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Recent update breaks sharepoint doc opening with contacting server message

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I'm running version 6.x of the server side and a recent update breaks opening office documemts from sp 2013, confirmed by uninstalling the client, disable didn't help

At least one other case of this has been reported elsewhere

Is there a fix?

Excel will say contacting server and get stuck


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We've had to exclude our SP server IP completely from Protocol Filtering under "Web and Email". We've had to do that ever since V6, otherwise we had the symptoms you describe.


EDIT I just found my original post:



Edited by jimwillsher
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We've been reported this issue and our engineers will look into it. As a temporary workaround, exclude your Sharepoint server's IP address from protocol filtering as suggested by jimwillsher. 

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  • Administrators

The issue should be fixed as of version 1227 of the Internet protection module which should be available on pre-release update servers soon.

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Curious question for everyone..


Given how this one update affected one service on a local domain.. maybe this is a stupid question, but would it make sense to blanked exclude all local servers with key services (exchange, sql etc) from the web and protocol filtering, or perhaps that opens up too many holes?

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This is the case with our site as well. Sharepoint, whilst trying to open Word, or Excel, sits there "downloading". THANK YOU for the post, I've blown a week trying to figure this out. First option of course, was turning off protection. Since that didn't work, we ruled ESET out. THANKS AGAIN! Hopefully a fix released SOON.

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