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Can't Remeber Username & Password For Activation


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I activated ESET, but when I got windows 10 I had to re-download everything including ESET. When I downloaded it again, I tried to activate it with my username and password, but I tried everything, and I can't remember my password &/or username. I went to License Management Support, and entered my email, I got and email giving me a new username and password, but it expires. Is there anyway for me to retrieve my username and password, and not get an expiration date?

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello, I am not sure what you mean by "I got and email giving me a new username and password, but it expires".

When you fill in the 'lost license' form, we will send you your curent license details. In case your current license is going to expire, you can renew it at hxxp://www.eset.com/purchase

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