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Since, ESS 10 final versions have been already released to some countries (i.e. Germany, Netherland etc) so any helpful idea when it would be launched internationally & available to the all other countries? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote in another topic that v10 will be released in the rest of countries in a couple of weeks.

On a serious note Marcos, can we expect v10 to be released in some/all English speaking countries by this Thursday 13th Oct.? (2 weeks from 29th Sept.)

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The plan is to release v10 globally towards the end of October. Although v10 has been finished some time already, we've made a fix for a driver removal issue on Windows 10 in the mean time. The global release is not only about making installers compiled and tested; there are also other marketing and product distribution things that need to be done beforehand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a Multi Device License user and i wanted to say that the new Internet Security looks really good. The Webcam Guard and the Homenetwork security(don't know if both is exactly called like that in English because I use the German version) make 100 times more sense to me than the Anti Theft module for a Laptop/PC.The HDD would be formated easily if the hardware would be stolen.

Good job Eset, but still 2 things that are not changed.

If you do a scan and Eset find something please show us directly what it is, not at first when the scan has ended.

And when i want to make an exception for not scanning a file again, don't let us copy the path and insert it all the time through the menu.

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We go through this with every release (people guessing)......it should be this week. Peter should know, I trust him.

Tom, I participated in the beta of Windows 8. It sure didn't take nearly as long as this one and it worked great. I will definitely participate in bets 11. :D

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