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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. If you are continually getting the error, please contact your local customer care so that the case is properly diagnosed and tracked. To my best knowledge, registration to WSC should occur only once during installation or after program upgrade.
  2. Dobry den, ESET File Security pre operacne systemy Windows Server obsahuje od verzie 7 Ransomware stit, ktory vyzname vylepsuje ochranu proti novych druhom ransomwaru. Okrem instalacie EFSW v7 je ale nutne zabezpecit RDP v pripade, ze je povolene (napr. povolit ho iba lokalne a do siete sa pripajat cez VNP, pouzivat 2FA - napr. ESET Secure Authentication, pouzivat silne hesla, na fw obmedzit pripojenie iba z konkretnych IP adries / bezpecnych rozsahov, atd.). Taktiez je dolezite pouzivat plne podporovany OS a pravidelne instalovat bezpecnostne aktualizacie. V ESFW odporucame zapnut ochranu nastaveni heslom ako aj detekciu potencialne zneuzitelnych aplikacii, aby v pripade, ze utocnik sa uz nejakym sposobom dostane do siete, resp. na server, nemohol vypnut av ochranu, resp. odinstalovat ESET. Taktiez odporucame nezdielat adresare obsahujuce dolezite subory pre everyone s plnymi pravami, aby sa predislo zasifrovaniu takych adresarov zo vzdialeneho pocitaca.
  3. I'd also like to emphasize that installing the latest available version of a security product on an operating system not supported by its maker doesn't make up for missing security updates and patches. We strongly recommend to consider upgrading to a modern and more secure operating system.
  4. Unfortunately, it is not clear what issue with policies you are having. Please clarify. Also try upgrading EP to the latest v7 and possibly also ERA v6.5 to ESMC (for instructions, read https://support.eset.com/kb6925/).
  5. Unfortunately, we still have no clue what "don't know what you mean by "Mozilla firefox app notworking well". Please elaborate. Also there is already Endpoint v7 available. We strongly recommend updating Endpoint 6.6. to it.
  6. Please provide a complete record (whole row) from the Detected threats log that pertains to the detection. I'd prefer if you could gather complete logs with ESET Log Collector, however. If you have Mikrotik router, make sure to install the latest firmware. Routers with older firmware have been a target of attacks recently and a malicious html code was already provided by the router itself. It was subsequently detected in html pages on computers connected to the Internet through the router. One should never make a conclusion before investigating what happened or what's going on. If the router turns out to be the culprit, no security software running on a computer could have prevented router infection.
  7. ERROR: (DbInsertCertAuthContent) CStatementSerializerBase: Failed to open file C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Dane aplikacji\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\SetupData\Database\SQLite\SetupScripts\Install\2_do_install.sql Please copy the following commands to a batch file and run it:
  8. What operating system do you use? If Windows 7 and newer, please install Endpoint v7. Otherwise install the latest v6.5. Should the problem persist, elaborate more on what you mean by "not working well".
  9. It should be available later this year. We'll announce it when it's ready.
  10. I'd suggest contacting customer care so that the case is properly investigated and tracked. We have a test version of the Internet protection module that contains a workaround for a bug in Windows 10 related to SSL/TLS filtering. There's a chance it could help in your case if you use Windows 10.
  11. Enabling / disabling email client protection does not make any difference in terms of resource consumption or stability; we recommend keeping it enabled even if you don't use email clients on the server. Anyways, you should be able to disable a particular application status notification under User interface -> Application statuses. Protocol filtering should be always turned on as long as a computer is connected to the Internet. Even if you don't run browsers to browse the Internet on the server, web protection can save you if a malicious file or script happens to run; in such case it can stop further payload from being downloaded and run. Again, it's possible to disable that application status.
  12. Is there any reason why you don't want to upgrade ERA v6.5 to ESMC but you have upgraded the agent? Given that you have installed agent via GPO, isn't it possible to uninstall it via GPO? You could try manually running the agent msi installer with the "/lvx* uninstlog.txt" parameter, uninstall it and provide the log should it fail.
  13. If there is any information shared, it's only data that you fill in during registration if you don't log in via social media accounts.
  14. Could you pm me your public IP address? Ie. the address you get when you enter "ip address" into Google search.
  15. You didn't mention whether it was a document or executable that was attached to the email and which you opened / ran. The best would be if you could send it to samples[at]eset.com for analysis if it is not detected. As for the BSOD, I'd strongly recommend uninstalling MBAM since its real-time protection may clash with ESET and cause issues. Should the problem persist, have a dump from the crash sent to customer care for analysis and to determine the cause of the crash. It appears to be network related.
  16. 1, The email would be likely scanned by Web access protection. Make sure that SSL/TLS filtering is on so that https communication is scanned. 2, Without knowing what product / version and settings you use and checking the email you received, it's impossible to tell what happened. Please provide me with the email that was not detected as well as with logs gathered by ELC from the machine. To increase detection efficiency, you might want to use ESET Dynamic Threat Defense (provided as an extra service). If you use Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino mail server, with new v7 mail server products you can take advantage of EDTD and have attachments run in the EDTD sandbox and have them evaluated by Augur, the ESET machine learning system. Based on the result of analysis, the ESET Mail Server product can take the appropriate action. This greatly minimizes the gap between a new malware begins to spread and the time a detection is added. 3, Any infected attachment should be cleaned / removed.
  17. It's a potentially unwanted application. For information what PUAs are, please read https://support.eset.com/kb2629/. The detection is optional. If you think that benefits of using a particular PUA outweigh possible risks, you can exclude it from detection.
  18. It's a potentially unwanted application. For information what PUAs are, please read https://support.eset.com/kb2629/. The detection is optional. If you think that benefits of using a particular PUA outweigh possible risks, you can exclude it from detection.
  19. The detection was added on Sept 4. Cached results are cleared after a module update so the file should have been re-scanned if the file was actually scanned by the Idle-state scanner.
  20. From the screen shot it is not clear if ekrn is consuming 10,4 GB of RAM. Does the issue manifest right after Windows starts without doing anything ? Do you have ESET Internet Security v11.2.63.0 installed? If not, uninstall the version you have and install the latest one from scratch using default settings. Does the problem persist?
  21. Release Date: July, 17, 2018 ESET NOD32 Antivirus has been released and is available to download. Changelog: Fixed: Issues with freezing when debugging applications Upgrade to Latest Version Upgrade my ESET Windows home product to the latest version Support Resources ESET provides support in the form of User Guides, fully localized application and online help, online Knowledgebase, and applicable to your region, chat, email or phone support. Online Help user guides Visit www.eset.com/contact to email ESET technical support For version 11 video tutorials, see the ESET Knowledgebase YouTube channel
  22. Release Date: September 11, 2018 ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security and ESET Smart Security Premium version have been released and are available to download. Changelog: Fixed: Issues with freezing when debugging applications Fixed: Issues with Webcam on Windows 10 RS4/RS5 Fixed: Issues with background crashes in Anti-Theft Fixed: Issues with wi-fi when connected to a public AP Upgrade to Latest Version Upgrade my ESET Windows home product to the latest version Support Resources ESET provides support in the form of User Guides, fully localized application and online help, online Knowledgebase, and applicable to your region, chat, email or phone support. Online Help user guides Visit www.eset.com/contact to email ESET technical support For version 11 video tutorials, see the ESET Knowledgebase YouTube channel
  23. Please generate a Procmon boot log as per https://support.eset.com/kb6308/, section Gather boot log files. After you've generated the log, compress it, upload it to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) and provide me with a download link.
  24. Perhaps Dynamic Threat Defense (EDTD) would be an ideal solution for you. As of EMSX v7, documents with macros can be submitted to the EDTD sandbox where the file is opened and the behavior is monitored. Besides that, the file is evaluated by Augur (ESET's machine learning system) and the result is returned to EMSX which will deal with the email accordingly. It is possible to configure EDTD to delete analyzed documents immediately after analysis or after some time.
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