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Policies - not working

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I wanted to show config of one policy defined a year ago. When i want to unfold Settings there is a program crash "Unexpected error"

with this message at the bottom"  Config engine error: parsererror (errorThrown: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 
in JSON at position 2795)

The problem is i have no idea when this happened. And it is not the only policy that crashed, it looks like policies created with older version of server software are not working.

When i create w new policy everything works fine, the problem is i spend a lot of time configuring it like i want, and now i can't even look  what was in there to recreate them.

Please help.


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  • ESET Staff

Could you please export the policies from your ERA, and send them to me via a private message? We will try to take a look internally to determine the cause. It might be related to changes in "Configuration Module". Please also provide me with the information about the currently used version of  the "Configuration Module". 

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  • ESET Staff

Please provide also version of "Translation module" as seen in Webconsole's about dialog, and also language you are using when logged into Webconsole. Could you also try whether it works for different language?

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello Dave,


we had an issue with the Policies in a specific language. 

It is fixed on Translation support module 1555.1, which has been released to update servers few moments ago for ERA6 release channel. 

ERA should download the update on next update attempt.


Regards, P.R.

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