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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. I see that your license was active on May 27 but was cancelled by Google on May 28 most likely because you requested refund.
  2. In that case, simply activate ESET on the new computer. The point is that multiple computers should not download same updates using a license issued for 1 computer.
  3. After uninstalling ESET the standard way, please check if the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Security and (or) the folder "C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Internet Security" exist. Let us know about your findings.
  4. Files encrypted by Filecoder.Jaff can be decoded. As for the script, if you have an undetected one, please submit it to ESET as per the instructions linked in my signature. Once a detection has been added, it must be detected and blocked upon access.
  5. The solution is to uninstall v10 and install it from scratch. Obviously v10 attempts to update from v9 update servers; it downloads update.ver but since v9 uses update files in the nup format as opposed to dlls used by v10, it cannot update. We are investigating why it is sometimes happening after upgrade.
  6. Not 10.2 as it turned out there would be more 10.1 builds. So it should be fixed in the next build of v10.1.
  7. Uninstall ESET from the former computer before activating it on the new one.
  8. In the screen shot you've posted it looks like the exclusion list is not empty. Could you confirm? I assume that you have already excluded some file(s) from scanning, hence the change indicator next to it.
  9. Is it a clean install or upgrade over an older version? We've been reported this issue on Windows 10 too and so far we suspect that Windows Defender process msmpeng has a handle on ESET's files open which prevent the installer to continue. Could you confirm or deny that disabling the WD service makes a difference?
  10. That would only happen if a particular url is blocked or if the downloaded file is detected. Are you unable to download ESET installers from www.eset.com either?
  11. Please post a screen shot of what settings you see changed. As I wrote, it's expected for HIPS -> Advanced setup -> Drivers always allowed to load as well as for Known network in the firewall setup.
  12. Not sure what you mean but the Update feature is available in the main GUI -> Update. Only business users have advanced update options available.
  13. For instance, the list of drivers allowed to load is populated aalutomatically after installation. The same goes for known networks if you mark a network as home/office network (trusted).
  14. So far we have no new info from Dropbox on this.
  15. It sounds like an issue with your Windows 10 Security Center. ESET products have been tested with Creator Update and users haven't reported issues like this either. With ESET installed, Defender can activate automatically only after license expiration when the product reports as outdated.
  16. No. Safe mode is intended for troubleshooting, especially if it's not possible to start Windows in normal mode. It would make no sense for Windows to load all drivers in safe mode too as it would deny the purpose of safe mode.
  17. In safe mode, most of applications do not work and other than system drivers are not loaded. Therefore ESET as well as other AVs that utilize drivers work only in normal mode.
  18. Then please generate a dump of ekrn via advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics -> Create (dump). When done, compress the dump stored in the Diagnostics folder, upload it to a safe location and pm me a download link together with logs collected by ESET Log Collector.
  19. Please follow the advise above, ie. in the advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics enable advanced update engine logging and run manual update. Then disable logging, collect logs with ELC as per the instructions linked in my signature and provide me with the generated zip archive. Uninstalling v10 and installing it from scratch should fix the issue.
  20. Agent does not contain a driver that would hook the file system and affect 7z when unpacking files for instance. If possible, configure the system to generate complete memory dumps and generate one as per the instructions at http://support.eset.com/kb380. When done, compress the dump, upload it to a safe location and pm me a download link. In the mean time, collect logs with ELC as per the instructions linked in my signature and provide me with the generated zip file for perusal.
  21. You can disable auto-loading in the right-hand lower corner of the window and enable paging:
  22. As for negating filters, we will consider this for ERA v7 so that filtering objects "older than X" is possible. Currently there's only a filter for objects "newer than X".
  23. See my last comment: Also check if the Windows Firewall service is running, .e.g. by running "sc query mpssvc" as an administrator. Alternatively you can check it in the Services list: Let us know if the service is actually running.
  24. If you reproduce the issue on another machine, try quitting egui by holding shift and clicking X before upgrade without rebooting the machine. Make sure that egui.exe is not among running processes. Let us know about your findings.
  25. It fixes several crashes as well as fonts in the Russian version. Also please let us know what leads home users to pause protection. Could you clarify? Yes, but next version is the next after 10.1.210. It will be fixed in the next hotfix build 10.1.X.
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