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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Last time i had to configure my own Quickbooks, which uses multi user as well as a pos system, i had to manually create my rules, the modes did not work from me. You must turn on "logging of all blocked operations" go to the Tools > Log Files > firewall section and document the incoming IP and any outgoing, and create rules based on what you see. I think some of my rules had the applications listed, but if i remember correctly, i just used the local IP and port, and nothing else.
  2. However if you have a current license you can use that for activation as well, its in the tray icon, right click and choose activate.
  3. Version 8 is BETA, it does not cost any money, and its a free trial for the duration of the beta period. I think you simply just register with your current e-mail address if you are installing it for the first time. No activation is really needed as far as licensing is concerned. Just through mail.
  4. Just to add findings to this inquiry. I stopped the current scan on 1 laptop in question, which found 10 threats, and cleaned 11 objects. I restarted the laptop, and when it logged into windows again, the Scheduler started another scan, similar to if it missed the First scan since i cancelled and stopped it. It now shows 39 threats found and 39 objects cleaned. So if i had to answer this myself. Even if the scanner was at 3% and the updates completed. My best course of action would be to stop the scan and start over, if i want it to adapt and start using the updated signatures. Am i right ? Thanks for reading. Maybe this can be a change or suggestion for future versions, unsure how hard this would be to code though.... Might have to code in a stop scan, start again, action, maybe as an optional feature when updated.
  5. Hello everyone, My question is directed at ESET staff about a common everyday occurrence i would like some guidance and assurance on. We all should know by now, that i am cleaning and repairing computers and systems on a daily basis. This goes in tandem with installing ESET Nod32 and Smart Security on customer/client machines as well. Every once in a while i will clean the computer, install ESET, and the program will start the "First Scan" before it has a chance to update. This is caused by sitting at the Finish form, or sitting at the activation form for long periods of time, before i have a chance to get back to the machine and enter the EAV credentials for activation. After activation is complete, the program will go out there and get the latest updates. However a scan will have already started. So my question is this . . . If a scan has already begun, and lets say it is at 35%, then the virus signature updates complete or download. Does the current running scan immediately adapt to the new signatures, or is it still using the old signature ?? Is my best bet at this very point to stop the scan, and restart it ? Or does it pick up the new nups during the scan as soon as they are done, essentially having the first 35% of files scanned with the old database, and the remaining 65% using the updates database ? Please reflect and pass this along to anyone that may know, as i would like to know the best course of action going forward in my daily activities/job. IT would be nice to know a definitive answer so i can control my work habits, whether it be stopping the scan where its at and starting over, or just letting it continue on through. The only reason i ask of this, is for workload as i am going through this everyday. Thanks ESET and anyone reading.
  6. I wonder how many malware writers would attempt to sneak scripts that will launch in under 10 seconds though, especially if we discussed it here on the forum.
  7. I agree that the update should be delayed like you guys are stating, however..... In scheduler you can add events like, "Upon update failure, try again..... and again....." These are similar to Tasks in windows. I could also suggest that maybe ESET should just code in the multiple attempts at updating upon failure to the default updates ?? What do you guys think ?
  8. Alright, that makes sense, but what good does it do to try so quickly only to have it fail because the network card is not fully ready only to have it then not try again for the default 60 minute regular automatic update interval. A lot more could happen in those 60 minutes than would happen in the 6-8 seconds longer you'd be waiting for the network to be ready. -- bc Not all network controllers are slow ... Most should keep up, but there are some that are 50mbps lol
  9. Fairness has been used in the utmost completeness on this topic. We have expressed several reasons, not for us, but for the ESET user base why this is not the direction we would like the company to go in. Staff has also expressed their hesitation to move in the discussed direction. The toolbars and extensions for web trusting is already out there in the thousands for people to use. The basic principles and reasons why ESET should go in this direction have ALSO NOT BEEN GIVEN. The answer " Because 8 others use it " is minimal at best in selling the reason to start. As Aryeh stated, they look for reasons to why they should take such actions, and only move on them when it really is a feature or direction they would like to see added or given to users. Saying that ESET doesn't add new features is also not true. ESET has added a plethora of features based on customer requests. I am sure Aryeh could make a list for us that was customer request and not internal decision if he remembers them all of the top of his head. I don't know about Comodo forums, but i had a sales engineer contact me directly at my office begging for us to be resellers of Comodo Endpoint, after telling him i already sell ESET to my customers, he said ESET sucks. That kind of professionalism will make me stay away for good. I will continue selling ESET to all my clients, HOME and BUSINESS ! I like Swex post above, it made me contrast as well.
  10. Also i have discovered if you're selecting applications, you must choose ie 32-bit and ie-64bit if running on a 64bit OS and the application has both versions. At the bare minimum you have to do this with IE, hence the reasons its better not to select an app and just use the port alone.
  11. Hello, If you go to a different country then the one you purchased your mobile with, most carriers do not allow you to enter a new SIM without a mobile unlock code. You have to call your carrier and request an unlock code to allow a different SIM to work. Usually your carrier will lock down your phone if you don't enter the correct unlock code. I don't know of any feature through ESET Mobile Security that LOCKS the phone without sending the code yourself to lock down the phone in-case of being stolen. Without a SIM at all, you can uninstall EMS completely by entering your EMS Password of the device you setup yourself. I am not saying you are wrong, but this post is suspicious in nature. I would stand-by for support staff or moderator to assist you in this matter. It would be better to contact ESET directly by phone or contact your local distributor. Keep in mind ESET's normal business hours are Monday-Friday, and closed on the weekends. Good luck leo, and sorry for your troubles.
  12. You can also code a js, vbs, or batch to move even quicker to distribute or launch a malicious payload into changing registry items or replace drivers, services etc, etc. There is a huge reason why ESET updates so quickly to grab what potentially could be an update to a recently malicous distributed file and how to neutralize it. Dare i ask why we have an option to manually update our definitions in the event of failure ?
  13. Who knows, maybe in the future ESET may provide a Chrome/Firefox/IE browser add on/extension similar to WOT for Smart Security when they feel like it is necessary. For now at least, the idea has now been mentioned and quite well discussed. Exactly, end of story. Anyone is quite welcome to go use those other products, especially if they are so hard up for the features they provide.
  14. He is leaving eset for good ? leaving the eset forum ? or leaving eset out of his testing ? Sounds like he uses a lot of AV's if he is a tester. Leaving lots of candy for eset for good ? Im confused ?
  15. In addition, i would exclaim that if ESET started down the path in question, they would essentially remove attention from the program and have to start managing the browser plug-in. Hiring new employees is not the way to handle this, because the current staff already is exceptional, how do we know these new developers are going to be as good as the current ones ? How much time and money and energy would be spent to get them on the same level ? Its not like hiring 1 individual, have him shadow, and learn the policies, you would need to hire a team of people. I agree with the other responses that ESET already has a form of web protection, and if you can give a clear reason why ESET should follow everyone else, with browser plug-ins, i will listen. Stating that 8 other vendors do it, so ESET should fall in line, is exactly why ESET is NOT grouped with those other vendors. ESET makes smarter decisions and that is why ESET has had 500% growth and has been moving ahead of the competition. This is why ESET is the world's No 1 in consecutive VB100 awards and holds the most, this is why ESET has more Advanced+ awards in performance and retrospective tests than any other vendor, which no one has been able to match to date. I don't care if every once in a while one of the other vendors, like Bitdefender or whoever else has landed on a better score than ESET. They will never keep it up, because they make flip flop decisions and copy other vendors. ESET has picked a design, a way of doing things, and they have stuck with it, not letting any outside source effect their goals and plans to stray or switch. Have a super day !!
  16. You sure are being stubborn and selfish to your Googleness. FYI its not going to be the same addon in firefox as it is in google, they will have to make two different types to cater 1 to chrome, and 1 for firefox. It isnt going to be cross-platform. However if you dont want to, dont just constantly post links out of here and create additional posts to 1 single addon, thats not what i asked. I can do all that on my own, however it will take me weeks as i have a life and job. You are the one with the suggestion. Here is a format to follow now: Avast - Online Security (link) Avira - Browser Safety AVG - Secure Search From this list we can really contrast and compare and just search for the addons you are speaking about. If you want to be generalized as you are, then that is also fine, however I will have no interested in trying to get on your side, level, see your point of few etc, im just going to disagree because you dont want to put time and effort into convincing and professionaly giving your point of view. Your just saying, make a browser addon like the rest LOL!! I dont mind taking the time looking at all these addons and testing them out and then agreeing with you, or totally disagreeing, but im not going to hunt for them and guess that i have the right one(s)? Dont all these addons each do something different ? Or are they seriously all the same and do the same thing ? This would be entering my point of view. Why not just use one of those coupled with ESET? Why does ESET need to make one if they are all the same or etc etc etc. I hope you get my side now though, respectfully. Yes i know its just a suggestion, but i like to come to conslusions on some of the suggestions that are posted here, sometimes. Best regards,
  17. ESET two factor authentication is a very nice handy tool that will increase your users security when logging in and out of social media sites, bank sites, and pretty much any time they are utilizing IIS or active online logins. Deslock in short terms is like Bitlocker , Pointsec , Truecrypt (expired, decommissioned) However it has many more benefits from a network perspective as it comes with a central management system which can be installed on a server; then the encryption can be deployed to multiple endpoints etc. You can also use it as a standalone piece to perform FDE as well as protect mobiles and devices that will not be residing on a network in a permanent basis, however they can receive changes and updates through the Deslock management console as they check back into home or back into the network. Deslock+ As far as it increasing the security of server, it will do this on several fronts. The main are: 1. It will prevent encryption malware from executing and completing on your server or network drives. 2. If someone decides to steal your server, or the drives, it will protect your data there as well. 3. Deslock also has forms of folder and file encryption so you can encrypt certain directories to keep internal systems from accessing as well as outside sources. Feel free to click my deslock link in sig to learn much much more about Deslock. In addition i have attached a screen shot to show you what the interface is like on a workstation and get a feel for what it offers.
  18. Okay, well so far, i only have this to say, even though i still plan to research the individual addons. I don't use Google chrome, and i never will. My cousin works there and i know a high amount of the inner workings. ESET can't target only chrome users. It's unfair.
  19. Just vendor names. Do you have the corresponding tool / addon to list with them you are referring to ? Ex: I think AVG's is AVG Secure Search ?? Am i right ? What of the rest...
  20. Hello, Which 8 anti virus companies ? Please list them, i would love to clarify and reflect on the chosen as well as their comparison to ESET and whether are not i find them personally decent products. This of course is a request, not a demand, you dont have to, but to continue the conversation to the next level would be enjoyable, and i dont want you to feel we are cutting you off. A suggestion is simply that, a suggestion; and we love to talk about them here round and round. Please include vendor and the addon/extension name for research
  21. It is not your job. You are a YouTube malware tester like all the others. You test malware in a VM and think you understand everything. In addition, many things come into play: 1. type of malware 2. language it is written in 3. java installed, flash installed, windows updates applied or none used 4. versions of browsers used if its a web threat 5. are you executing properly 6. are the settings in the products correctly configured 7. are the architecures that the malware is targetting correct 8. are third party platform libraries installed (C++ redist. .net , etc etc) I could go on and on . . . but its apparent now. . .
  22. hxxp://youtu.be/zXELhrQ83vU C'mon Andy, your turn. :lol: Pass this along . . .
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