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What exactly does "ASAP" mean on a trigger?

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I've been trying for nearly 2 days to get software uninstalled (ESET Endpoint Security 8.0.2028.0).

I set the trigger on roughly 100 PCs to run ASAP and, quite honestly, it almost never runs. Last night it ran on 4 out of roughly 100 PCs (yes they were all turned on). I deleted that task/trigger this morning and recreated it and over the past 2.5 hours it has run on zero of the PCs. It's just sitting there doing nothing from what I can see. 

Any help or suggestions here? Thanks in advance.


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Just now, Marcos said:

ASAP means as soon as the client connects to the ESET PROTECT server as far as I know.


So if they have an un-activated product then they'd never connect, right? So they will never uninstall? 

My problem is that one of my techs installed ESET Security Endpoint where we only have license for ESET Antivirus. So all those PCs are now sitting un-activated.

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Dang it - yeap. It's showing last connected in ESMC as yesterday on all these PCs. So if they never connect, then they will never run. Ugh. do I have any other options here to force a removal?


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  • ESET Staff
1 hour ago, jpotrz said:

Dang it - yeap. It's showing last connected in ESMC as yesterday on all these PCs. So if they never connect, then they will never run. Ugh. do I have any other options here to force a removal?


In case client are not longer connection to ESMC (console), it effectively means that those clients are no longer managed (why they are not connection? Management agent has been uninstalled?), and thus is is not possible to send command remotely. If this is the case, only possibility is to uninstall ESET product manually or using other remote management tools if available. In case ESET product is password protected, it might happen that uninstallation from safe-mode will be required.

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Just now, MartinK said:

In case client are not longer connection to ESMC (console), it effectively means that those clients are no longer managed (why they are not connection? Management agent has been uninstalled?), and thus is is not possible to send command remotely. If this is the case, only possibility is to uninstall ESET product manually or using other remote management tools if available. In case ESET product is password protected, it might happen that uninstallation from safe-mode will be required.

Yeap - so I've learned.

I just made a quick package in LANSweeper and I'm re-deploying using that. It seems to be removing the Endpoint Security and installing A/V solution. Thanks for your responses.


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