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last connected

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I'm sorry for my bad english.
For information, my ESET configuration :
- ESET Security Management Center (Server), Version 7.0.553.0
- ESET Security Management Center (Web Console) Version 7.0.413.0
- Windows Server 2012On client, the installed version is 7.0.2100.4

I have a problem with the "last connected" column in my ESET Server :
I have upgraded my version 6.x to 7.0, and since this upgrade, the last connected stop after few days. I need to restart EraServerSvc service on server if I want to my computer have the last connected up to date.

There's a task or other to do for that "last connected" are OK on all computer on network ?

Thank you for your answer.


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  • Administrators

What errors are logged in C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\status.html on a client when the issue occurs? Are there any connection errors in the server's trace log?

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  • ESET Staff

I would recommend to upgrade your ESMC server to latest version (7.0.577.0 as part of release 7.0.72) -> similar issue was targeted in this service release.

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