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I wanted your product, no doubt. So I get the trial one to start knowing I will buy it anyway..Wanted to see how easy it would be for me to deal with. I'm a retired trucker, I know trucks but a newb in this kind of stuff. I I get the trial dowload and install it, happy as a clam. Got a new PC and want it protected.


Guess what..I get a load of adwares every webpages I go to, want it or not. Still got some that I can't seem to be able to remove. Not freaking impressed one bit. Why do I have to go through this mess? My PC was clean before that installation, now loaded with adwares.


You just lost a customer, I'm going to get that security somewhere else...need an adware cleaner too now...


Thanks for the ...really...

Pissed off guy ....

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello Tom,


the ads are not related to your ESET trial installation.

Please check your browser extensions and plugins and in case you are not able to find a source of the issue please open a support ticket with your local ESET support.


Thank you.



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  • Former ESET Employees

Hello TomCody,


I apologize for the issue you've described. I can assure you that the installation of ESET was not the root cause. If you like, our support agents can assist you with this issue. If you would like to be contacted by our support team please send me a Personal Message here on the forums.

I look forward to helping you with this issue.

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