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ERA OVA: all in one creation fail

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Hello guys,

We've a lead that is evaluating ERA VA (OVA file). The VM is running and he can download Agent Live Installer, however when he try to create an all in one package the process fails. The message indicate that the selected package is not available in the repository.

I'm attaching the Trace.log and EraServerInstaller.log files. VM can access Internet.

What can be wrong?

Tahnk you.



repositorio era va.png



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  • ESET Staff

Problem is that this appliance is using ERA of version that was never officially released and that is why compatible AGENT installer cannot be found.

Could you please specify where this appliance comes from? Maybe it is not ERA appliance, but instead appliance distributed as part of ESET Virtualization Security?

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1 minute ago, MartinK said:

Problem is that this appliance is using ERA of version that was never officially released and that is why compatible AGENT installer cannot be found.

Could you please specify where this appliance comes from? Maybe it is not ERA appliance, but instead appliance distributed as part of ESET Virtualization Security?

Hi Martin, thank you for the reply. I'll ask the lead about that but I think it's the appliance that came with ESET Virtualization Security because that is the product they are evaluating. 

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Hi guys,

@MartinK The lead confirmed us that he is using the ERA that came with the OVA of ESET Virtualization Security.

@Marcos They tried to install EFS and EEA and in both cases the creation of all in one failed.

What can we do?

Thank you.

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  • ESET Staff

The should download official ERA 6.5 Appliance and start using it, i.e. they should re-deploy their ERA environment. In case they do not want to loose what they have already configured in existing appliance, I would recommend to check whether VA migration scenario will work in this case. Unfortunately I cannot confirm it will be possible as downgrading ERA versions is not supported, nor it is enabled in installer itself.

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