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Where are the "detections"????


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After a computer scan we are presented with a list containing hundreds of item which ESET couldn't scan for a reason or another and a list with detected items ( not a list but a number)

Now the user has to comb through all items in the list (in yellow) to find what was detected.


Why is not presented in red the detected items????


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Move the horizontal slider to the right so that you can see the end of incompletely displayed log lines.

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2 hours ago, Marcos said:

Move the horizontal slider to the right so that you can see the end of incompletely displayed log lines.

I can see the "log lines" completely, but rather than combing line by line  to see which one is a "detection" , isn't easier to have detentions in RED ?

Or group them on the beginning or end of the log?

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You can apply a filter. Red are unhandled / uncleaned detections, yellow are handled / cleaned detections.

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See here for example ; the detection is buried in yellow in the log. I had to go line by line to figure-out which is the detection.

Simply , should have been in red or at the end of the log , after the message "Number of detection:1"


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As already mentioned, you can apply a filter to hide unimportant records, e.g.:

Filter off:

Filter on:


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Hello Marcos,

Thank you for your answer, but if the product is designed for "home users" shouldn't be such complicated to:

  • see what has been detected (apply filters, how many regular PC users know to "apply filters" ???)
  • see where the "exclusions" are ( in "advanced setup" , between "Real Time protection" and "Advanced Options"????)
  • see what is in Quarantine.
  • see when was the last update

ESET is a perfect example where over-engineering a product brings it to be borderline dysfunctional.




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On 6/26/2022 at 1:12 PM, Marcos said:

As already mentioned, you can apply a filter to hide unimportant records, e.g.:

Filter off:

Filter on:


Maybe red should be for cleaned and uncleaned to make it easier or a separate colour?

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Handled detections are printed in yellow across all ESET products, including business products, ESET PROTECT and ESET Inspect detections / alarms. In red are unhandled detections which require user's / admin's attention.

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