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Future changes to ESET PROTECT (formerly ESET Security Management Center / ESET Remote Administrator)

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Hello @Chris Jones - Boyd Company,

our implementation is not using functionality affected by this vulnerability so it is safe to be used.
The affected library will be replaced with the fixed version in the future releases.


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On 12/3/2021 at 10:04 AM, ServiceTechnique said:

Alpine Linux is not yet supported by ESET so I can't install the ESET PROTECT Agent on it.

I have an SSL error even if I have one of the latest openssl version on it

OpenSSL> version
OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021

Can you please add Alpine Linux as a supported OS for the ESET PROTECT Agent ?

That would be great 


+1 for this!


alpine is one of the more lightweight distro of linux and runs with lots os services, 
will be good to have it working on alpine linux distros

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  • 4 weeks later...

Feature request: Please add a filter for description of computer

Its needed for dynamic group filtering. Actual there is only some Hardware details description. 
If the computer description can used, there will the possibility to sort and take some automatic actions.



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In this day and age of account compromises and the like the need for passwordless sign on is great.  For example, using PIV cards to auth end users and admins are a must if you don't want anyone to know their passwords and to increase the difficulty of obtaining user credentials.  That said, I would like to see the On-Prem solutions support AD-FS or PIV/SmartCard login.  I have been hardening my internal network to prevent pass the hash and other similar attacks.  We use Eset Protect and have it synced to AD and I would rather not use a service account and password to auth.  For non-azure AD setups AD-FS would be best.  I am also in the process of configuring all of our internal systems for SSO as well.  Would love to see this implemented.


Thank you

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  • 2 months later...

Description: In the Peer Certificates section "# OF USING CLIENTS" does not display accurate information for ESET Inspect Certificate.

Detail: The display should enumerate for the usage of the ESET Inspect server, just as ESET Protect server server certificate displays usage count. This is beneficial to identify which certificate is currently in use and especially in the event that there are more than one certificate of the same type. This feature does not appear to work in any version of ESET Protect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Description: When running the uninstallation task there is an option for "Uninstallation parameters"

Detail: Can we please change the "Uninstallation parameters" line when running an uninstall from the protect server to "Uninstallation Password" since the only "Uninstallation parameters" are "PASSWORD=", at least from what Sue E. has confirmed for me through support chat.

Edited by skello
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Description: 'Installed software" table/report - split and group by computer name, "Installation date" column


  • When generating a report that utilized the "Installed software" table, instead of creating one large table containing all the installed software sorted in a certain way inside the document, I'd like to see an option to split the table, grouping them by the computer name.
  • Additionally, I think adding the "Installation date" column would be a great idea. The column would show the installation date in which a certain program has been installed.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Description: Policy comparison

Detail: We need the possibility to compare different policies to see the configured differences (within the same product and cross product (e.g. Server Security <-> Antivirus)). if you have multiple policies because of different exlcusions, it is getting harder to impossible to track the differences. Another solution to this would be an export to human readable XML to be able to compare it.


Description: Export Policy to human readable XML or PDF

Detail: For documentation purpose we would need the possibility to export the policy either in XML or PDF.



Description: Dynamic group templates identifiers not case sensitive

Detail: the identifiers for dynamic groups should be case insensitive.


Description: Reporting possibilities: installed Product, pattern version, last connecteddate

Detail: It's currently not possible to create reports with all necessary infos in one report. There should be the possibilitiy to create reports with computername, FQDN, IP, Installed Agent Version, Installed AV Product Version, Pattern version, last connected date 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Description: Display more informations on Firewall Rule View like in previous Version of ESET PROTECT

Detail: With the GUI Upgrade of ESET PROTECT 10.1.X the Firewall Rules View in the Portal was "modernized". A lot of useful informations like Port,Remote-Source, Application Path are not displayed anymore. 
This makes it nearly impossible to have an overview whats going on, especially with svchost.exe Rules created by Learning Mode.


All the details are missing in new Version:



Solution: Show colums as before or give the possibility to customize colums



Description: Add ability to export/import Firewall Rules or complete policies

Detail: When working with learning mode and requested configurations, it would be extremly useful to to have the ability to export selected Firewall Rules and import them later in a policy.
The current "Convert to Policy" function is also not useful because you need to disable all other settings one-by-one, just to have the Firewall Rules. This is a lot of work as in this example:


The ability to disable ALL settings already on the "sidebar" would be useful too.

Generally it would be great, as already requested by others, to export/import a configuration in a human readable format like XML. Then I could simply delete the unneeded Configurations.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Most Valued Members

Description:  Bundled-configuration/file/certificates for migration to new server.


Detail: Currently migrating to a new server is a confusing mess.  Perhaps future ESET PROTECT servers can have an option to gather all necessary configurations/files/certificates into one bundle that can be imported into the new server.  This of course means that the old server and the new server must be running the same version (or binary compatible) of ESET PROTECT.  (i.e.  cannot migrate from ESMC to ESET PROTECT)




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  • 1 month later...
  • Administrators
3 minutes ago, BCI Foods said:

We would like to have the option to force a reboot after an ESET software installation task is complete. Not just reboot if needed. Thank you!

When creating a software install task, there is an option to reboot the machine while not allowing the user to cancel or postpone the reboot:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Description: Show all module infos from agents in ESET Protect

Detail: We need the possibility to see all versions of all modules of all ESET Products on  connected agents (clients/servers), e.g. the HIPS support module. 


Description: possibility to enforce communication from agent

Detail: We need a possibility to enforce the communication from the agent to the ESET Protect console from the agent. A wake-up call via EPNS will not work, as we are not allowing the clients to be connected to the internet.  

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  • 2 months later...

Description: Allow ESET Bridge Policy to edit/change Log Directory.

Detail: ESET Bridge v. Changing the Cache Directory is a great feature, however at the moment there is no way to change the Log Directory. Editing the pkgid file as a workaround will revert back to default C drive once the service is restarted, policy is refreshed or server rebooted. Another feasible option could be to change the installation directory for ESET Bridge. This is particularly useful in the event that the primary drive is not as large as other storage drives or is running low on space.


Kind regards,

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  • 2 months later...

Description: Advanced/Granular Database Cleanup Options.

Detail: Currently in ESET Protect On-Prem, there are only 4 timeframe options for database log cleanup.  It would be nice if there were more advanced options, such as individual time frames for different detections (ie, being able to trim firewall logs to a couple days vs blocked files/sites to a month vs antivirus detections to months or years).  Or trimming of performance logs (which we had over 5m of these) differently than other logs.  For companies that have to keep long periods of some logs but not others, this would help us keep these while cleaning out others and keeping the database at a manageable size.

Edited by SunnyJ
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  • 4 months later...

Description: Ability to synchronize URL block lists with txt files accessible on HTTPS websites.

Detail: Currently we need to manually download an URL block list from the national website (https://hole.cert.pl/domains/v2/domains.txt) and then import it to the base policy. It would be really helpful to have an option to set the address list to given source and download it either based on policy to every machine through proxy or download with PROTECT on-prem server and update the policy in set intervals. The government recommendation for best case scenario is to update the block list every 5 minutes and that's currently the problematic part for us.

Edited by Arko
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