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Everything posted by rugk

  1. But to say "it's the worst" you have to ask more of your cousins : Who, who is working at Apple. Who, who is working at Microsoft. Who, who is working at Oracle. Who, who is working at Mozilla. and so on...
  2. You should then mark that text as quote. I agree. Then it would be not such confusing.
  3. If you really want to use Internet Explorer and stop this ads you can also add a list of ads to the "tracking protection". E.g. you can add a list from AdBlock Plus. Here is the link: hxxp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=211592
  4. If you are a visitor of such sites , where this list can "popup"... And if maybe it won't be complete.
  5. By the way: @@JAMEWT (ESET member) You found this threat, post it here, said thanks to yourself and also said to yourself that you added detection? And after this all you praise yourself (ok or ESET)?! I think there is something wrong! Edit: BTW: You also reported another Cryptolocker here . Is it the same cryptolocker? Or do like to have a second sight a second time and say it will be added? Edit2: OK, I see it's a downloader for this cryptolocker...
  6. And now it's added (VSD 10224)! hxxp://www.virusradar.com/en/Win32_Filecoder.NCD/description
  7. hxxp://www.theverge.com/2014/8/6/5973729/the-problem-with-the-new-york-times-biggest-hack-ever But this currently only affects business users.1 Private users can already register here for free, but only only 30 days long (ca. until 2014-09-06)! 1: Link to site for business users: hxxp://www.holdsecurity.com/services/deep-web-monitoring/bns/ Source: hxxp://www.pcwelt.de/news/Russische_Hacker_erbeuten_1_2_Milliarden_Nutzernamen_und_Passwoerter-Groesster_Datendiebstahl_aller_Zeiten-8845314.html (German) automatic translation by Bing Translator
  8. @Super Enhanced Kakashi, I won't say more. It's useless. Thanks to SweX for this nice @-Name!
  9. I hope this is a joke.... Not only that. I believe the Whole list is a joke directed at the "I want more, the more the better" audience. I hope so.
  10. @SweX OK, if he don't want this changes! OK. Maybe I read too superficial...
  11. Yeah I agree foolish people want foolish features...they go hand in hand And you gave him kudo?!
  12. They are resolved to the same IP. So they could be: A) both faked and not from ESET or B) both original from ESET. And I think B is correct.
  13. At first this is the wrong forum to post this. (use the EMS forum instead) Edit: maybe a moderator can move this topic, please. And as I think you wanted to check your device on myESET, but you of course have to enable this on your device before. see this kb article: hxxp://kb.eset.de/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3279
  14. Yes it's a none issue really as both are safe, but people that use virusradar.com and are familiar with that domain may one day instead end up on virus-radar.com (or find it via a google search, or on another forum or similar) and might ask themselves if someone have created a fake website to look exactly like virusradar.com. Yes this was also my concern.
  15. Yeah, it's really not a big problem.
  16. Yeah, maybe. But they could also make a redirection from virus-radar.com to virusradar.com...
  17. OK. Cool! Can I also get the cup or the USB, please? If you let already ship one... This would be really nice! PS.: Before someone writes something stupid, please have a look at the name you gave Swex, Arakasi.
  18. Cool! And where do you got it? (both) ESET should open a fan shop. PS.: I also see an "ESET Wallet"... This is a nice realization of the from some users requested banking mode!
  19. Cool! Where do you got it? By the way: Is this USB also real or is it fake?
  20. You forget something... But it's easily to look it up... hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2711 (question 4) hxxp://kb.eset-la.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3475 Edit: @CB530 In the second kb article this information isn't displayed anymore, but in the first it is. Edit2: All corrected!
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