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Hi, I have noticed a blockage trying to visit a multi media installer website the other day.

Checking on eset cyber security pro, I found this virus quarantined 3 times.

Here is the log content

21/03/14 17:12:50 HTTP filter archive  hxxp:// www.connectmult imedia.com.au JS/Agent.NKW trojan connection terminated - quarantined 747john
21/03/14 17:11:51 HTTP filter archive hxxp:// www.connectmultimedia.c om.au     JS/Agent.NKW trojan connection terminated - quarantined 747john
21/03/14 17:11:16 HTTP filter archive hxxp:// www.connectmultimedia.co.au/hom e-page JS/Agent.NKW trojan connection terminated - quarantined 747john
I am doing a smart scan now, if negative, can I suppose it didn't spread into my computers, all Mac Mavericks V.10.9.3, all protected by Eset CP
Any information about this threat would be welcome, thanks, John
Edited by Marcos
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Hello John,


Those links need to be broken. Per the terms and rules of ESET's forums here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/76-rules-of-the-eset-security-forum/


#9 Do not post direct links to any executable files, malicious/suspicious software or web sites in public messages, even if you think the software or site is clean and incorrectly detected by ESET.  Break up the URL by inserting spaces into it, or replacing the protocol handler with an obfuscated one.


Unsuspecting people, especially users that are not protected by ESET and their products do not detect the trojan dropper that is being pushed out by that link according to ESET's detected threat.


If you have ESET installed, you can assume you did not get infected, as the threat is being detected.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is that, the same as my problem? If so, what can I do? And if not... can anyone help me then? Please. Thank you. It would really be appreciated. :)


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  • Administrators

Is that, the same as my problem? If so, what can I do? And if not... can anyone help me then? Please. Thank you. It would really be appreciated. :)


Discussion continues here.

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  • 7 months later...

You can either automatically or manually remove the Trojan.


The tools that may help:
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Removed links as we don't want to throw the kitchen sink at every infection people need help with. 
Posts that offers the manual removal guides:
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I removed these links as well because we'd like to continue to support ESET customers on the forum as opposed to link dropping them to another place on the internet. 
We appreciate your willingness to help, however in the future simply take the time to type out your solutions or theories for solutions as opposed to link bombing. 

Thanks!  :)
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