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Everything posted by metaller

  1. Because no buttons are working that behaviour is only in freemium mode
  2. It's because you're using Freemium EMS. That type doesn't support tracking device from my.eset.com portal. regards peter
  3. hxxp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93European_Union_relations
  4. Hi Gabrie, you need to activate Antitheft on your devices to see them in my.eset.com portal... Follow this ink: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3158 However, note that my.eset.com is only for Antitheft and Social media scanner, you cannot see there, if your product has all updates or so... regards peter
  5. Hi there, actually, Phantom account is an account like any other. If you run installation of some of your apps, often they ask, if it will be just for actual user(account), or for all users(accounts) on computer. Anyway, you can try to set execute permisions on your application, see here hxxp://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/24232-sharing-permissions.html Hope it helps regards Peter
  6. As Aryeh wrote, need to contact developers, doesn't depend on me I think it's because it counts with regular NTB, with standart 1 camera built in... regards, peter
  7. As it seems, Janus solution is the only one, that I can found on web... So pls try, and let us know... regards peter
  8. Hi there, as far I know, ESS makes shots from all cameras that can be detected... regards peter EDIT: sorry, i thought its EMS will look for some solution
  9. If it's, as rugk said, my.eset.com password, send me a pm, i'll figure it out... regards peter
  10. Hi there, how far is your location wrong? In just meters, or another state/country for example? thx peter
  11. Other cases means for later functionality... In some cases, we need historical data to use them with present functionallity. Anyway imho, standart user would have about 5 to 10 incidents, unless he's playing within the antitheft just for fun... regards peter
  12. I've already cleared it to Jan, thru pm... case closed regards peter
  13. That's not so simple, these data are used in other cases, we rather keep them I was thinking about that, and my idea is to choose number of last incidents displayed, let's say, user can choose from 5,10,15,all... within the option to hide test incidents, this solution may pass thru project management regards peter
  14. Its based on device state, you cannot delete that... regards
  15. It seems I forgot something. 1) If it's not possible it's quite sad, because I can agree to @Jim it would be useful - at least for privacy reasons. (It's maybe not so nice if the data will stay there all the time...) And you can even save storage space at your server! 2) I think I knew what it should mean and I haven't experienced any issues with it, so no need to put it in my feedback. 3) I have nothing against this message (it's not so often I do this test), but I have nothing against to this suggestion too. @Jim Nice feedback. And if you have other ideas or suggestion, you can still expand it. One more time... to point 1: incident are not stored objects, incident are made from device activity, they don't exist elsewhere... They're are re-created on every postback of site... (the only exception is, if they are cached)... We couldn't save any storage space, because they aren't stored... Hope even more clear now regards peter
  16. Hi Jim, I can make a suggestion to project management, to add an option to hide tests from incidents... But I do not promise it will pass... regards peter
  17. Hi Jim, I'll try to clarify the incidents point. Incidents aren't objects itself, but as I wrote in my previous post, they're based upon device activity. From programmer view, it's more complicated, there are many factors we must consider, when an incident is build. You can imagine it as an virtual object, because it doesn't exists as an, for example, record in DB... I hope it's now more understable for you regards peter
  18. Hi Jim, 1) It would be nice if there were a way to selectively delete and/or rename incidents from the Activity view. Some incidents are just test runs and I don't really want to keep them around, and others I may want to keep. Incidents cannot be deleted, because they are made of device state/device activity (runnig a test, set to stolen, wipe etc...) 2) I'm not sure what the count next to the Activity link means. It just seems to keep going up every time I have an new incident. Initially I thought it was just a count of new activity, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems to be a count of all activity, but I'm not clear on what constitutes and activity and what does not, because I have more activity events than the number shown. The number represents new activity items since your last login. 3) When I run a test on a device, it would be nice if I had the option to disable the message sent to the device. Currently I get a message on the device that says "The user xxx@yyy.com has requested an Anti-Theft test for this device" and it waits 60 seconds for a response. I wish I could optionally disable this notification. It's annoying. User has to confirm test. We cannot do any activity with device that user don't allow... etc sending position, photos... regards peter
  19. For later use, steps described here: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN141
  20. Send me your account email address and that affected device name via PM. regards peter
  21. Hi, do you mean suspicius state on mobile device or notebook? Edit: - check your email settings on Setting tab in device detail - if enabled, search in spam basket of your email box - if 2 previous tasks didn't work, send me a pm, I'll try to figure it out regards peter
  22. Follow this link hxxp://help.eset.com/antitheft/en-US/index.html?howto_add_dev.htm do not click on create new account, but sign in with your existing account... regards peter
  23. Hi there, post me a pm with your email address registered within my.eset.com portal. regards peter
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