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About beethoven

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  1. Just did so as I also noticed this happening yesterday (and then resolving) and then again this morning. Just to clarify, I assume this "only" affects me logging on to the cloud and the agents not updating for periods of time? The underlying protection is still there, right?
  2. One of the workstations under license (ESET PROTECT Cloud (version: recently was having some hardware problems and was changed. Using an image the set up was recreated and the pc works and shows onsite as being connected and updating . However in my console that pc does not show up as activ3e anymore and looking at the ip address my previous record does not match the current record. How can I include this active station in my cloud console and either remove the old station or awaken the old record so that it updates details in the cloud console?
  3. that is strange as when I manually go through the steps via protect cloud, choose the workstation, choose the update for security product I am being asked if I want to reboot immediately. If I forget to untick the box, it will reboot without warning to the user.
  4. thanks Marcos, just to clarify - so when I currently use a manual update via computers/show details/ product & licenses and then click the update button there, this is handled like a task installer and may reboot but for the autoupdate it will only happen after the next restart. Then that's exactly what I was hoping for.
  5. We are using ESET PROTECT Cloud (version: and I noticed an alert that Automatic product updates will be enabled for your network from Jan 29, 2022. I have no issue with this in principle but noticed in the past that often the update is a two step process (at least for the security product - I think for management agent it's different). The first step is the update of the product and the second step a reboot to apply. When doing this manually I always unticked the automatic reboot believing it's good enough for this to happen the next day the pc is rebooted. Leaving the reboot enabled will force the pc to shut down and reboot without user input. This may cause all kind of issues, from files/work being lost, to operators in the middle of a conversation with customers to corruption of files without proper closing of files before shutdown. How can I avoid this issue in future once autoupdate is rolled out as default and has nobody else these issues?
  6. In case someone else is interested, it seems "Unfortunately, there is no way to cancel or stop a running task. It will timeout at some point if the execution was interrupted in a way that a response was not possible (for example, a system restart)." A bit disappointing as in this case the status as shown in the task will often show something as running when in fact the scan was aborted midway and is no longer active.
  7. A pc linked to our cloud network has not been turned on for a while as it was not used. It now requires some modifications but upon startup a scan initiated. This apart from the usual updates makes the pc quite unresponsive. What is the best way to stop a running scan? I tried to run a command to pause protection (ecmd /setfeature onaccess pause) but this probably only becomes relevant after the scan is finished. I can't seem to find a command to abort a scan remotely?
  8. using eset internet security on Win10/64bit This morning when trying to access our own website I am getting the above error message but only on my own pc. Other pc being connected to the same site using Endpoint security 8.1 via a managed cloud setup are having no issues. Looking at the details it appears that for reasons unclear on my pc the certification path for Eset SSL Filter CA is shown as something.domain.com.au . The certificate is issued correctly and shown in the cloud based protected pc as www.domain.com.au The incorrect path is a legacy server that we run for email only but should not be used for website checking. This worked fine until this morning and I have no idea how to reset the certification path. I did clear the cache last night after having done testing on the website in question wanting to ensure that what I am seeing is fresh and not cached. If Eset on my pc is now looking for an incorrect certificate (this certificate has expired or is not yet valid) how can I reset this to look for the correct path?
  9. thank you Marcos, it's working again. Of course that console ID is only available if you are able to connect or login, I now copied this to have this available in future if I run into a similar situation.
  10. Is there any new / current issue today? I have seen the above tools earlier and now I am getting Something went wrong message?
  11. Thank you Martin - I found this myself just after posting the query but was not able to delete the post, so I just edited it instead. I have not made use of the Dashboard/Eset Application info - thanks for pointing this out.
  12. Marcos, thank you but I think you may have misunderstood. I realise that the above caused Eset to take action but I do not think that my colleague went to this website intentionally. According to him he went to a car site and googling adnxs it seems that Adnxs.com is part of an advertising service that website publishers can use to generate revenue on their sites. Unfortunately, there are malicious programs that are redirecting users to these Adnxs.com ads without the permission of the publisher in order to generate revenue. I think it would be useful to know which website may have been compromised or just used this service so that if I see the same alert coming through for the same staff member several times whether this relates to the same site. In that case I would ask him not to access this site from our pc. I don't care if he uses his home pc.
  13. Using ESET PROTECT Cloud (version: - a few times now I have been alerted via the cloud console about Eset terminating a script scanner (see screenshot) . Staff are aware to be careful as to which sites to access, so I am a bit frustrated that this seems to happen for one particular user. From the alert I can see that it was handled by Eset and that it was a chrome / website use but is there any way to see which webaddress "served" the malware. If this happened on a legit site that the user needs to access, I would feel better than thinking he he keeps surfing to sites that have nothing to do with work. The Object URI does not tell me much - it might be an add ?
  14. Using Cloud and wonder how to easily check which workstations need to be updated with respect to the security agent or the management agent. At the moment I need to check each station individually via "show details" but assume there must be an easier way. I realise that I can see the version under computers overview but this does not provide info on the management agent. I also see that there is a pre-configured option to show computers with outdated modules though this does not show anything for me even though some pc need updating. edit: Just found the answer in Overview / Status
  15. Sorry Marcos, my terminology is probably wrong - please see attached screenshot. It has been set up via policy to run at startup and where most pc scan quickly, this one takes several hours each time. I suspect this is due to the split partition and the images on the second partition which I don't need to have scanned.
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