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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. What error do you mean? Because this topic is about the clash with Windows Defender but you've mentioned firewall.
  2. The solution was to exclude the folder in which large html logs are generated.
  3. It sounds like a packer / protector. Advanced heuristics emulates any code and Advanced memory scanner scans already unpacked code in memory upon execution so there's a very good chance that you are protected with ESET agains malware packed with this tool. If you have more info about it, such as a download link, drop me a pm.
  4. Microsoft appears to have fixed the issue in the mean time so you shouldn't have issues with older builds of Endpoint either.
  5. To start off, please drop me a pm with the zip archive generated by ELC attached. For instructions how to collect logs with ELC, see the appropriate link in my signature.
  6. It appears that Microsoft has updated Defender and it no longer clashes with ESET.
  7. It appears that Microsoft has updated Defender and it no longer clashes with ESET.
  8. The logs appear to be ok. Please also do the following: - In the advanced setup -> Tools -> Diagnostics, enable advanced firewall logging - Reboot the computer. - If the network protection status is red, generate a dump of ekrn under Tools -> Diagnostics -> Create (dump). - Disable logging - Collect logs with ELC as per the instructions linked in my signature, upload the generated zip file to a safe location and pm me a download link.
  9. Please check the Diagnostics folder. If it contains dumps, upload them to a safe location and provide a download link.
  10. When network protection is red and the Windows Firewall service is running, please carry on as follows: - download the tool ftp://ftp.nod.sk/support/tools/EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe - run it several times with admin rights as follows and provide me with all 5 logs : EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe /print > log1.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe /unreg > log2.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe /print > log3.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe /reg > log4.txt EpfwWfpRegV10.1.1.exe /print > log5.txt - try running "fsutil resource setautoreset true c:" with admin rights and rebooting the computer
  11. Does temporarily disabling protection make a difference?
  12. You should have received a username/password along with the activation key in an email after purchase. You normally don't use the u/p any more unless you use older ESET products and the u/p is downloaded and imported automatically during activation. However, to test the download of update files you need to enter the u/p. If you can't find it, drop me a pm with your license key and I'll pm you your u/p.
  13. Are you able to download http://update.eset.com/eset_upd/v10/update.ver in a browser after entering your username/password? Please install Wireshark and capture the network communication during an attempt to update and provide me with the generated log.
  14. Please contact your local Customer care for assistance. Create a Process Monitor boot log and collect logs with ELC as per the instructions in my signature, upload them to a safe location and provide them to customer care. Also drop me a pm with download links so that I can check the logs myself.
  15. iOS is a closed system with no option to integrate a 3rd party antivirus. The application that we offer fo iOS is intended for remote management of iOS, it's not antivirus.
  16. Dynamic groups are evaluated by agent on clients. Static groups created by synchronization with AD can also be assigned desired policies or tasks.
  17. You could check the latest records in trace.log for information if upgrade of the ERA Server is still in progress.
  18. Does the same error occur if you attempt to install the latest Endpoint 6.5.2107 (with a fix to avoid clash with Defender) locally on the machine? Before install, collect logs with ELC as per the instructions in my signature. Next I'd recommend running the ESET Uninstall tool in safe mode to insure that ESET is fully removed. Then create install logs as per the instructions here as well as a Process monitor log from the install. If the install fails, provide me with the logs for perusal.
  19. We use yara rules in ESET Threat Intelligence. By the way, do you feel that ESET does not excel in detection of malware? If so, please drop me a pm with a list of hashes of undetected malware that works but is not detected by ESET. According to my personal observation, it's often other vendors who add detection after ESET.
  20. First of all, pre-release engine and module updates are not beta updates. Modules that we put on pre-release servers have been thoroughly tested, passed QA and usually also been already deployed to hundreds of production machines within ESET for some time. As for the issue with network modules, if the Windows Firewall service is installed and running and the problem persists, also try running the following command and restarting the computer to clear transaction logs: fsutil resource setautoreset true c:
  21. Does the problem persist after uninstalling ESET and installing the latest version from scratch with default settings? Did you upgrade from v3 or v4 to Endpoint v6 or it was a clean install?
  22. You should be able to save the email in your email client as an eml or msg file and then attach it to a personal message.
  23. I'd strongly recommend installing the latest Endpoint 6.5.2107 unless you have already disabled Windows Defender via group policy for instance. With older versions of Endpoint, concurrent activation of ESET's real-time protection and Windows Defender real-time protection could clash and render the system unresponsive, or ESET install to fail when attempting to start the ekrn service. If installed manually, selecting Retry would eventually complete the install in 5-10 minutes.
  24. Please be more specific as to what script you mean and what you would like to achieve. A list of ESET's binaries is listed above and help for a particular command can be displayed by running the command with the --help parameter if I remember correctly.
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