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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. You have posted in a consumer product forum. This feature is available only in ESET Endpoint.
  2. Most likely a proxy server is serving an html code with a notice instead of the actual content of update.ver. Check proxy settings and make sure that the machine is allowed to connect to ESET's servers. Also I'd strongly recommend uninstalling EFSW 4.5 and installing EFSW 6.5. V4 is very old and is not intended for modern server systems either.
  3. If temporarily disabling protocol filtering doesn't make any difference, the issue is highly unlikely to be ESET related.
  4. If you have lost your registration email with a license key, please contact the seller from whom you purchased your license. If you don't get any email after entering your registration email address in the form for re-sending license details, most likely we don't have your email address on files.
  5. Since this is ESET forum, A vs B discussions are not allowed. If you cannot afford paying for top-notch antivirus, you can go for a free one. Please refer to other forums for comparison. Paid antivirus can invest more into researches, developers, customer care, etc. and therefore provide you with as good protection as possible. Note that antivirus is not just the program itself. Also customer care is important, especially if you get infected with malware. Users with free AV usually don't get any support.
  6. Why do you want to install v9 which contains less protection features and bugs that were addressed in newer versions? Also v9 will reach it's end-of-life in 2019 and users will be upgraded to the latest version except those using Windows XP.
  7. It appears that you already have ESET Smart Security Premium installed and attempting to install it again. Check "Add or remove program" if EIS is already installed. What operating system do you use?
  8. It appears that you already have ESET Internet Security installed (v11) and attempting to install an old ESET Smart Security (v9) over it. If there's a problem with EIS, uninstall it and install it from scratch. Do not install an old ESS v9.
  9. It's not that difficult as it seems. You basically choose between: 1, ESET NOD32 Antivirus 2, ESET Internet Security (EAV + firewall + antispam + Anti-Theft + Parental Control + Network protection) 3, ESET Smart Security Premium (EIS + Password Manager + Disk encryption) Depending on the country, if you have more devices you can purchase a multi-license pack or Family pack. E.g. in the US and UK, you can purchase a multi-license pack (2-5 devices), not a Family pack. In Slovakia, we don't sell the multi-license pack but a Family pack for 4 devices. As for version numbers, it's not difficult either. The latest version is v11 and we provide it as a service (the same way as Microsoft provides Windows 10 updates), ie. we release product updates on a regular basis to ensure that users have the latest version with new features and fixes. We don't use version numbering like 2017, 2018, etc., except for marketing purposes.
  10. Firewall rules are not per-user settings. The firewall must work even if no user is logged in so it would be difficult if not impossible to base firewall profiles on the currently logged in user.
  11. I'm not sure if Parental Control that is a part of ESET Internet Security and ESET Smart Security Premium will ever be managed via my.eset.com. The main difference is that while children take mobile phones with them, they leave PCs or notebooks at home.
  12. Please reproduce the issue and use Procmon to capture operations for at least one minute (make sure to enable advanced output before you start logging). When done, also collect logs with ELC, upload both archives to a safe location and drop me a message with download links. Do you have Parental Control disabled? You should get similar warnings from a browser if a certificate is not trusted. You can also check certificates used by particular websites here: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/
  13. The main problem with Opera is that debug symbols are not publicly available which prevents supporting new versions. Also it is not as popular as Chrome, Firefox or IE so investing a lot of resources into support would not be desired. Which AV supports Opera as a secure browser?
  14. Please create a Procmon log with advanced output enabled as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb6308/ and also collect logs with ELC. Upload both archives to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) and drop me a message with download links.
  15. We are going to introduce ESET Enterprise Inspector (EEI) this year which is an EDR solution for monitoring the network for suspicious activities and responding to them accordingly. EEI will be interconnected with ESCM (ERAv7).
  16. It appears that you have Endpoint Security installed. A malicious Word document was blocked by Network Protection upon an attempt to download, e.g. after a user clicked a link in a spam. Since ESET is very good at detecting and preventing Emotet and its VBA downloaders both by url blacklists and LiveGrid, it's very unlikely that the malicious Emotet payload would manage to run even if the initial download attempt hadn't been blocked by Network Protection. In future versions we plan to display threats handled by Network protection in yellow and report "Blocked" instead of "Detected".
  17. You can check Windows Search indexing options and make sure that the ESET install folder is excluded: https://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/windows-7-file-search-indexing-options/. This issue will be addressed in future versions of consumer products.
  18. The thing is those applications touch update files for whatever reason which triggers a scan and renaming the appropriate module folder fails. As I wrote, this is something that we should be able to work around on our part.
  19. If you have some potentially unsafe or unwanted applications excluded, I'd suggest excluding them for the whole computer, ie. with "*" in the path and the detection name specified. There's a bug in the current version that causes exclusions not to work if a full path with a file name is excluded and the detection name is specified as well.
  20. In V9 and newer you can set up tag messages / signatures in the email protection setup:
  21. Are you still having the issue? I've tested it and an offline license file was generated alright.
  22. V7 has already reached the end of life and upgrade to the latest version is now being distributed. V7 not only provides worse protection against current threats but also contains bugs that were addressed in newer versions. V9 is the latest version with official support for Windows XP. New versions also include improvements in terms of performance. As for signatures in Thunderbird emails, nothing has changed in recent years. Basically if it works with v7, it must work with v9 (Windows XP) and v11 as well. If there are issues with newer versions, please contact customer care to assist you with troubleshooting. As for performance issues, try pausing real-time protection and see if it makes a difference. If that doesn't help, try disabling HIPS and rebooting the computer. To start off, I'd need a Procmon log as well as ELC from the computer.
  23. I would strongly recommend contacting your local customer care so that the issue is properly tracked and you get accurate response in a timely fashion. It is important to know the brand and model of the phone as well as the version of Android and Parental Control.
  24. Actually there's no issue with the Carbonite sw, it merely acts as a catalyst. We are working on a fix on our part.
  25. What browser do you use? Did you try to use another one? If you use Firefox, enter "about:config" in the address bar and filter "security.ssl" with a list of algorithms. Please post a screen shot of that screen so that we can see what algorithms are enabled / disabled in the browser.
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