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Everything posted by rugk

  1. And still no statement from ESET... Come on! It's not a big thing...
  2. By the way: I'm using the two factor authentication for my Microsoft Account. (this is what you use two login, e.g. in outlook.com) And I can say that this is really simple! (on a registered mobile phone you only have to click on "Accept") But also Google and many other websites already provide 2FA.
  3. Or maybe run a scan as Administrator.
  4. OK you said that they should do some coordination. But for Firefox... What should Mozilla still do? There source code is free to download and so ESET should really be able to integrate Phising protection in this browser. It can't be such difficult!
  5. OK, but the difference between this browsers are clear: Firefox is much more used and Firefox surely has such an API
  6. Why isn't the Phising Protection for Firefox supported? Firefox is an open-source browser and it has many mobile add-ons. I can't imagine that Firefox has no API that ESET could use to integrate Phising Protection. I used: ESET Mobile Security for Android 3.0964.0 Firefox 31 Also see this: MDN : Extensions for Firefox for Android
  7. OK, but I can say that the service "Epfwwfpr.sys" does not exist in ESS. Edit: There is no r at the end of the driver sys. It's epfwwfpr.sys.
  8. Just for those, who don't know: hxxp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Screen_of_Death
  9. Could you say what to program you use to uninstall ESS? And could you please provide a link? Or have you used the ESET uninstaller?
  10. Ok, then @tmuster2k you maybe wrote the wrong driver name in your topic title. You meant: Name: epfwwfp Display Name: epfwwfp Binary path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\epfwwfp.sys = %windir%\System32\drivers\epfwwfp.sys
  11. But he says this driver is also installed in ESS. I can't found it on my system (with ESS). And under what name is this driver registered?
  12. It removes your internet disconnection? So it gives you access to the internet? I think you mean it disconnects you from internet, don't you?
  13. No I have to say sorry. I used a non-accurately word - "cover". So which word could be better?
  14. *thinking*... Of course this is also free to download. Just print it yourself! But I think I get the idea what you want to say. "Cover" is not the right word, isn't it? "Cover" has several meanings, so... And you think I meant with "covers" the plastic non-virtual things "around the disk" for buying, but I meant the digital virtual thing (named "file") for printing (to put it as a cover)! Oh, no... But have you a better word for cover in this case? Edit: I changed my signature to make this more clear...
  15. Hello?? Do you like it? Nobody who wants to have a look? I have not created and uploaded this for making a soliloquy!
  16. But both addresses are resolved to the same IP: hxxp://whois.domaintools.com/virusradar.com hxxp://whois.domaintools.com/virus-radar.com So they use the server and always the same data is displayed, isn't it? Yes I think one could redirect to the other, so all users would know what is "the real address" (the better one ). At this time every use has to decide himself what address he finds better. By the way: I find www.virusradar.com better. Also if you click in the program on "help and support" you come to virusradar.com and not to this thing with the hyphen.
  17. I just found a small thing out. ESET have two times the same website for their virus encyclopaedia: hxxp://www.virus-radar.com and hxxp://www.virusradar.com They have exact the same content and there is no redirection between these two sites. This can be a bit vexing... What's the reason for this?
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