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Display Notifications also for incoming attacks against security holes and DNS Poisoning attack detection.

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I noticed the default setting for ENDPOINT FOR WINDOWS POLICY in ESMC, in the IDS section the item called "Display notifications also for incoming attacks against security holes"and "DNS Poisoning attack detection" items are unchecked. I have customer who is wanting details on why these two items are turned off and by turning them on would cause possible false detections? 

I have seen notices in ESMC about security exploits when it comes to things like SMB exploits and thought that referenced "Display notifications also for incoming attacks against security holes" .  Can anyone provided information on why these two items are not selected be default in the policy? 

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If a machine was accessible from the Internet, it could happen that notifications about exploitation attempts would continue to count on and would not stop. Network protection logs usually grow quite quickly in such cases.

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