above resolve the issue for you?
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