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I've noticed connection issues when trying to log into very secure websites. I suspect the connection issues relate to the latest program update I've attempted to resolve the issue by setting my ESET settings to default, but although it appeared to lessen the issues, the system is not as reliable as it was before the program update.

How can I remove this most recent program update?

Thank you for your assistance.

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Thanks for that information. I wasn't aware of that feature. I clicked the rollback and suspended updates until revoked.

Although, I don't think that's the solution, because I suspect the program is still running on the latest program update.

How do you completely rollback to the previous program version?

From looking at the thread topics, it appears that others are experiencing issues with the latest program update.


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Well you could download a previous version, then uninstall and install whatever version you want.

See: http://support.eset.com/kb2885/

Just be sure to uncheck any boxes (if there are any)  that ask you to install the latest version


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44 minutes ago, tjg79 said:

Does ESET acknowledge any problems with

If so, how long before the fix?

This forum, while useful for sharing information among users, does not replace opening a ticket with official ESET support (if you are having issues with the product). Support can answer your questions.

If you are in North America, here is the link to support : https://www.eset.com/us/support/contact/s3/?seg=home

For other parts of the globe, contact your local ESET Distributor/Partner.

I use ESS and am having no issues. ESET support is very good and should be able to assist you.

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Could you please elaborate more on the connection issues to secure websites? Please provide some examples of such websites and clarify how the issue manifests. Do you get any error in the browser?

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Attached are screen shots of the connection issues. I started having these issues after I updated the ESET program.

Error 1.jpg

Error 2.jpg

Error 3.jpg

Error 5.jpg

Error 6.jpg

Error 7.jpg

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For what it's worth

I tried connecting to https://www.dmdc.osd.mil 

After a 5 second pause I got redirected to: 


Is the 2nd location the site you wanted to reach?

Using EIS v10.1.219.0 on Win7 Pro x64 with Chrome browser v60.3112.90


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Those aren't the actual web addresses I'm having issues with connection. I can connect to those without issues. I'm having issues when I attempt to log on to the web address depicted in the attached screen shot. I've been able to log on after about six or seven repeated attempts. The failed attempts result in the various errors depicted in my previous post.

Error 8.jpg

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Oh, I thought from your post showing the error you where having trouble accessing the site.

I do not have the credentials necessary to do any further testing. I apologize for not understanding the problem.


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I'm having the issues with both IE11 and Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 and the previous version 59.0.3071.115 on Win 7 Pro 64-bit. 

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I'm considering a clean install of the ESET program. Is there a link to download the latest version? Also, is there a utility to completely remove all traces of the ESET program before the clean re-install?

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1 hour ago, tjg79 said:

I'm considering a clean install of the ESET program. Is there a link to download the latest version? Also, is there a utility to completely remove all traces of the ESET program before the clean re-install?

You can download the eset uninstaller at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2289/?locale=en_US

As far as I know the link on here with the free trials are the full version and you'll just need to input your license information. Just download the correct version https://www.eset.com/uk/home/internet-security/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2ZXMBRB2EiwA2HVD-L8hcSkafXMz0Jm6j13DTxDb3RODk6FMUH9QCqaV5iHosMCcd30thhoCjBMQAvD_BwE

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35 minutes ago, peteyt said:

You can download the eset uninstaller at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2289/?locale=en_US

As far as I know the link on here with the free trials are the full version and you'll just need to input your license information. Just download the correct version https://www.eset.com/uk/home/internet-security/?gclid=CjwKCAjw2ZXMBRB2EiwA2HVD-L8hcSkafXMz0Jm6j13DTxDb3RODk6FMUH9QCqaV5iHosMCcd30thhoCjBMQAvD_BwE

Not sure if it makes a difference :unsure: but that 2nd link is the UK link. Here is the North American link to the latest version downloads: http://support.eset.com/kb2476/

And here is the link to the offline installers for v10 and older: http://support.eset.com/kb2885/

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Thanks guys. I'll try a clean install of the latest version and if that doesn't resolve my connection issues, I'll try a clean install of a previous version and compare to determine if my connection issue are linked with the ESET SS program.

When I was looking at the threads in this forum, I got the impression that others were having similar issues with the newly released program update.

Thanks again for the info. Regards

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For what it's worth, when I use BPP (Banking & Payment Protection) in ESS, I always use IE11 as I know BPP was initially released with IE in mind. It may work with my other Firefox browser, but Firefox gives me (security) issues trying to use it with certain sites. So after you do your re-install, maybe try using a different browser. 

I have a personal strong dislike/aversion for all things/anything Google:angry:.    

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I don't trust Google either, but FB is worst.

I performed the clean re-install of ESET SS

When attempting to log in to that website described above I was successful after only one failed attempt. That's an improvement.

The failed attempt indicated that the connection problem was due to firewall settings.

I assume those firewall settings are related to the ESET SS program.

Does anyone know how to inspect those firewall settings and make changes if they aren't set correctly? Is there a log file that would indicate the problems? I suspect there's a setup configuration in ESET SS that needs to be changed.

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If this is the only HTTPS web site you're having logon issues with, my suggestion is to exclude the web site certificate for www.dmdc.osd.mil from Eset's SSL protocol scanning. You do this by adding the DoD web site certificate to the list of SSL/TLS known certificates.

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On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2017 at 10:43 AM, itman said:

If this is the only HTTPS web site you're having logon issues with, my suggestion is to exclude the web site certificate for www.dmdc.osd.mil from Eset's SSL protocol scanning. You do this by adding the DoD web site certificate to the list of SSL/TLS known certificates.

tjg79 are you using BPP (Banking & Payment Protection) to connect to the DoD website? I don't think it would make a difference, but no harm in trying it. http://support.eset.com/kb5657/

Otherwise, I with itman on the exclusion (or just live with the issue).

I run my firewall in default automatic mode as I don't want to fool around with it. 

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No, I'm not using the BPP to connect to the DoD website. When the BPP was first available, it only popped up when I connected to my bank's website. Then, after what must have been an update, it started popping up when I was paying for an eBay purchase with PayPal. It seemed to have problems with the eBay/PayPal operation, because it would open about three different windows before it would work without errors. After what must have been another update, it seems to be better behaved now when it pops up in conjunction with eBay and PayPal.

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it was just a suggestion to use it in this situation.

BPP will automatically detect certain websites (i.e....banks). But you can also manually add websites to BPP should you wish the BPP protection.

Go to Setup>Security tools>be sure the BPP slider is green>click the gear wheel (to the right). The advanced setup window will open. Then to can add the site you wish to use BPP with.



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21 minutes ago, TomFace said:

BPP will automatically detect certain websites (i.e....banks). But you can also manually add websites to BPP should you wish the BPP protection.

What I found out about BPP is that in regards to excluding a web site's certificate from Eset's SSL protocol scanning, it won't work. The only thing that will work is Eset adding the certificate to their internal whitelist exclusion list. Doubt they will since this is not a financial web site or the like. Hence my suggestion to manually exclude the certificate. Also the site might use a unique certificate for each web page it displays, my bank does, so all used certificates need to excluded; at least those associated with logon activity and the like. A real pain in the you know what.

What I believe is occurring is the DoD web site is somehow detecting Eset's MITM activity using its own certificate and refusing to allow logon activity. Would like to know how they are doing it nonetheless.^_^

What the OP can do is to temporarily disable SSL protocol scanning and see if he can log into the DoD web site. If so, it proves the issue is Eset's SSL/TLS traffic interception. 

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I just tried to logon the DoD web site here: https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/identitymanagement/authenticate.do?execution=e2s1 using IE11. I entered a bogus user id and password. Got an immediate response that the data was invalid.

I would think that if there were SSL/TLS connection issues, I wouldn't have received that response?

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I have connection problems too. After a few hours, my web browsers will all hang and internet cease to function. Windows can't even restart so I have to push the restart button. I will downgrade to v9.

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