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About Tutek

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  1. I have problem, uploaded policy are not applied to endpoint clients. Policy is applied to dynamic group "windows workstations" and I have in this policy configured in Firewall section" to allow rules of windows firewall, but when I log in to any client this settings in grayed out (disabled).
  2. Hi Marcos, imported your file but policy didn't show? I need policy "antivirus protection - maximum security" for Eset Endpoint for Windows, actual clients version are 7.2.2055.0. Maybe because I use other language in ESMC than english? thanks
  3. Hi, I have deleted built-in endpoint antivirus policy for windows workstation that was in ESMC console, this was policy with highest secure settings, is any way to download it from eset, or restore?
  4. I use ESMC Standa-alone, my problem is that on Rogue Raports I have only computers that are detected by my Domain Scan, no any other host are found by rogue sensor. My ESMC is on VLAN. My second question is, I installed eset agent once using ESMCAgentInstaller.bat file, and second time using ESMC_Installer_x64.exe but this client do not show in my ESMC, this is Windows 10 Pro, and could be infected by virus already, how could I troubleshoot this?
  5. Hi, I just installed ESMC Standa-alone, and begin to deploy products: -File Security 7.1.12006.0 -Endpoint Security 7.2.2055.0 My problem is that every added endpoint is not activated, I have to activate it using Task. Is this normal situation? Maybe I not forwarded all needed ports to EMSC server? I already forwarded ports to EMSC server: TCP 2222,3128,8883 thanks
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