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Eset Mobile Security

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Hi guys,


Guess I am starting off this area with a first post.  This is Trooper from Wilders Security Forums by the way.  Thanks for informing us in a timely manner about the move away from Wilders.


My question is a quick one.  Currently, Eset Mobile Security only uses SMS commands to locate a lost or stolen device.  (I am speaking about the Android version), not sure how other mobile OS function with your product.


Anyway, this can be cumbersome and also a bit frustrating, since normally I am not next to or near the friends and family members who are authorized to send the SMS locate command. 


I am curious if you plan to move to a web based interface to send locate and lock commands via a web browser as some other av vendors products operate which are also on the play store.


Second, I also find it cumbersome to be prompted for all of the passwords just navigating through the software.  Can something be done to mitigate this?  Maybe just add one master password?



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Hello Trooper



It is a good suggestion Trooper. Personally I think it should be, like you said, possible to manage/control , and as you also write, " to send locate and lock commands via a web browser . It could be done by using the website " myeset.com. That will mean of course , that users of Eset mobile security, will have to have access to myeset.com too. Your suggestion, for a master password, is super Trooper. :-))


Regards, Janus







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  • Former ESET Employees

Welcome Trooper! Good to see you here. (You too Janus! I see you replied as I've been typing)

To answer your first question, yes there are plans to integrate EMS with my.eset.com in future versions. I can't give an ETA on when this will happen but I know it's in the works.

I will look into your second question. Anyone else here can feel free to jump in if they already have some insight on it. I know future versions will have an improved and more user-friendly interface. That should help some. On the password side, I'll echo something @Aryeh Goretsky said previously,


I would love to have a single-sign-on option as well, however, that would be a very long-term project as there's still lots of work to be done with the existing web services (knowledgebase, my.eset.com, We Live Security, VirusRadar, CRM systems, licensing and so forth). I think we'll get there, one day, but there's still a large amount of work to be done on all the various web properties before we can "glue" them together with a middleware layer for SSO.

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  • ESET Insiders

Thanks Janus, appreciate your backup!


Hi dwomack!  Thanks for the response.  I hope that this can be achieved within a reasonable timeframe.  If I had beta tested  your existing product I would have been like stop the presses!  You must have this in your program!  Or something like that.  ;)


Appreciate the response once again. Hope that when the time comes, if you would like, feel free to hit me up for beta testing!





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  • ESET Staff

Hello Trooper,


not sure if this is what you wanted with your second topic regarding the password request for each and every section. You may set up the password being asked only at specific settings.

To do so, open EMS, go to "Password" and then click on the Tab "Apply To" and select the parts of the product you actually need PW protected.


But, as introduced, I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for and additionally in EMS 2 it will be more "hassle-free" ;)



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