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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. This application is correctly detected as a potentially unwanted application (PUA). PUA detection is optional and it's at users' discretion whether they want to have such applications detected or not. Since this forum doesn't serve as a channel for disputing detections, we'll draw this thread to a close. For more information about this application, read the following article: hxxp://bettingprofitsbulletin.com/roulette-scam-exposed/
  2. Couldn't it be that these applications have recently been updated? There's a known issue in the last build of v7 when detection of modification of network-aware applications may not work properly and the communication is blocked instead of prompting the user for an action. You can check if disabling "Enable detection of application modifications" solves the problem to confirm that the issue is caused by this bug. It's been already fixed and the fix will be included in the next service build of ESS.
  3. I'd like to post two independent opinions of users from Wilders': If someone's experience is way different and v7 is heavy on their system, we'd really like to examine it and determine the cause. So far we don't know of anybody with an issue like that who would be willing to cooperate with us on examination.
  4. First of all, it's necessary to narrow it down to a particular protection module involved in the issue. Does temporarily disabling protection via the tray icon context menu make a difference? If not, what about disabling HIPS and restarting the computer? If that doesn't help either, does renaming C:\Windows\System32\drivers\eamonm.sys and ehdrv.sys, one at a time, in safe mode make the issue go away? I assume the application uses a driver which might clash with one of ESET's drivers.
  5. Both ESET NOD32 Antivirus (EEA) and ESET Endpoint (EES) provide the same level of protection against any kind of malware, phishing or potentially unwanted / unsafe applications. Unlike EEA, EES also contains a firewall, Web control, Device control and Antispam. The firewall can block exploits of various CVE vulnerabilities in network protocols.
  6. ESET v7 has worked like a charm for a vast majority of users who praise it for low system footprint compared to most of the competitors. Unfortunately, you refused to troubleshoot your issue so we were not given a chance to find out what was actually causing the performance drag in your case. I simply don't find it fair that you keep complaining here after you've already moved to another product and all our users are more than happy with v7 performance.
  7. Please create a SysInspector log and supply it to me via a personal message for perusal.
  8. Do the computers connect to ERAS always using the same MAC address?
  9. Please do not disclose logs with sensitive information to the public and send them only to moderators via a personal message when requested. I've checked your logs but there was no update error. The automatic update task is enabled so I wonder if the program doesn't update the signature database automatically even if you leave it turned on for several hours.
  10. Just out of curiosity, don't you have removable storage devices or a memory card reader connected to the computer?
  11. 1, Firewall cannot block posting to the forum. It would have to block http/https traffic and you wouldn't be able to access the forum whatsoever. 2, Please try the following, one at a time, to eliminate block records in your firewall log: - disable the rule "Block outgoing SSDP (UPNP) requests for svchost.exe" - disable the rule "Block NETBIOS Name Service requests" If none of the above helps, clear the firewall log, reproduce the problem and post a fresh log then.
  12. Probably a directory with too many files is scanned towards the end of the scan, that's nothing unusual.
  13. It appears that you have Avast installed. We can assist you but first you'll have to remove Avast, install ESET (v7), update it and run a full scan. Let us know if it finds some malware on your computer.
  14. Please contact Customer care. A Process monitor log from the moment of opening "Computer scan" will be needed for further analysis.
  15. This was reported a couple of months ago and it was confirmed it would be fixed in the next version.
  16. Products for Windows and Mac are completely different. SSL scanning was first implemented in NOD32 v4 as far as I remember which doesn't mean that all older versions were released unfinished. In fact, they were finished in terms of the set of features that was possible to implement at the given time. To be honest, SSL scanning doesn't belong among beloved features that a lot of people enable as it may cause a lot of side issues with applications, mostly with those that don't accept the ESET root certificate as CA which is not a problem of ESET. As for implementing SSL scanning into ESET CyberSecurity, it was added to the wish list as mentioned above. Developing features like this takes time and they are usually added in one of the next major builds (v5, v6, etc). Needless to say that some advanced features may even take years to analyze and implement and even testing itself takes weeks or even months it's nothing surprising that this feature is not yet available. If SSL scanning was one of the main features why you purchased ESET CyberSecurity, I assume it shouldn't be a problem for a distributor to credit you the price for the remaining time of your license.
  17. The first one appears to be a temporary file while the second one is an update file for the Update module.
  18. These are just brief summaries of all scans you've run. Please double-click a record where the number of scanned files doesn't match the number of cleaned files and post the log details here.
  19. You can check the antispam log to see if the email was evaluated as spam and what action was taken. Was it the only email that got lost or you can reproduce it with other spam emails as well?
  20. Again, do you have MAC address or computer name renaming enabled in the advanced ERAS setup?
  21. Couldn't it be that you enabled mac address renaming in ERAS?
  22. Please disconnect the computer from network before running the EES msi installer and try again. Let us know if it makes a difference.
  23. In order to include an image, you must also click Add to Post after uploading the file. Anyways, it'd be best if you saved the entire on-demand scan log and attach it as a text file here so that we can see all information contained.
  24. Thank you for sharing your findings with us
  25. If ESET's antispam detects a spam email, it moves the email to the email client's spam folder by default. You can specify a custom folder instead of the default spam folder.
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