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Wong ML

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About Wong ML

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  1. Cannot complete the creation of the task Eg Component Upgrade task - without specifying a reference server. Furthermore, right click on context menu to upgrade the Products for a particular client also failed.
  2. Migrated to new virtual appliance for Endpoint Server (formerly Centos) to Rocky Linux according to the guide. The migration went smoothly without any errors. https://help.eset.com/protect_deploy_va/11.0/en-US/index.html#new_va New VM started without any issues. Able to see the status of the clients. However when I tried to create a new task to upgrade the components, the Eset server is not displayed in the Reference Eset Protect Server. Clicking on the Select Server option will display empty list -- no server. Tried updating the the clients using the context menu, update, update products also failed. Kindly advise. Thanks.
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