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Dynamic Group Filters - Computer Type

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Hi, I am trying to create a dynamic group that only shows my desktop computers. I notcied that the computers with agents on them already show a little icon that says 'Desktop'. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a filter in the Dynamic Group creation that matches 'Desktops'. This seems like a basic filter that should be included.


Is there some way to create a dynamic group for Desktops and Laptops?


Thank you!

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It's not clear if you'd like to distinguish desktop computers from laptops by the CPU or what hw parameter you are missing in the list.

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I wanted to make a few dynamic groups. One for Workstations/Desktops and one for Laptops and one for Servers.


I was hoping this would be possible seeing as the computers tab on the Remote Admin console shows little icons on each computer with an agent marking it as 'desktop' or 'server', etc


Is there a way to make a dynamic group for only desktops or laptops?

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There is no way to create a dynamic group that would specify between Desktops and Laptops. The icons you see listed can be a number of the following:

  • Desktop
  • Virtual Machine (Agentless)
  • Mobile
  • Server
  • File Server
  • Mail Server
  • Gateway Server
  • Collaboration Server

There are also icons for the other ERA components such as the RDSensor, Proxy, and the Agent. At my company, the only laptops that we have are all Macbook Pros. If I wanted to create a STATIC group of only Laptops, I could make the filter as "Macbook Pro". How are the laptops connected in your company? Are they wired or wireless? If they're connected wirelessly, you could create a dynamic group assigned by IP address. That's how I have my three locations organized. Location1 ==; Location2 ==; Location3 ==


Otherwise, there isn't a distinct category available to distinguish between laptop and desktop.

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Ah bummer. I was hoping there would be categories. It seems kind of silly to have them categorized like that automatically but not have the ability to make a filter out of it. Like... half the work is already done.


Unfortunately my laptops are a mix of wired and wireless with my users coming and going quite frequently. I'm sure I'll figure some other kind of filter out.

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You could for example change the names of the laptops, for example , LT-NAME, and then you can create dynamic group, that for each computer name that starts with LT move to LAPTOP group?Or something like that

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  • 8 months later...

It's not clear if you'd like to distinguish desktop computers from laptops by the CPU or what hw parameter you are missing in the list.


Hi Marcos,


Please read from the SystemEnclosure and based on some simple logic work out if it's a Desktop, Laptop, or Other, this I expect is what other products do.


Our naming mask only works so much, as some of our companies (we're a group of companies) decided to name the computer by the asset tag (:facepalm:)



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