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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. The plan is to release Endpoint 6.6 in July. However, I'd strongly recommend disabling Defender via group policy as it's the only reliable solution to these issues.
  2. Unfortunately, web control does not support exclusions for IP addresses / ranges.
  3. If you have purchased a license for Endpoint Antivirus, you can download any version of it. I'd recommend downloading and installing the latest version 6.5. Version 6.6 is going to be released in the summer. Also I'd like to point out that only ESET Endpoint Security v6 was able to proactively protect unpatched computers from EternalBlue exploit that was exploited by WannaCryptor (WannyCry) to spread over networks.
  4. Problems with memory allocation during update compilation can be caused by the on-demand scanner logging every scanned file. Please make sure that you don't have "Log all files" enabled in the on-demand scanner setup. Otherwise disable it and restart the computer.
  5. Probably because Endpoint 6.6 has not been released yet. You can disable the notifications about gamer mode activation in the Application statuses setup in the advanced setup.
  6. Are you positive that it's reported as malware and not as a potentially unwanted application? Please post the appropriate record from your Detected threats log for clarification.
  7. First of all, please uninstall EMSX 4.5 and install v6.5 with default settings and automatic exclusions. Only v6 fully supports modern Windows Server systems. Let us know about the result.
  8. You could disable http scanning but of course this is not recommended as the http scanner is an important protection layer. Please provide a link to file that causes performance issues with cpu and hdd when being scanned.
  9. A hotfix should be available soon. Not sure about other vendors affected by this issues triggered by recent changes in Windows Defender.
  10. Since this is an English forum, we kindly ask you to post in English, otherwise most of users and moderators won't understand you and will be unable to respond. If you don't speak English, contact your local ESET distributor or try using a translator.
  11. Unfortunately, you didn't provide any information about issues that you've encountered. Without more information, we are unable to help you. It could be that while troubleshooting we would find out that the issues are caused by a 3rd party sw or Windows Defender for instance that clash with ESET. We would really appreciate co-operation and are willing to help you pinpoint issues that you may run into.
  12. If setting the DNS server to Google DNS or helps, it's most likely a problem with the router.
  13. Problems receiving DNS TXT responses are not a bug in ESET's products.
  14. You can exclude your router's IP address from ICMP flood attack detection.
  15. It's some recent changes in Windows Defender that started to cause these issues. Basically when we send a signal to WSC that we are registered in the system, it takes a while until Defender turns off. As a result, two real-time protections run concurrently which may cause deadlocks and freezes under certain circumstances. We are currently testing a workaround/solution for Endpoint 6.5. If there's something new with regard to home version, we'll let you know.
  16. If you have a binary file that encrypted files, please submit it to samples[at]eset.com along with some examples of encrypted files (ideally Office documents).
  17. Basically that should work but I reckon there are issues (not only with activation) if multiple proxy servers are used and superior proxy servers require authentication.
  18. Please carry on as follows: - Enable advanced firewall logging in the advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics - Restart the computer - If the issue occurs, create a dump via the advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics -> Create (dump) - Collect logs with ELC as per the instructions linked in my signature - Upload the generated zip archive to a safe location and pm me a download link. Also enclose a screen shot of the Home screen where errors are reported.
  19. That's weird, Kaspersky fixed it weeks ago. I'll re-check it. As for the install issue, please provide me with ELC logs collected after unsuccessful install as per the instructions linked in my signature.
  20. Are you able to open https://edf.eset.com/edf in a browser? Do you use a firewall? If so, has ekrn.exe access to the activation servers allowed as per http://support.eset.com/kb332/?
  21. The issue should be resolved by now. Please confirm.
  22. As of Endpoint 6.6 (not yet released), with the appropriate version of the Configuration engine module you will be able to set Warning logging severity so that if such rule is applied, the appropriate record will be sent to ERAS:
  23. Please provide a screen shot of the alert that you're getting with the IP address visible.
  24. I thought it could be a link to egui.exe in the run key but that doesn't seem to be the case. Unfortunately, I have no clue what else could be causing this behavior so if you want to troubleshoot the issue further, I'd recommend contacting your local customer care and providing them with both ELC and Procmon boot logs.
  25. Not sure why you ran on-demand scan because I wrote " In the advanced setup, Tools -> Diagnostics enable advanced update engine logging. Then run manual update."
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