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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Please gather logs with ELC and drop me a private message with the generated archive attached.
  2. If the issue persists after a computer restart, please provide me with logs gathered with ELC.
  3. No, there's not such a feature. There's a setting to run background scans with lower priority but it's enabled by default if I recall correctly.
  4. If the link points to the same website (anti-theft.eset.com), then it's real.
  5. Please drop me a private message and provide logs gathered by ELC. Does it work alright if you launch a secure browser via the icon on the desktop?
  6. How many cpu cores are used is fully under control of the operating system itself. If you are experiencing a high cpu usage when no disk scan is running, we will help you troubleshoot the issue further.
  7. Where did you read that? It's not true. Edevmon.sys may not be deleted without unregistering it from the registry too. Otherwise you'd break the chain of drivers and the system will not boot in safe mode either. Try restoring the file, e.g. by booting the system from a bootable usb and copying the driver back to c:\windows\system32\drivers. Next time instead of deleting files manually use the ESET Uninstall tool in safe mode to remove ESET properly from the system. Regarding HIPS, why did you disable it? It is as important feature as real-time protection. With HIPS disabled, you also disable other protection features: Self defense, Advanced Memory Scanner, Exploit Blocker and Ransomware Shield.
  8. If it's detected as PUA, you can exclude that PUA from detection, e.g. directly from the yellow warning window.
  9. Please open the main gui, navigate to Help and support -> "Details for custom,er care" and click "Create advanced logs". Then try to activate ESET and eventually stop logging. If the activation fails, gather logs with ELC and provide me with the generated archive via a personal message.
  10. Do you have the latest version 11.1.54 installed? Is egui.exe in the task manager among running processes? Have you tried uninstalling ESET and installing it from scratch?
  11. Please refer to this alert: https://support.eset.com/kb6760/
  12. You can provide a complete memory dump so that we can check it out. Although you seem to have a plenty of memory available, the question is if the largest block that is available is enough or if the memory is too fragmented. Normally I'd recommend installing additional RAM modules but since you have a 32-bit OS, this won't help because of the 4 GB limitation.
  13. I wrote that based on the logs you provided: System Uptime (DD:HH:MM:SS)="01:02:11:29". You have quite many applications installed and only 4 GB of RAM, especially due to 32-bit Windows so the memory may get too fragmented sooner or later. I'd try uninstalling (at least temporarily) unnecessary applications. Installing additional RAM is not an option without migrating to an x64 OS. A complete memory dump would be needed to find out what is causing the fragmentation. To continue troubleshooting, please contact your local customer care. You can also try running a memory defragmentater tool when the issue occurs.
  14. Does running the browser without extensions make a difference? Please drop me a message with fresh logs gathered with ELC.
  15. Are you getting the error "Virus scanner initialization failed" even after a computer restart? I'm asking cause your system has been running for more that 24 hours and you have 32-bit Windows 10 installed.
  16. I'm sorry, I was unable to reproduce it since registration is required and switching the language to English doesn't seem to be possible. Please contact the Russian distributor. If you launch a secured browser via the desktop icon and open my.mail.ru in it, does it work then?
  17. Basically you should unfreeze: C:\Program Files\ESET C:\ProgramData\ESET HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET HKEY_USERS\*\Software\ESET (optional) C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\ESET\ESET Security\Quarantine (optional)
  18. It's not possible to install just the firewall. I would strongly recommend installing Endpoint 6.6. and ERA 6.5. A brand new version 7 of these products is going to be unveiled in H2/2018.
  19. Does actually temporarily disabling Webcam protection or uninstalling ESET make a difference?
  20. Are you unable to locate the child's phone even via https://parentalcontrol.eset.com?
  21. Unfortunately, since wildcards are not currently supported in firewall rules, it is not possible to accomplish it and rules have to be created for each file.
  22. Unfortunately, it is not possible to view in the main console pane whether the firewall is installed or not. It's only possible to view the time when information about protection features was retrieved from a client last time. I've asked developers if it'd be possible to have an expression for dynamic groups in ESET Security Management Console (ERA v7) that would allow this.
  23. We are currently experiencing issues with activation servers and are actively working on it. Please try to activate ESET a bit later. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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