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ERA 6 Notifications - Format Issues

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Is there a way to change the format for email notifications?  It will only let me add the "%GENERATED_MESSAGE%" to the message body but the format is hard to understand at first glance.


It would be nice if you could format it like:


Source Machine: 


Time of Occurrence:



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I agree.  the %GENERATED_MESSAGE% variable is unreadable and almost useless.


For instance... the Source Machine data generates a name such as:  "e7da08bc-d9d4-4676-9db3-8a9f500fc023", which I can't even use the search feature within ERA6 Console to search.  "No Results".    


Are there other variables we can use?  Such as "%Computername%?

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  • Former ESET Employees

I have a workaround to get computer name from its UUID. This link is used for creating new task in ERA.


Replace your-era-hostname with your hostname and 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 with Source Machine(UUID) at the end. Click on TARGET tab and you should see name of the computer.

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  • 2 months later...

I am also looking for more %VARIABLES% - is there ANY documentation for these more complex configurations in ERA6?!  We seem to be spending a lot of time in ERA6 trying to figure out how to mirror our v5 environment so we can move into production.



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  • 1 month later...

I am also looking for more %VARIABLES% - is there ANY documentation for these more complex configurations in ERA6?!  We seem to be spending a lot of time in ERA6 trying to figure out how to mirror our v5 environment so we can move into production.




I also look for more Informations :(

%GENERATED_MESSAGE% could not be all!?


@ ESET Team:If you want, that some USers test your Software, provide more informations for us!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • ESET Moderators

Hello, I am sorry, there will not be any new variables in an upcoming release.

However, the developers are aware of the scenarios and would like to come up with some new features concerning this issue in the future.

Thank you.

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