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Everything posted by MichalJ

  1. If you have will execute the "stop managing task", you can´t expect any confirmation of the successful task execution. Software uninstallation must have gone wrong. Was the install password protected? Does the task "swtiches the state" to a different one after reboot? Simple "freeing" of the seat is by executing "stop managing task", and then removing the device from the ESMC by "remove", and selecting the option "deactivate products". As of ESMC 7.1 there is also option to trigger license removal available in the context menu over the computer. It´s called "deactivate products". Alternative approach is to login to ELA / EBA (depending on which one to use), locate the computer, and remove the seat from the license. It will make the Endpoint "deactivated" upon next connection to our licensing server.
  2. Yes, it´s a regular procedure. In the future, I would recommend to start processing the license renewal during the month before the actual license expiration. I can check your license, if you want to, what´s the status of the renewal in our licensing system.
  3. Hello, if the license is added in the console, you can see the total/used quantity in the license tab of the webconsole. When you talk about management of resources, what do you mean in particular?
  4. This indicates a problem with the protocol filtering. Is it actually enabled ? Was there any older version of ESET installed before?
  5. Hi Tutek, It depends how you deploy the products. There are several options, that will end up in a state where you should not be forced to use manual activation using activation task. You can also automate this for the future (find the information below). You can install Endpoint Security via software install task, in which you can also enter the valid license. Task perform both operations = installation & activation. You can install using created "all in one installer". All in one installer includes agent, security product, and can also include the license. You can automate activation outside of those two methods using our concept of dynamic groups. You can create a dynamic group that will use this expression: and then create a task that will have a combination of "joined dynamic group trigger" (executes every time when machine would report the condition), and "scheduled trigger / hourly" which will execute every hour on clients which are for whatever reason not being activated correctly).
  6. Can you please send me a private message with your email address that you have used for the account registration? I will ask our team to investigate.
  7. @solas I have checked it with our licensing backed team, and some of your seats failed to migrate after license renewal. Can you please check whether the seats are working OK, or attempt the reactivation on the faulty one. It should be working now.
  8. Hello, after a brief check with colleague closer to those topics, it might be related either to the version of the database or the ODBC driver. We would recommend to create a ticket, and send us detailed version information about the database, ODBC driver, and full tracelog from the ESMC server.
  9. Hello, I am not completely sure, what is the actual problem you are trying to solve. Tasks and policies could be assigned to both static and dynamic group. If you for example schedule a task for "schedule once", it will be executed on a machine first time, the machine appears in the group. if you for example use a nested dynamic group, you can reach advanced automation, where the task will be executed on a dynamic group level, by "joined dynamic group task" , or you can use also repeated schedule that would fix potential failures on a regular basis. Static group is a permanent address = computer can be resident of only one static group. Dynamic groups are filters, focusing on various variable conditions, and computer can be member of various dynamic groups at once, even on different hierarchy levels (dynamic groups could exist under "ALL" group, or under any other group, where the conditions would apply just for the computers in that particular static group. Hope that this helps. But if you write exact scenario, we might be able to provide further guidance. Regards, Michal
  10. Out of curiosity, what is the version of the management server?
  11. Can you please send us the photo of the box, and your license key? We would verify whether the license was incorrectly issued. Also, our solutions now do provide "multi-product" installer, meaning you can theoretically install just NOD32 Antivirus and activate it with your license (but it should be possible to change the product afterwards).
  12. What was the method used for installation? In general, it should work, but it seems that in your case setup is somehow corrupted, or blocked. MartinK above gave you some recommendations about how to proceed in this case. Also, are the machines connecting correctly to the management server?
  13. Hello @solas I am sorry to hear about your issues. However it´s difficult to determine what went wrong, without knowing more information. What would be the best thing to do, is to create a ticket, and ship us with logs from the machines with failed activation attempts. Also, if the activation fails locally on the client, it should display and error message, that should further indicate what went wrong. Also, please ship us the license information (public license would be sufficient, its format is XXX-XXX-XXX), so we can inspect logs on our sides. Also, is there anything those malfunctioning versions might have in common? Are they on same version? Same product ? Same OS? Also, do you use Apache HTTP proxy? If your clients communicate via HTTP proxy, issues with it might affect communication with licensing servers. Licensing should work "transparently", meaning when you renew, your clients would just get the updated license information, and you do not have to worry about reactivation or anything else.
  14. I would recommend to use the ESET Uninstaller tool in the safe mode, that will remove all remains of the previous agent (it´s obviously corrupted installation, where windows thinks it´s still there, but it´s not). Then clean installation should work just fine.
  15. @Eadu How are you trying to install ESMC? I assume that you are trying to use an all in one installer. If you open the folder, do you find multiple apache tomcat installation files inside the extracted archive (setup folder). If yes, that could be confusing the ESMC setup. So just delete the one with lower version number, and setup should continue OK.
  16. Hello, you can follow the steps in the documentation here: https://help.eset.com/esmc_install/71/en-US/?migration_same_version.html However, I would recommend to upgrade your old ERA 6,5 server before the actual migration.
  17. @Kirill Licenses for ESET products are not sold for a specific product version. Meaning, that with your current license you will be eligible to use the new V7 as well. Linux Endpoint product is the last one running the old version of architecture / scanning core, and it will be updated to V7 soon. We are already running a beta program (available here), V7 should not have this issue at all.
  18. You can install it locally using the downloaded installer. Activation can be done either locally, during installation / setup, or via "product activation task", once your licenses is present in ERA / ESMC.
  19. We do not see, whether the machine is connecting to ESMC / ERA. If yes, then the only thing how those statuses will disappear is to perform a product activation task on the computer deploying a correct license, that will let the computer to update. You can´t remove alerts, as those are functionality statuses, matching what should be shown locally on the client.
  20. You can´t create an installer (all in one) for Linux. However, you can install ESMC Management Agent via the script option. Then, installation of ESET Gateway Security is possible via software install task method.
  21. Hello, We will need to troubleshoot this further (ideally via a support ticket), and to find out, why the agents are not connecting (agent trace log, and status HTML would be helpful). Regards, Michal
  22. The "department group" is a "dynamic group". "Group Name" folder will display the "static group name". Computer could be a member of only one static group, and of various dynamic groups. Also, membership in the dynamic groups is evaluated on the side of the client, meaning the server might not always know the exact data (membership is reported ex-post). Simply said, it´s not possible to achieve what you are trying to do. You can however see in which DG the client is present in computer details.
  23. Just create a new policy for "ESET Management Agent". Navigate to "policies", "new policy",in settings choose "ESET Management Agent", and in the tab "Advanced settings" select option to "report non-ESET-installed applications".
  24. Yes, I would recommend that you download the all in one installer component, and run the installer locally. Maybe the webconsole was updated, but the server was not (most probable this could happen in case, when your server is 32-bit, as we have discontinued support for 32-bit installers).
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