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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Did the issue go away after uninstalling ESET (and before re-installing it) ?
  2. It should basically work with the exception of filtering https websites. SSL/TLS filtering will need to be disabled on the host so as not to break SSL/TLS communication.
  3. We didn't say that even developers don't know what could have caused that. It will just take some time to hear from them due to Easter fests. Currently it's hard to tell if it wiil be easy to fix. If a fix would be expensive, given the low severity of the issue ant the fact that v8 is in limited support period and will reach its EOL in approximately half a year,it's likely it won't be addressed in old versions. I'd strongly recommend upgrading to the latest v11.1.42.1.
  4. What did you do incorrectly? I'm asking because @TomFace reported a similar issue in https://forum.eset.com/topic/15011-incomplete-in-depth-scan/ so your findings may be valuable.
  5. Couldn't it be that you are using Windows XP? V9 is the latest version that officially supports this OS.
  6. Are there any other regular and working mnl files than acad.mnl that are used by AutoCAD ?
  7. Websites that utilize EV certificates (those with the owner listed next to the green padlock icon, typically bank sites) as well some reputable websites are not filtered by default. This can be disabled in the advanced setup.
  8. Try clearing browser's cache. Please do not report issues in this "Future changes..." forum since this is intended only for posting suggestions for future versions.
  9. Simply install v11 over v8 which will also ensure that your current settings will be retained.
  10. Please drop me a private message with your license key so that I can check your license details on files.
  11. So far we've never released automatic program component updates for Endpoint and server products since uninstalling a security product that is tightly integrated with the operating system and installing it again is prone to issues. Endpoint v7 will introduce microPCU updates which will seamlessly upgrade products without the need to uninstall them during upgrade. As for the issue reaching activation servers, are you able to open https://edf.eset.com/edf in a browser on a troublesome machine using the same proxy server settings as used by Endpoint ? Are you having this issue on all endpoints or only on some? I would strongly recommend upgrading ERA to the latest v6.5 via a "RA components upgrade" task and Endpoint to 6.6.2071 via a Software install task to rule out possible issues that were fixed in the mean time. In the Software install task I recommend not to select a license to prevent deactivation and reactivation of Endpoint.
  12. The website in question is not blocked by ESET. It's another website that download links point to and that website contains Coinminer trojans. I'd like to emphasize that this forum is not a channel for disputing detections or blocks. If you think that a website is blocked in error, please follow the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.
  13. After entering a security password you will be able to use the new SIM card.
  14. 1, Determining location works with wi-fi connections. If the location is not retrieved during an Anti-Theft test, I'd suggest contacting customer care from the EMS application to ensure that customer care will receive necessary logs. 2, Anti-Theft locks the phone. Again, customer care will assist you with troubleshooting. As for siren, this option is there:
  15. Since this is an English forum with mainly English speaking users and moderators, please make a post in the appropriate forum in English so that we can answer you. Your post was moved here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/15134-untrusted-sim/
  16. That's correct. Rules are applied immediately after you create or modify them.
  17. Run the firewall troubleshooting wizard which will give an overview of recently blocked communications. You can then create a rule and and unblock particular communication with a click: When creating a rule for a server application running on the machine with EIS, you specify only the local port. The remote port is picked automatically by the operating system on the remote machine.
  18. Please collect logs with ELC and drop me a message with the generated archive attached.
  19. In order to improve protection, besides installing all critical and security patches harden RDP. If it's a network with more computers, consider using VPN, 2FA, etc. Also set a password to protect ESET's settings and enable detection of potentially unsafe applications to prevent possible attackers from running tools that install a driver and with administrator rights they can kill security software and subsequently run ransomware to encrypt files. Most importantly back up important files on a regular basis and keep the backup separate from machines.
  20. It's probably because we were unaware of that mnl files contain LISP scripts. We'll check it out.
  21. Try uninstalling ESET and installing it from scratch so that registration to Windows Security Center is performed. Should the problem persist, check if ekrn.exe is running.
  22. ESET, like many other applications, installs in the system and makes the necessary modifications to the registry and run keys to ensure that it's started automatically. When performing upgrade, it basically consists of uninstallation of the former version and installation of a new one, ie. registration is performed again. There's absolutely nothing stealthy about this.
  23. Do you have quite many non-system files on the C: drive? If you enable logging of all scanned objects in the Smart scan profile setup and then run a smart scan, are there any folders or files that are not logged and thus were not scanned? Does running a custom scan and selecting C: make a difference?
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