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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. If disabling the firewall doesn't make any difference,it's unlikely that the firewall is the culprit.
  2. We don't issue licenses for 5 years. Please contact the distributor from whom you purchased your license for more information.
  3. Changing the layout or colors of the console is not possible.
  4. Is the malware detected even if you launch Chrome without extensions as per https://superuser.com/questions/822429/how-to-start-chrome-without-plugins?
  5. There is currently a problem with activation servers and our engineers are already working on it. We'll keep you posted. We apologize for the inconvenience. EDIT: The issue has been resolved.
  6. The Regular update task is run when ekrn.exe is started, ie. each time you start / restart Windows. It wouldn't make sense not to check for newer updates at system startup when new modules could be already available. Needless to mention synchronization of LiveGrid cloud data.
  7. Run the firewall troubleshooting wizard to get a list of recently blocked communications which will also enable you the desired communication with 1 or 2 clicks.
  8. First of all I'd like to emphasize that this forum does not serve as a replacement of contacting customer care when users encounter issues and it's chiefly meant for sharing knowledge with other users. Moderators do their best to respond to queries and assist with issues but since this is a forum, we don't use a ticketing system that is normally needed to track the progress and provide a response within a reasonable time. We have now created a ticket for developers and will keep you posted about the progress.
  9. In interactive mode, rules are created for the application and protocol by default. However, if you expand advanced options in the dialog, you can check to create a more specific rule only for specific remote/local ports or remote address.
  10. Please provide me with ELC logs collected as per the instructions linked in my signature. If you create an allowing rule for the browser without any remote addresses, the firewall should not ask you for an action when connecting to different servers.
  11. This is not possible unless you want to not detect a specific potentially unsafe or unwanted application.
  12. It's already detected as Python/Filecoder.AM. It's a Chinese ranomware written in Python with Chinese instructions. It's been seen on less than 10 machines in total.
  13. Make sure to upgrade to v10.1.219. If your ESET hasn't upgraded to the latest version automatically, you can check for a newer product version in the update pane manually. You may need to click on another item in the menu and than back to refresh the information in the update pane due to a bug with refreshing in older v10 versions.
  14. What about disabling the notification in the application statuses setup?
  15. I reckon it's not currently possible to prevent it but it should be improved in Endpoint v7. At least the user should be prompted for a password if the settings are password protected.
  16. I'd say it's ok to ignore these records. For instance, EEI has not been released yet so obviously com.eset.apps.business.eei.agent does not exist yet in the repository.
  17. There's hardly anyone else having issues with v10.1.219. By the way, what issues are you having? Please provide more information as to what error you are getting or post a screen shot so that we exactly know what you mean.
  18. Check the update server in the advanced update setup. It should be set to Autoselect. Otherwise it probably points to a computer with a mirror in your LAN which doesn't exist any more. Anyways, I'd recommend uninstalling Endpoint v5 and installing the latest v6.5.
  19. Already announced here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/12591-eset-windows-home-products-versions-101219-have-been-released/
  20. Do you mean update of modules or the program? If the former, there's a known issue with very old and already unsupported products (v3, v4) that may occur with a recent update of the Antivirus and antispyware module. If you mean update of the program itself, what version did you upgrade from? An older v10 or v9 or older? Also it's not clear what you mean by "a lots of deleted system files" as ESET would not detect files unless they are malicious. It could be that a detection for a virus (file infector) was added and the virus started to be detected on your system but without logs it's just a speculation.
  21. If it was a general issue that would affect all users of the Russian version, the Russian partner would have already reported it as urgent. The issue was fixed in v10.1.210 to my best knowledge and in case it persists, provide a Procmon boot log as well as screen shot of your ESET gui to the customer care. I assume that the font used in the main gui might be missing and therefore a different font was used.
  22. Do you have the latest v10.1.219 installed? If so, it could be that some font is missing. I'd suggest contacting your local customer care then and reporting the issue to them.
  23. The form works for already registered licenses, not for serial numbers. I'd suggest contacting your local customer care. Also I'd never recommend buying ESET from Amazon, Ebay, etc. as someone might sell a trial serial number. Moreover, according to EULA, a license cannot be transferred to another person.
  24. The error returned is "The installation of C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\eset\bts.session\{02D83BBE-35D8-34E0-396A-45C7FD03FEDB}\.Pkg \0\ eis_nt64_ESL.msi is not permitted by software restriction policy. The Windows Installer only allows installation of unrestricted items. The authorization level returned by software restriction policy was 0x0 (status return 0x800b010c)." Please check your software restriction policies as per https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc735599(v=ws.10).aspx. Most likely you have a path rule for the above mentioned temp folder with security level set to disallow in place.
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